
Social Determinants of Health : PDF


Added on  2021-06-18

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Healthcare and Research
RUNNING HEAD: COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS OF AN INDIGENOUS HEALTH AND WELL BEING ISSUECollection and analysis of an indigenous health and well being Name:Institution:Date:
Social Determinants of Health : PDF_1

2COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS OF AN INDIGENOUS HEALTH AND WELL BEING ISSUECollection and analysis of media itemsIntroductionOur health is determined by the way we choose to live our lives and by the state of our environment. The choices we make may include smoking, drinking alcohol, having our children immunized against preventable diseases, regular visits to the doctor for a checkup, healthy eatingjust to mention but a few. The World Health Organization describes social determinants of healthas the circumstances in which people grow, live, work, and age, and the systems put in place to deal with illness. This paper discusses the importance of considering the social determinants of health. Indigenous health challenges are caused by a number of factors including the type of housing, level of education, racism and discrimination, employment opportunities as well as environmental factors. The paper further analyses into details four media articles; discrimination of Indigenous people in Australia, the high level of unemployment among the Aboriginals, health inequalities between the Indigenous and non-indigenous, violence in Indigenous communities and consequently their impact on the challenge of racism on the Indigenous people on Australia. The living conditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia iscomparable to many other minorities throughout the world who are discriminated and looked down upon. The discrimination happens to any non-native minority individuals living in a majority ruled environment. Media article 1Discrimination of Indigenous people in AustraliaGarvey, D. (2017). Review of the social and emotional wellbeing of Indigenous Australian peoples. Australian Indigenous Health Info Net8(4). Retrieved from https://healthinfonet.ecu.edu.au/learn/health-topics/social-and-emotional-wellbeing/Key issues
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3COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS OF AN INDIGENOUS HEALTH AND WELL BEING ISSUEThe Indigenous Australian population has higher levels of poor health and mortality ratesthan the non-indigenous population. Research indicates that the poverty, as well as thedisadvantage suffered by the indigenous people, is as a result of historical and contemporaryracism colonialism and oppression. The Australian law guarantees freedom from ethnicdiscrimination its legislation. Despite the elimination of all forms of racism and discrimination inthe Australian law, it remains clear that these Indigenous people have poor health compared toother groups. They (Indigenous people) constitute 2.4% of Australian total population but stillremain the most disadvantaged, suffering from high unemployment rates, low income, poorhousing they are more vulnerable to getting infected with diseases due to exposure to risk factors(Garvey, 2017).Racism occurs on three levels; the first is Internalized racism, which is accepted attitude, beliefs and ideologies by the stigmatized group that their ethnic/racial group is inferior to the others. Secondly, interpersonal racism which refers to interactions between individuals of the same ethnic group. Finally the third is systemic racism also known as institutional racism, these are practices that maintain avoidable among the different racial groups (Henderson, 2007).Racism and discrimination impact high-stress levels and consequently contribute to the feelings of social exclusion on the victims. It leads to unequal access to employment opportunities, health care and access to education. It also contributes to the high level of tobacco,alcohol and other substance abuse. The victims also experience physical abuse and intimidation. All these effects eventually lead to a negative emotional reaction that leads to poor mental health (Duthie et al 2014).Links to models and approachesDespite the clear facts about the spread, prevalence and impact of racism, not much can be said to have been done by the government to combat this challenge. The government and citizens have a role to play to combat racism so that all will have equal opportunities and lead happy lives. Among the steps to be taken is advocacy, through conducting programs to promote national leadership. Another strategy is through research and monitoring, the reasons for discrimination and ways of combating them to realize national diversity.
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4COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS OF AN INDIGENOUS HEALTH AND WELL BEING ISSUEContribution to the current debatePolicies have been introduced to reduce racism among the Indigenous people in Australiathese include a two-week television program, whose purpose is to reduce stereotypes and false beliefs about indigenous Australians on employment. A recent study shows that engaging tertiarystudents in a class with the aim of combating the wrong attitude and stereotype about indigenous Australians played a great role in reducing the false prejudice.Personal reflectionThis article has provided adequate knowledge about racism, its prevalence, and impact and how it can be combated. Improved healthcare performance of indigenous Australian is required to address the challenge of systemic racism in healthcare. The Indigenous population needs to be educated and informed about their role and importance in the society so that they may also feel important and not view themselves as less important members of the society. Combating racism is a role to be played by every citizen and it starts with every individual accepting their neighbor regardless of their social status, ethnic or social group. Media article 2Jasper, C (2015). Report aims to raise levels of Indigenous employment in mining industry. ABC News, 1. Retrieved from http://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/rural-news/2015-11-02/report-aims-boosting-aboriginal-mining-employment/6895826Key issuesAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander were traditionally defined as semi-nomadic hunter and gathers. Labor roles were sexually divided where women were gatherers and collectors whilemen hunted and went out fishing (Krieg, 2016). The arrival of the Europeans in 1788 saw the dispossession of the Aboriginals land. They were alienated from their resources and imposed to settler economy which destroyed their capacity to practice their traditional means of production. Consequently, the Aborigines are the most disadvantaged group among all ethnic groups in
Social Determinants of Health : PDF_4

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