
Smoking as a Health Issue in Lambeth


Added on  2020-05-16

6 Pages910 Words83 Views
Running head: SMOKING AS A HEALTH ISSUE IN LAMBETH SMOKING AS A HEALTH ISSUE IN LAMBETHName of the StudentName of the UniversityAuthor note
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1SMOKING AS A HEALTH ISSUE IN LAMBETHIntroduction Smoking is the prime reason for more than 5 million deaths per year globally andaccording to Center for Disease Control and prevention (2011) usage of tobacco will be causing8 to 10 million deaths annually by 2030. However, the rate of smoking in developed nation suchas the United Kingdom has been decreasing; smoking is still a health and social problem in UKnowadays (World Health Organization 2018). This poster is going to discuss smoking as a healthrelated issue in Lambeth council of London and will further provide a clear idea of the socialcare provisions addressing smoking issue in that region. Demographic of the Lambeth council, London The Borough of Lambeth was created in 1965 with covered 26.82 square kilometer andaccording to the census of May 2015; the population of this council is 321,984. The population isethnically diverse and more than 44% of the population are below the age of 25. This boroughstand on the ninth position in the list of most deprived borough of England, constituting morethan 37% of population thriving in deprived state (Lambeth Borough 2014). Health-related issue in Lambeth Higher population density and deprived condition of the council leads to several healthrelated issues in which smoking affects this borough primarily. Although the rate of smokingprevalence has been decreased, according to the Integrated Household Survey for England 2010-11, the prevalence in Lambeth is 21.4% (UK CENSUS 2012). There are 65,000 smokers presentwithin the residents within which, 15,000 lives in the deprived wards. The younger generation isalso affected with the health issue as 11,500 smokers are below the age of 25. Compared to
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2SMOKING AS A HEALTH ISSUE IN LAMBETHLondon (275.9 deaths), smoking causes 333.3 deaths per 100,000 person, which has revived theadverse effect of smoking on the population of Lambeth (Government of Lambeth 2018). Healthcare provisions for Lambeth As smoking has remained as the leading cause if premature deaths in Lambeth, theNational Health Service (NHS) Lambeth, with the help of NHS England carried out a tobaccocontrol plan, using an action plan. The plan of this tobacco control strategy was to influencepeople to quit smoking, protecting women, infants and teenagers from the tobacco related harmand stopping the younger generation recruited as smokers. For these aims, the NHS Lambethstarted ASSIST programs in schools, developed a comprehensive smoke free environmentprogram, activating the NHS Lambeth stop smoking service and creating awareness about it (TheLambeth Tobacco Control Strategy 2018). The lambert stop smoking service, with the help oflocal general physicians and volunteers arranged several health promotion camps in the Lambetharea, to target the smokers groups of pregnant women, black, minority community, and routineworkers, as it has been seen that lower Socio-economic status is attached with the higher rate ofsmokers in Lambeth. Further, for the second objective, the NHS targeted the needs of youngergeneration and controlled the inflow of tobacco in this borough with the help of Lambethconsumer protection department (Government of Lambeth 2018). This health related provision inthe Borough of Lambeth helped to spread equality with respect to health and to stop theunauthorized sales of tobacco, which ultimately helped the NHS Lambeth to create a smoke freeenvironment in the area (The Lambeth Tobacco Control Strategy 2018).
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