
Utilitarian Analysis: Essay


Added on  2021-02-19

13 Pages4241 Words88 Views
Political Science
Should Australian manufacturers sellweapons to countries accused of warcrimes
Utilitarian Analysis: Essay_1

Table of ContentsEssay Part 1......................................................................................................................................31. Utilitarian analysis..................................................................................................................32. Kantian analysis......................................................................................................................43. Additional theory description..................................................................................................5Deontological Theory..................................................................................................................54. Reference list...........................................................................................................................6Essay Part 2......................................................................................................................................75. Additional theory application..................................................................................................76. Theory extension.....................................................................................................................87. Conclusion...............................................................................................................................98. Reference list.........................................................................................................................10
Utilitarian Analysis: Essay_2

Essay Part 11. Utilitarian analysisUtilitarian analysis is one of the well known and influential theory which depicts thatwhether actions are ethically right or wrong. It depends upon the effects or result of actions takenby individuals. Utilitarian people believes that the main purpose is to make individuals life betterby doing goods things and reducing bad things. Every act must posses utility in order to beaccepted by society and is helping or making life of people better. There should be a positive andeffective outcomes for society then only any act can be considered under theory of utilitarian(Mill, 2016). According to this theory, it has been concluded or identified that Australianmanufacturers should sell weapons if it will create positive environment and cause morehappiness than harm (Barrow, 2015). On the basis of this theory, selling weapons to thosecountries who are accused of war crimes only if it will create benefits to the society instead ofharm to them. It has been said that, if Australian companies sell weapons to those countries whoare accused in war crime might create negative and harmful effect on individuals. According tothe point of view of Dylan Welch, Kyle Taylor, Rebecca Trigger, 2019, it has been said thatFederal Government is under the fire in order to grant licence to a Canberra company whichexport weapon system destined for Saudi Arabia. It is the country which is torture human beingsand cause negativity within the country. With the help of overall observation clearly specifiesthat Australian companies should restrict themselves from selling or providing war weapons toSaudi Arabia and other nations who are highly indulged into criminal activity that may also leadto war among two or more nations (Banks, 2018).Including this, there are a range of aspects on which this analysis could effectively beproduced and these are society, perspective and shareholders and all of these are describedunderneath considering the case based on Utilitarian:Society : Considering the present case study, where Australian weapon manufacturesshould or should not sell their developed weapons to countries accused of war crimes like Syria,Saudi Arabia, Geneva and many more. Basically, what utilitarian theory says that every singlemodification within life, whether it is related to daily life or for other perspectives has been builtfor betterment of the society. This is something that could be considered as something on which,every single Australian weapon manufacturing company and other firms has carried as their
Utilitarian Analysis: Essay_3

thought while developing weapons. Therefore, for betterment Australian weapon manufacturescould sell their weapons to other nations. But, if it is thought in a different way whereperspective of war crime countries has been to Wilful killing, or causing great suffering orserious injury to body or health then this theory cannot be utilised, because these nations hasalready breached conventions of many countries and utilised weapons against the society.Perspective : War crime countries has kept their perspective of wilful killing andsupported terrorism over the years. But, then also there are many countries that came out of theseperceptions and has not been any sort of war crime situations. Therefore, it cannot be clearly saidthat if Australian manufacturers should directly sell the lethal weapons to these nations or not.Considering the utilitarian theory. Where it is mandatory for every single aspect to be acceptedby society and is helping or making life of people better. In order to build these countries muchmore secured enough for the future, Australian weapon manufacture could sell their weapons onthe basis of contract, that if these weapons are going to be utilised for any terrorist attack or withany Willful killing then they could call war against them or may take any sort of actions.2. Kantian analysisIt refers to a theory which is mainly determined by the principles and duties of anindividual but does not depend upon the consequences or result of the actions taken by them.Under this theory, main focus is on the intentions of actions which is taken by individuals. Thisactivity basically focuses on intention and not ultimate action, reason behind this it is importantthat there has to be an ethical intention behind the action. There are sometimes such situations inreal world, when actual outcome may be considered as unethical but then also action as a wholewill be considered ethical. Reason being is that, this action is having an ethical intention which isenough to make whole act ethical, lawful and justifiable. It is the theory which is mainly basedon the point of view that only internal good things create value and good will. It has also beenidentified that it refers to a form of ethics where ethical actions are considered only it producespositive results or consequences. Kant has led emphasis on some rules which are universally applied and he also said thateveryone has right to receive equal treatment, as ethical actions are those which apply toeveryone. Moreover, in context with Australian Manufacturers, this theory is appropriatelyapplied as under:Duty and Respect for Moral Law:
Utilitarian Analysis: Essay_4

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