
The Impact of Stigma on Mental Health


Added on  2020-02-17

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Research Project (Social Stigma Related to Depression;Its Impact on Treatment SeekingAttitudes)1
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Table of ContentsCHAPTER – 1 INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................31.1 Overview..........................................................................................................................31.2 Research aims and objectives...........................................................................................31.3 Literature review..............................................................................................................41.4 Significance of potential research....................................................................................41.5 Rationale of study.............................................................................................................4CHAPTER – 2 LITERATURE REVIEW.......................................................................................52.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................52.2 Impact of depression on behaviour of depression............................................................52.3 Problems are facing by the people at the time of depression treatments..........................62.4 Effectiveness ways of social stigma.................................................................................8CHAPTER – 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.........................................................................103.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................103.2 Research design..............................................................................................................103.3 Research Approach.........................................................................................................103.4 Research philosophy.......................................................................................................113.5 Data Collection technique..............................................................................................113.6 Sampling.........................................................................................................................123.7 Data analyse....................................................................................................................123.8 Ethical consideration......................................................................................................13CHAPTER – 4 DATA ANALYSIS..............................................................................................144.1 Data Collection...............................................................................................................144.2 Data analysis...................................................................................................................16CHAPTER – 5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION...................................................235.1 Conclusion......................................................................................................................235.2 Recommendation............................................................................................................245.3 Areas for further study....................................................................................................25REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................262
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CHAPTER – 1 INTRODUCTION1.1 OverviewDepression is a mental illness which categorized the mood in cognitive order. There aremany attitudes in societies that show the symptoms of psychopathology which are becoming thethreatening and uncomfortable for the people. The reaction of common people is brave becausethey are admitting the problem of mental health. There are numerous people who are sufferingfrom the health problems and these are considered as social stigma. Social stigma is attach withthe mental illness and discriminating their experience are making difficulties to retain in thesociety (Brohan and et. al., 2011). In modern era, mental illness is common because it isaffecting thousand number of people. These problem are creating problem for the people becausethey are going in depression and this problem is increasing rapidly. In society, many of thepeople believes that the person who are suffering from the mental problem are very violent anddangerous. The doctors have been provided many solutions to people regarding the depression.The people have to follow all the rules which has been provided by doctors regarding thedepression. For some people, it become important to come out from the depression. So it isessential to carry all those activities which has been conducted for the depression people. In fact,these problem are more at risk harming themselves rather that harming other people. It isessential to recognise the effect of depression which are associated with the depressed people(National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health, 2010). Depression include both negative andself-involved approach. 1.2 Research aims and objectivesResearch Aim:Social stigma related with depression which is impacting on treatment seeking attitudes.Research objectives: To evaluate the impact of depression on the behaviour of people.To ascertain the problems of depression which are impacting on the treatments. To identify the effectiveness ways of social stigma.To recommend the ways through NHS enhance the services for achieving the competitiveadvantages.3
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Research question:What is the impact of depression on the behaviour of people?What are the problems are facing by the people at the time of depression treatments?What are the ways in which the effectiveness of social stigma can be find out?What recommendation has been provided for achieving the competitive advantage whileproviding the service? 1.3 Literature reviewIn this section, views of various authors have been discussed. It is important for thisresearch topic. In this the researcher will get to know about the different views and find out theleaps of the previous researcher. 1.4 Significance of potential researchThe present report will help to NHS in order to provide proper treatments to patients.There are many people who are suffering from these problems and creating issues for otherpeople. For the doctors, families it is important that to solve the problem of people who aresuffering from these diseases (Brown and et. al., 2010). The changes in strategies for the socialstigma has been grouped into three approaches such as; education, protest and contract. It willhelp to researcher to find out the different ways in which the doctors can provide proper supportto people. Further the significance of research is that the people will came to know about thathow many solutions are available there which help the people to recover from their problems. 1.5 Rationale of studyThis research has been conducted because there are many people who are suffering frommany diseases and they don't know how to deal with them. Social stigma which is related withthe depression has to be properly analysed by the investigator. This report has given shed on thedepression because there are many reason though which these problem are arises. With the helpof this topic researcher will came to know about that what are the major cause of depressionproblem. The health service provider is trying to giving better services to patients in which theywill recover from their problems. 4
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CHAPTER – 2 LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 IntroductionIn this section different views of many author has been analysed. This section isconsidered as most important part in dissertation. In this, the researcher will get the secondaryinformation from various sources. But this information is not reliable and valid for the wholeperiod of time. The role of literature is that to analyse the gale which has been emerge due toresearch. Present research report is based on social stigma which is related with the depressionand their impact on the treatment of seeking attitudes. With the help of literature review theresearcher will get the different viewpoints of authors. In this the brief discussion has been of thetopic has been discussed which help to investigator for gaining some new knowledge. 2.2 Impact of depression on behaviour of peopleDepression is one of the most common mental disorder, which is leading in the cause ofimpairment. As per report, of world health organisation there are approximately 120 millionpeople who are suffering from depression problem. NHS is providing the treatment through theinterpersonal psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy. Depression is giving negative impact on thelife of people. In this, the people are not interested to talk to anyone and participate in socialactivity. The family members have to support them in order to resolve all the issues which arefacing by them. The impact of depression on behaviour of people are changing from time totime. There are many variables which are include in the role of depression that how the peopleare reacting with the others. These variables are including to determine the correlation depressionwith stigma. As per view of Jerry Kennad, it is stated that when the people are suffering from thedepression and their behaviour are changes. The following are some behaviour of people whichare changing during the depression time. Agitation - It refers to that situation where the depression and restlessness are co-existingwith each other. The people are found very difficult in order to sit simply. Along with this thepeople are feeling depressed, angry, irritable, frustrated. When these symptoms are found outthen then it creates a high risk for of suicide or it can harm to other people also. 5
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Hibernation – In this people are making excuses to make the social contact with otherpeople. Even it also finds out that, there are many people who loves to go out and they arerefusing the invitation of their families, friends to make strong relation with them. Thisbehaviour is categorised by the low body temperature, low metabolic rate and many more. Lethargy – The people who are suffering from the depression are find out that there is amotivation drops throughout the floor. They are becoming slow down, are not able to do workproperly, carrying a weight on shoulders etc. The people who are suffering from the depressionare showing on their facial expression and gestures. In this situation people are not coming out oftheir rooms or houses. Diet – In country, there are many people when their mood is not good then they are nottaking the food properly. It occurs usually at the time of depression to find that diet doesn't affectin some way, even if the people will prefer to simple food. Sleep - While at the depression problem the people can become more fragmented. Lackof sleep is to be considered as negative effect on the mood. It is estimated from the research thatapproximately 80% of depression people are experiencing with the sleep problems.The people are not coming out of their rooms and staying for a longer period of time. Sothey are creating problems for the other people also because they think that they will commitsuicide or not. The behaviour of people is becoming more difficult for the families to understandthem properly. Sometimes the family member is not treating with them properly because thesepeople are showing rudeness towards their family. They are not taking regular sleep because theytaking some tension which can be related with their life. 2.3 Problems are facing by the people at the time of depression treatmentsWhen people are depressed then it is feel like that they will not never came out from thedark shadow. There are many treatments which is providing at the time of depression.Depression is keeping the away from the living that they life want to; they are hesitating to seekhelp from others. As stated by Grov and et. al., (2010), it is inferred that there are manydepression treatments options which help the people to decide that what is the right approach forthe person. While giving therapy regarding the medication for health then it will change thelifestyle of people and there are many effective treatments which help to overcome thedepression problem and reclaim the life. 6
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