1SMART PHONES Smartphones have certainly provided much more methods to carry out daily activities in a convenient way. From online banking and talking to family members at distant to online shopping and watching videos, smartphones provide every opportunity. However, it has now become an object of addiction in recent days. The New York Times article, Keep your head up: How Smartphone Addiction kills manners and moods are on the same aspect discusses how smartphones have been contributing to spoiling our manners and basic etiquettes. The author Adam Posescu says, today in the generation of digitalization, it has become difficult for people to stay without fidgeting or even looking away from their mobile screen. People are consciously and unconsciously looking at their smartphones every minute even when it is not necessary. It is also a reason that leads to mood swings and behavior problem. Although people perceive it is not a problem, it is indeed which is called intentional blindness, and it affects every age group (Popescu,2019). I have often realized my will to take out my phone and even seen people using phones at a social gathering to avoid socializing since chatting has become more comfortable than real talking which results as no enthusiasm for joining any party or social gathering. It is certainly a problem that we have developed without realizing the missing of the real world. Therefore, it is again us, who should make an effort to interact with people and enjoy the real world as stated in the article as a recommendation.
2SMART PHONES References: Popescu, A. (2019).Keep Your Head Up: How Smartphone Addiction Kills Manners and Moods. [online] Nytimes.com. Available at: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/25/smarter-living/bad- text-posture-neckpain-mood.html?smid=pl-share&login=smartlock&auth=login-smartlock [Accessed 14 Apr. 2019].