
Simulation for Signal Corporation Issues 2022


Added on  2022-10-12

8 Pages1140 Words8 Views
Simulation for Delta/Signal Corporation 1
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Simulation for Signal Corporation Issues 2022_1

Simulation for Delta/Signal Corporation 2
Strategy Simulation for Delta/Signal Corporation
Challenges, Strategy Initiatives, and Balanced Scorecard
The issues/challenges were communicated to me via two avenues. First the chairperson of the board of
directors, Rachel Weber mentioned to me four critical issues with regard to market competitiveness, share
price performance, elevated raw material and production costs. Lastly, she mentioned that the current
year’s revenue figures were below what was observed in the past two years. The second avenues was a
through the comparative financial statements and market share analysis. The two sources of information
aided with the formulation of strategy initiatives that would allow Delta/Signal Corporation to realize
optimal performance as across all areas; production, product innovation, employee satisfaction/efficiency,
and competitive advantage in the market (Robert and Norton 2005). In order to effectively address all the
issues recognized in the competitive summary and comparative data a balance scorecard approach was
employed. The Balanced Scorecard was used because many of the problems associated with Delta/Signal
Corporation are related to intangible assets that cannot be effectively measured using financial means.
Therefore, a Balance Scorecard allows us to measure a given intangible asset i.e. customer loyalty to
ensure that it meets the expected performance standard. Moreover, a Balance Scorecard ensures that
improvements are made to all areas evenly. This equality in optimization ensures that improve to one
problem area does not come at the expense of any other business area/aspect (Kaplan 2011).
Simulation Analysis
During the simulation, the first thing that was evident was the two entries that were chosen for segment
and strategy. The simulation focused on the luxury segment and customer integration strategy. Therefore,
all financial, customer, internal process, and learning & growth incentives had to be sensitive to the
segment and strategy being dealt with. The next thing to recognize during the simulation process is the
Simulation for Signal Corporation Issues 2022_2

Simulation for Delta/Signal Corporation 3
estimated value of each objective relative to its specific metric. As such, the estimate value for all the
objectives combined had to total the allotted budget of $25 million. Once all these provisions fell within
the permitted limits the next step was to plot a feasible strategy map that will act as the guiding force for
the strategy simulation for Delta/Signal Corporation. The Strategy map indicated below shows that the
number for objectives per incentive (e.g. financial) range between four and six in number. The crucial
aspects of the strategy map are the arrows and the direction in which they move from one objective to the
next and from one incentive to the next (e.g. financial to customer).
Simulation for Signal Corporation Issues 2022_3

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