
Discussion on Principles of Catholic Social Thought


Added on  2023-04-08

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Discussion on Principles of Catholic Social Thought_1

The following paper attempts a discussion on five principles that are advocated by the
Catholic Social Thought. The paper discusses the principles of the common good, dignity of the
human person, preferential option for the poor, subsidiarity and the universal purpose of goods.
These principles are known to be majorly helpful in the matters that are related to the
development of the self and the community (Walsh, 2016). The incorporation of these principles
helps in the development of a better society with the help of the residents who have been
participating in the progress of the entire society.
The Common Good
The principle of the common good refers to the foundational principle that is very closely
linked with the dignity of the human beings. The principle is observed to lead to the solidarity
within the concerned human being. The principle of the common good refers to the
implementation of the factors that would be helpful in attaining the proper interdependence of
the humans (Galligan-Stierle, 2014). The interdependence of the human race is required for the
development of the community which aims at the combined growth of the individual as well as
helps in the development of the concerned person. The best example of the incorporation of the
principle can be found in the setting up of the society wherein there exist administrative as well
as protective systems which help in the overall growth of the society (Kammer & Div., 2012).
The presence of the democracy within a society helps in the overall growth of the individual as
well as the community.
Dignity of the Human Person
Discussion on Principles of Catholic Social Thought_2

The Catholic Social Thought stresses on the fact that the human beings were created in
the likeness of the Supreme Being. This reveals that all the human beings should be treated
equally without any discrimination on the basis of the caste, creed, sex, religion and other such
factors. The Church is observed to be preaching the concept of equality among all the members
of the society which would thus help in the development of the society at large along with the
development of the person. The authorities of the Church suggest that the person should aim at
the all-round development of both the self as well as the community (Clark, 2016). The
development should be aimed at every sphere of life including the spiritual, social, political,
economic as well as the ecological spheres of the human life. A major example of the
implementation of this principle might be found in the extension of assistance in case of the
emergencies that are faced by the society or a part of the society.
Preferential Option for the Poor
The followers of the Christian religion are advised to create the conditions that would
help the marginalized sections of the society to put forth the voice of their own. The followers of
Christ are expected to develop an understanding as well as take actions in order to provide for
those who cannot provide for themselves (Hume, Konstant & Bp, 1996). The Catholic Social
thought states that the wealthier and the more capable sections of the society should aim at the
knowledge of the ways for the development of the poorer and the underprivileged sections of the
society. The major aim of Christianity is the strengthening of the entire community with the
greater section of the assistance from the capable section of the society (Mitchel, 2018). This can
be majorly observed in the various charitable functions that are organized in order to fetch help
and proper assistance for the poorer sections of the society.
Discussion on Principles of Catholic Social Thought_3

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