
Skills for Learning in Care


Added on  2023-01-12

11 Pages3593 Words66 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentNutrition and WellnessPublic and Global HealthHealthcare and Research
Skills for Learning in Care_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY ..................................................................................................................................3
Q. 1 Identification on strength and qualities to reflect on personal development and provide
action plan to further develop personal learning skills................................................................3
Q. 2 Identify two stressors linked healthcare managers and provide recommendation on differ
coping strategies...........................................................................................................................8
Skills for Learning in Care_2

Skills for care termed out as tool and resources that assist to support staff to take in
learning and development to carry out effectively and provide high quality care (Correia,
Gomes, and Dussault, 2020). Developing the academic skills is an essential part of undertaking
the successful study to enhance the future employability and capability skills. With help of
developing practical skills and this supports the enterprise and individuals to recruit, develop nd
lead their staff.
The present report is based on to undertaking the reflection on utilising the skills of
personal development and planning in different context relate to skills. Furthermore, report will
have the use of Kolbs cycle of learning to reflect on learning process. Also, study will identify
the two stressors associated with healthcare managers and provide recommendations on different
coping strategies.
Q. 1 Identification on strength and qualities to reflect on personal development and provide
action plan to further develop personal learning skills.
Kolb learning model termed out as one of the best known and widely used learning style
theories (Chen, Qian and Burström, 2020). This theory has holistic perspective that combines the
all experience, perception, cognition and behaviour. This is typically presented as four stage
process and these are outlined as-:
Concrete- After completion of medical course, I join internship in health care organisation.
During my training at the acute surgical ward, I came across many patients who wanted some
extra care. During the internship, I encountered with number of responsibilities in which
individual must adhere with skills such as culture awareness, professionalism, attention to detail
of patients, critical thinking, time management and communication. Once, there was a patient
who was admitted into the surgical ward with server abdominal pain and he also has been
diagnosed with small intentional substructure and he also being managed pre operative for
surgical intervention. At that night, i was on duty. So, he has called me while he is in server pain.
He has communicated in such a way that has really expressed that he was in server pain. To
assist him, I went to my mentor and ask to give him some pain killers as he is in server pain.
Instead of helping him, my mentor was asking me question as how do you know that he is in
server pain and what kind of the pain killed needs to given to reduce his pain. Lastly, I felt
Skills for Learning in Care_3

embraced and eager to correct my mistakes. Afterwards, she came to me and explained to me
that as per the prescription he is one oral morphine 10mg 4 hourly and last dosage of it has
already been given. So, he would need a doctor to review to see whether he might need another
route and dosage she explains to me. With help of this, I came to know that in the medical
profession this is crucial to keep the critical thinking and must have idea about the each detail of
patients regarding his medical history. Also, I have realised that my communication skill was
effective as I went to my Mentor and talked about the situation. The another experience also
helped to enhanced my learning in medical professional (Snowdon, Sargent and Taylor, 2020).
Once, I was on duty in the noon shift and that doctor and my mentor left early due to some work.
Suddenly, one patients came and he was from some different culture. I monitored him and asked
to help him with his suffering. Due to cultural barrier, I did not understand what he wanted to say
so I was not able to diagnosed him properly. In order to cope up with this situation I called other
staff to check on him so that he could properly diagnosed. This incident let me know that I must
have good cultural knowledge so that I can attend each patients effectively. Thus, also came to
analyse that I have good problem solving approach to treat patients in supportive manner. I
handed patients to done other nursing rather than giving him some pain killer medicine. In this
case, I have undertaken good approach and this incident helped me to enhance my professional
Reflective observation- In thinking back on the experience, I started to realize that to what
extent my behaviour and reactions had an impact on this situation. Therefore, I realized that
being medical professional I must have critical thinking approach so that I could have acted
accordingly. This incident has helped me to be calm with the patients and show compassion as
well as how we adapted our care to address their individual needs. It has helped me to improve
my communication skill and to take the decision in effective manner. With the help of incident, i
came to know that I need to develop critical thinking and attention skills on particular incidents
must be enhanced. Prior to the Incident, I did not feel confident or experienced to deal with that
kind of the situation. I was very surprised while my mentor was asking me the question instead
of helping that patients. From the second incident, I came to know that I lack with the knowledge
of culture awareness and this can affect my working in the future. In both of the incident i have
analysed that I have some strength and weakness. I have analysed that I must have good
communication skills so that I can undertake the things in effective manner. With the help of the
Skills for Learning in Care_4

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