
Social Research - Assignment


Added on  2021-06-15

28 Pages6200 Words77 Views
Data Science and Big DataK12Higher EducationStatistics and ProbabilityPsychology
Running head: SOCIAL RESEARCHSocial ResearchName of the StudentName of the UniversityAuthor Note
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SOCIAL RESEARCH1AbstractSchool dropouts pose an enormous economic and social cost to the society. Education is themost important tool for shaping and developing the future of the children around the globe, itshould not be avoided. This research focuses on the rising number of dropouts at DrametseCentral School, Bhutan and the resulting consequences on the stakeholders. The proposal ofthe report targets the remote community in Eastern Bhutan and their primitive thoughtregarding education. The proposal highlights how the light of the education has still not yetreached to the community people and how most of the children end up dropping their schooland basic primary education with the consent of their parents. The community mostlyconsists of hardworking shopkeepers and sedentary farmers who have very few knowledgeregarding the importance of education in today's life. With the help of the constructivist andinterpretivist approach, this report focuses on performing a research study on the above topic.Furthermore with the assistance of both the primary and the secondary data resources and thesuccessful use of the random probability sampling method, this proposal targets to know howthe stakeholders can be informed for making them aware about the rising number of drop outin the Drametse Central School of Bhutan. The report suggests the timeline and the expectedbudget frame of the research to be conducted in the end.Keywords : school drop outs, poverty, illetaracy, primitive thoughts, education, stakeholders
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SOCIAL RESEARCH2Table of ContentsAbstract......................................................................................................................................1Chapter 1: Introduction..............................................................................................................31.1Background of the study:.............................................................................................31.2Statement of the problem:...........................................................................................31.3Rationale of the research:............................................................................................41.4Research aims and objectives:.....................................................................................4Chapter 2: The Literature Review- Done By student.................................................................5Chapter 3: The Research............................................................................................................83.1 Research Questions..........................................................................................................83.2 Research Methodology.....................................................................................................93.2.1 Research philosophy................................................................................................103.2.2 Research design.......................................................................................................103.2.3 Data collection method............................................................................................113.2.4 Sampling..................................................................................................................133.2.5 Ethical consideration of the Research......................................................................143.2.6 Research Limitation.................................................................................................15Chapter 4: The Research Timeline...........................................................................................16Chapter 5: Research Budget.....................................................................................................17Chapter 6: Conclusion..............................................................................................................19References................................................................................................................................20Ethics Application Form..........................................................................................................24Appendix..................................................................................................................................26
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SOCIAL RESEARCH3Topic: The rising number of dropouts at Drametse Central School, Bhutan- an awareness tothe concerned stakeholdersChapter 1: Introduction1.1Background of the study:The importance of education depicts the value of education in the life of anindividual. Education facilitates the knowledge, learning, and skill and helps in changing themind and the personality of an individual for attaining a positive attitude. Importance ofeducation is manifold and it should not be neglected since it is one of the essential source ofreal happiness and attainment of development and peace in life (Dorji & Kinga, 2005). Oneof the major backlashes to the growth and development of education in the globe is theincreased level of dropouts. In the field of education, the increased rate of dropouts from theschool can be an alarming issue to the stakeholders like the governments, community whoinvests in the success, welfare and the development of the educational institution.1.2Statement of the problem:A remote community of the Eastern Bhutan is the Drametse. The major population of thecommunity consists of hardworking entrepreneurs, successful shopkeepers, and sedentaryfarmers. The people of this community still has the mindset consisting of primitive thoughts.The light of education and the possible development that can be achieved from the notion ofeducation has still not yet reached to the community people. Their mindset is still not incorrelation with the pace of the development. It has been found that most of the communitypeople still carry a primitive age-old thought that does not accept education as the tool for thebetterment of their future. For this reason, most of the learners of the community tend to dropout their education and school at a tender age. This is because most of the parents of the
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SOCIAL RESEARCH4children do not know about the importance of education as the enlightenment for the future oftheir family, community, and the country.1.3Rationale of the research:One of the essential tools for a bright future is the education. It plays an essential rolein the progress and development of the nation. Higher rates of school dropouts are onlyleading to increased number of uneducated people who are the hindrance in the pathway ofthe development. The remote community people still carries the old mindset which does notrecognize education as the one and only key tool for development (Tucker, 2018). Thisattitude is creating a major issue in the development of the future of the children in thecommunity. Often it has been found that parents tend to disallow their children to attendschool further as education to them is just an extra investment with no further benefits.Theproblem lies in this age-old attitudes and the primitive tough process which needs to berevised for the betterment and welfare of the future of the community children. The aim ofthe study is to find out the possible reasons and the consequences for the increasing rate ofschool dropouts and the possible recommendations to reduce the dropout rate by thestakeholders and the educational institutions.1.4Research aims and objectives:The aim of this pice of research is to understand the importance of the education in thewelfare and development of the children of the community of Eastern Bhutan.The research objectives are:To identify the possible reasons of the increasing rate of drop outs at the DrametseCentral School of Bhutan.To suggest the probable measures by which the stakeholders and the schools caninitiate reduction in the drop out rate in the educational institution.
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SOCIAL RESEARCH5To understand the importance of education for the remote community of theEastern Bhutan for their success.Chapter 2: The Literature Review- Done By studentBhutan remained in isolation for many centuries with no or little developmentalactivities. During early 1960’s with start of five-year developmental plan, modern educationbecame an inevitable tool for economic and social growth. The modern education started onlyin 1960’s with inauguration of two schools. With the introduction of modern educationsystem, government realized its importance in economic growth and people too becameincreasingly aware of its contribution in social development. As a result, number of student’senrollment increased from less than 400 in late 1960’s to 155,234 in 2004 (Dorji&Kinga,2005). As per Annual Education Statistics (2016), at present there are 522 schools withtotal students of 169560 from pre-primary to year XII.A research on the Enrolment & Retention Strategies in Bhutan by Ministry ofEducation reveals that though school dropout rate from pre-primary to year 10 has decreasedover a decade. The report also points out that net enrollment ratio (NER) decreases in lowerand middle schools . This indicates that the drop out number increases in lower and middlesecondary schools. Such trend may prove to be disastrous in long run.The ministry ofeducation during 11thfive-year plan targeted to achieve 100% enrollment in schools however,such initiatives did not see much progress mainly due to drop outs (Cabus & De Witte, 2016).As stated by Gyamtsho,Swabey and Pullen (2015) drop outs is a‘multifacetedproblem’. The studies all over the world found common reasons for drop outs, the familyrelated issues, poverty and personal problems. Witte, Cabus, Thyssen, Groot and Brink(2013) argues that dropouts should not only be attributed to external factors such as family or
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