Health insurance is important as it safeguards finances since medical problems tend to be costly. Improved health is another benefit as it covers frequent healthy checkups. These checkups are important as it is easy to identify a condition that might be treatable early. Insurance can be obtained when one gets employed. This is the most common as most people get their health insurance covers from the employer. Another avenue that offers family health care insurance is the public programs like the Medicare, Medicaid and State Children’s Health Insurance Program. Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) is an organization that provides coverage for health at monthly or yearly fee while Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) consists of doctors and hospitals who agrees with an insurer to provide health services at a cheaper fee for clients (McClellan, 2011). Both HMO and PPO are similar in that they offer health insurance cover. PPO can be more beneficial to patient as it allows discount below the normal charges.