
Sports and Recreational Activities: Importance, Socialization, and Impact


Added on  2023-06-04

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Sports and Recreational Activities
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Sports and Recreational Activities: Importance, Socialization, and Impact_1

Sports and Recreational Activities
Sports and recreation activities have been practised by societies for over a long period of
time in life (Coakley, 2009). They are taken as very important events by the society. Recreation
activities are very healthy and helpful to a society (Ditton, Loomis, & Choi, 2012). They are
practices in the dimensions of family, friends and society, communities and nations as a whole.
They affect the media, the economy, ethnicity, social classes etc. Every age group has especially
different gaming activities. Each group of individuals has reasons why they practice a certain
sporting activity. Sporting activities are very important to families and friends. Some activities
are very healthy and also enhance peace and harmony in society. The lifestyle of sports and
games contributes much to healthy living among people (Sinclair, 2015). Generally, sporting
Activities are very important in life.
Media houses are also well affected by sporting activities in different ways. Many have
commercialized sporting activities over many years ago. Many media houses have even time set
aside daily for them to view or report sporting activities (Krassel, 2016). World economies of
people who practice sporting and gaming activities for commercial purposes have their
economies well impacted by these activities. It’s a major contributor of nation’s world economy.
Different social classes practice different kinds of sporting activities. Many of high profile
people practice sporting activities for pleasure and to keep fit (Müller, 2014).
Sporting activities have affected societies for over a long period of time in history. People
are born in different localities and different societal setups. These different setups affect the kind
of sporting activities people find themselves in. sports and games are also taken as a means of
taking off people from daily chores. People believe sporting also improve people’s capabilities.
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They improve people efficient to take studies or work (Hasselstrøm, Hansen, Froberg, &
Andersen, 2012).
Socialization and social worlds
Human beings are naturally born as social beings. In my early years as I grew up games
were very common. Actually every day we rose up to go gaming. These games occurred in my
early years as early as I find myself I could understand and interpret things. However even
before I could comprehend life we used to go sporting and gaming and watch of carers and our
parents (Coakley, 2014). Our parents took sporting very important for the games were taken as a
source of good health. They kept us fit unlike children who didn’t play and ended up becoming
obese which was a burden to their parents. From the ages of 4-12, we practiced games which
required minimal equipment such as “jump rope”. This was the most common game we used to
practice in our lives as we grew up (Ponchillia, Armbruster, & Wiebold, 2015). The game
needed minimal equipment and the rules of the game could be understood by each and every one
of us in these age groups. Sometimes we could do this gaming as a competition among one
another as friends or as different families (Macnamara, Hambrick, & Oswald, 2014). This
gaming was very enjoyable in these early ages of development. In school and everywhere we
met most times we used our times doing this kind of gaming. In a social gathering where we
found ourselves with our parents we used to do gaming too.
Soccer was also practiced in the ages of 7-12 (Green, & Jones, 2015). During these ages,
we could make teams and pray against one another. We had senior people who use to help us,
especially in football. This is a game very addictive to children of this age. We could play this
game until we forget whether we are supposed to eat or go home at sometimes. We also played
volley ball in high school.
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Most of our gaming took place in a small town where we were born in our early years.
This was because in this small town is where we could meet often and is where our friendship
was strong. This was advantageous also because we knew each other and we could meet in the
same school almost all of us. However, with time we could meet in competitions in big cities in
provincial level in children competitions (Coakley, Riemer, & Pittman, 2009). The society used
to organize that we meet with different other kid teams and play. This created bonds within
communities and talents were easily identified. During all this period of sports, I was learning
much about how to live with my peers. I was also learning how to appreciate people from a
different background (Chin, 2010). I was also becoming fit day by day and I remained healthy.
This early experiences affected my age, social class, race or ethnicity, family, education,
neighborhood and community. I was becoming mature in my age and developing a physical
feature which was making me more fit (Wankel, & Kreisel, 2015). I could understand
community and society even at my tender age. My social class was also affected because I felt
accepted and also could associate with different people of different caliber (Harris, & Parker,
2009). I learned also to appreciate different races and ethnicity. Sporting made me appreciate
every race and treat people equally because I could see the same abilities from my friends. Since
playing was teamwork discrimination wasn’t possible. Families lived in unity for their children
could play together. There was a strong bond joining the community making a better society.
Neighbors knew each other in different dimensions making them cooperate in societal issues.
The community became strong and could help each other in different aspects of life. Every
aspect of sports affected me, family and society as a whole. This is because meeting together and
gaming creates unity among people for they mostly spend time together.
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