
Social Media and Sports - PDF


Added on  2021-04-22

6 Pages1513 Words40 Views
Running head: SOCIAL MEDIA AND SPORTSSocial Media and SportsName of the Student:Name of the University:Author note:
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1SOCIAL MEDIA AND SPORTSThe flawless rising of the social media has influenced several aspects of business as wellas life, but its major impact has been on the field of sports. From the past decade, social mediahas become one of the major sources of communication and promotion of sporting informationas well as news updates. Everyone today is connected through internet. Internet can be accessedthrough various devices in modern days including Laptops, computers and smart phones and thishas made internet very easy to access everywhere and by everyone. Everyone today is connectedthrough internet. Just with the help of a mere web connection, one can speak to the people livingin outside his country and this is helping in making connections in between our near and dearones. Each day more facts and information about sports are added to internet that is discussedover emails and chat rooms. Like, for example, Facebook has now become the largest socialnetwork website in the world with a considerable amount of more than 400 million users (Fox,Jesse and Jennifer). Every results and updates on sports are been shared and posted on Facebookand this means a large number of people have access to them. Apart from Facebook, there areother individual websites as well that gives in depth information and updates about the upcomingor prevailing sports competition and events. So, it is wise to say that social media has taken theplace of radio and television in terms of informing and updating people about the latest news onsports and other worldwide activities (Allcott, Hunt and Matthew). Pros and cons of social media: In modern days, it is very hard to watch sports eventwithout surfing or looking on the social media sites. There are several gifs and memes that aremade only a minute after a play happens. In fact, some of the people make their living wage byposting the highlights from the games or sports and keep the fans updated about the insight of theteam. Teams now-a-days put more efforts in building up fans based on social media and oncommunicating with their fans and followers. For some of the coaches this has become a matter
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2SOCIAL MEDIA AND SPORTSof irritation as it is already very hard on them to plan the game and build out the things that aregood and bad for the team, in spite of that having to worry regarding their players and teammembers posting or saying something that is wrong or inappropriate or leaking out theirconversations on the social media (Hamilton et al.). One of the other negative impacts of socialmedia is that it has the tendency to obstruct actually paying attention and enjoying the game.According to Coach Rock, “There is also an argument that it is taking away from sports, a lot ofpeople were probably scrolling through their phone during the Superbowl, and sometimes it cantake away from the actual event.” It was reported that there was about 27.6M tweets with a hashtag of #SB51 during the on-going game. Situations like this often happen every now and thenbecause social media has become a huge part of our life as there are more than 2.2 billion usersof it worldwide. As according to the MindJumpers, in the year 2012, 83% of the total sports fanschecks social media in order to acquire an insight during watching the game, sitting at their homeand 63% browse for the sports sites while they being there at the actual game. However, this ratehas been increased with the rise in social media. According to the report of 2016, 56% of thetotal population of U.S had their social media profile in 2012, which was increased to 62% in2013, 67% in 2014 to 78% in the year 2016 (Keating, Hendy and Can). However, social media is not all about cons. There are many pros about social media aswell in field of sports. Social media allows the athletes share their views or opinions and is oneof the major sources of interactions with their fans. If a fan wants to interact with his favoriteathlete, he has a really good platform to do so, as social media will open up a big chance for himactually doing it. It can also be used by the athletes to raise awareness and to promotefoundations, brand and charities (Michaelidou). In modern days, social media is one among theloudest voices in terms of spreading words on common causes (Hong, Sounman and Daniel).
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