Teenagers can use social media to find community, but their mental health is often negatively affected by this culture of comparison Social media is is really challenging for teens nowadays. The teenagers are spending lot of time on the social media. As teenagers spending their time on social media, they are cutting from the real world. In real world they don't have any close friends, any close relations, and they even don't spend time with their families. Starting with use of the social media platform. The teens from 13 to 18 years old, find their community on social media. Like they use applications available on internet which connect socially Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Tumbler, Whatsapp etc. The teenagers have different impact of all these, because they consider the likes on social media, as they have the craziness about the likes they get. They want more likes, this leads to the curiosity among them, they some time takes the challenges on social media to get fame, but it's too risky. Teenagers are using the social media limitless, which is harmful for them, because they don't have interest in real world. Sometimes they miss the opportunity to feel the nature's view, their families happiness, while busy in with their virtual community. The perfect photos, ultimate contents, their posts on social media creates pressure on them. This leads to anxiety about their image in the virtual world of social media, also the teenagers get depression, they suffer from less sleep, sometime overeating, moodiness, their mental health could suffer from these factors.