
Sociology: Comparing Marxism and Feminism Theories on Religion and Gender Bias


Added on  2023-06-17

7 Pages2030 Words178 Views
Sociology an Introduction
Sociology: Comparing Marxism and Feminism Theories on Religion and Gender Bias_1

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Comparing and contrasting two key sociological perspectives............................................3
2.1 Analyzing area of social life by using sociological theories.................................................4
Sociology: Comparing Marxism and Feminism Theories on Religion and Gender Bias_2

Sociology is defined as the study of human societies and human interaction along with
the processes to change and preserve the patterns within the society (Cipriani, 2021).
The report will analyze two key sociological perspectives to be compared and contrasted
which are Marxism (Conflict) and Feminism (Radical and Liberal) theories. Along with this,
both the theories will be made applicable for the religion factor to know how this aspect impacts
in the social life of the individuals facing the issue within the society. Feminism theory will be
explained for both the factors which is radical and liberal and this will help in knowing how the
religion aspect is taken in its reference.
1.1 Comparing and contrasting two key sociological perspectives
Marxism (Conflict) — Conflict theory developed by Karl Marx signifies that due to
society's never — ending competition for finite resources, it will always be in state of conflict.
This theory implies that the individuals which have the possession of the wealth will protect the
resources, while the other individuals will perform any action to obtain those resources. The
theory in detail means that there is constant struggle between rich and poor. Karl Marx argued
that there is constant conflict between the classes which has helped in offering the basis through
which all perspectives are known and this has known in detail the value of society is evaluated
which is differentiated between rich and poor (Therborn, 2018). This theory was applied in the
society which incurred changes at large scale. The social structure is based on the conflicts and
contradictions which is being created to devalue the measure of how the things have been
measured within the society due to the comparison between the rich and poor. Weber believed
that western society developed through four main approaches — ancient society, feudal society,
primitive communism and capitalists society.
Marx observes class in economic terms which means that as per the views of Karl Marx
asserts the elements of society’s structure is dependent upon its economic structures. The classes
have been developed in market economies in which there are conflicts which are seen for the
economic gain in society (Moshiri, 2019). The causes and consequences of class conflicts are
being observed which depicted that there are two classes among which the conflicts have been
Sociology: Comparing Marxism and Feminism Theories on Religion and Gender Bias_3

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