
Situational Leadership Theory Assignment


Added on  2020-03-16

11 Pages2790 Words45 Views
Leadership Management
Running head: SITUATIONAL LEADERSHIP THEORYSituational Leadership TheoryName of the Student:Name of the University:Author Note:
Situational Leadership Theory Assignment_1

1SITUATIONAL LEADERSHIP THEORYAnswer 1:The case study shows that Raphael uses a combination of legitimate politicalbehaviour and reward power. Raphael got promoted as the boss of Barry and thought itlegitimate to take credit for the performances of the later. He started taking credit for theirperformances because thought as a superior he could take credit of their efficiency.Northouse (2015), states that superiors in the workplaces use their power and influence totake credit for their followers’ performances. They misuse their power to suppress theirlegitimate ownership of performances, which actually belongs to their subordinates. As far asRaphael is concerned, he usurps the credit of his followers to gain appraisal and promotionsin the eyes of the apex management. Johnson (2017) points out that leaders should use theirpowers and influence to bring about career development of both their subordinates andthemselves. One can point that the case study bears no evidence of Raphael taking initiativesto empower his subordinates or providing them with training. However, he usurps theirperformances to gain his own promotions and career development. Thus, one can point thatRaphael uses rewards power to gain higher organisational position (Gerber et al. 2016). Thisgaining of promotions would in turn give him power to usurp the performances of hissubordinates and exploit them. Thus, it can be inferred that Raphael uses legitimate andrewards power while leading his subordinates. Answer 2:Barry should complain about the misuse of power by Raphael and usurping hisperformances to gain his own promotions. He should complain to his skill level manager andhis senior bosses about this illegitimate use of power by Raphael so that he could highlighthis own performances before the higher management. The top management would be awareof the performances of Barry which would earn him the due promotions and recognition for
Situational Leadership Theory Assignment_2

2SITUATIONAL LEADERSHIP THEORYhis performances. This would also reveal legitimate but unethical actions of Raphael, whichwould allow the higher authorities to take steps against him. Barry should complain to his skip level manager and to the higher authorities againstthe misuse of power and position by Raphael. He should approach the skip level manager andthe senior managers confidentially and ensure that they confide with him so as not to revealhis identity to Raphael. Barry must substantiate his claim of high performance worth ofrecognition by facts and statistics proving his high level of performances. These figures andfacts would help him to prove his efficiency more, strongly which would ensure him the duerecognition for his performances. Barry could use politicking as a power tactic to highlight his own performancesbefore the apex management and his skip level boss. There are five politicking strategies,which Barry can consider to prevent Raphael from usurping his due credits for performances.The first approach is developing amicable and friendly image, the second approach is toappear indispensible while the third approach consist of developing coalitions. The fourthapproach is to assert his own claim to his performance and lastly, gain support from higherauthorities. It appears that Barry had shared great understanding with Raphael in the past butcould not approach him now due to his higher position of the latter. Thus, the tactic ofbuilding relationship with Raphael was not feasible. The second approach is to appearindispensible before the management. The case study shows that Barry was an efficientemployee and hence he can use the high performance of his to appear indispensible before hisemployer. The third approach consists of making coalition with fellow employees, whichmay attract Raphael’s attention. Hence, this approach is not feasible. The fourth approach,which Barry can use to highlight his own high performance before the management, isasserting his performances using statistics and performance related figures. It is clear thatBarry can use this approach using his high performances. The fifth approach, which Barry
Situational Leadership Theory Assignment_3

3SITUATIONAL LEADERSHIP THEORYcan take, is to gain support of his skip level boss and senior managers. It can be pointed outthat Barry can use this tactic since he is efficient. The above discussion shows that Barry canuse three power tactics to highlight his own high performance before the management to gainpromotions and appraisals. They are, proving himself indispensible, asserting his status ofbeing an efficient employee and gaining support of higher authorities.Answer 3:Whining and complaining definitely leads to diminishing of power and influencewithin an organisation. Liden eta l. (2016) point out that efficient and senior employees usetheir influence and leadership qualities to deal with conflicting situations with their bosses.The given case study shows that Raphael used to usurp the performances of Barry and take itscredit to gain recognition before the senior management. Here if Barry complains to thehigher authority against Raphael, they may look at this action as a sign of insecurity and lackof authority. Barry can avoid being a whiner or a complainer by taking certain alternative steps.First, he can first speak to Raphael and point it out to him that it is unethical to take credit ofothers’ performances. He can also inform Raphael that the usurping action of his is affectingthe motivation level negatively. If Raphael uses his power to influence him, the secondapproach Barry can take is inform the skip level manager about the unethical practicesfollowed by Raphael. He can substantiate his claim against Raphael by using statistics andfigures proving his high level of efficiency. This would allow the management to understandthat is claims are legitimate and ethical. Thus reporting to the upper level management aboutthe unethical actions of Raphael and supporting his claims using statistics would make theconcern of Barry legitimate and he would not appear to be a whiner.
Situational Leadership Theory Assignment_4

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