
Psychology of Emotion: Anger and Happiness - Emotion Record Sheet and Reflective Essay


Added on  2022-11-18

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SSC101/403 Psychology of Emotion Assessment 4
Emotion Record Sheet
Emotion: Anger
You are encouraged to record three to five situations where your chosen emotion is present.
What happened?
Where? When?
Who with?
Intensity of
the emotion
(0 – 10)
Somatic sensations
What did you notice in
your body? Where did
you feel it?
How did you want to cope with or
manage this emotion?
Did this help or would you have
preferred to cope differently?
Thoughts that were associated
with the emotion
What did you say to yourself when
this emotion showed up?
Behaviours that were
associated with the emotion
What did you do when the
emotion was present and you
had those thoughts?
My sister lost my
Morning, in house.
Week 2, day 5
4 I felt it mostly in my
hands. They tend to
shake when I am angry
I did not want to make too much fuss. She was reckless Organized, Calm, strict
The neighbour’s cat
broke our expensive
cutlery. Week 3, day
5 Hands and back of
I wanted to tell the neighbour to put a
leash on their cat.
Hit the cat
Calm, Respectful, Authoritative
A friend argued on
something he doesn’t
Week 2, day 3
6 Hands shaking,
Stomach clenches and
inside of mouth gets
I wanted to yell at him and call him
Punch my friend Tolerant, Aggressive.
A man was harassing
a child.
Locality near home
Week 4, day 4
8 Hands shaking,
trembling temples and
gut wrench
I wanted to push and slap the man. Slap the person Aggressive, Abusive, Bossy.
A reckless driver hit a
homeless person.
The mall close to my
house, Week 7, day 5
9 Most of the above
symptoms except
I wanted to hurt the driver physically. Hit the person with intent to hurt. Physically violent, Verbally
abusive, Aggressive, defensive.
As you record instances of your chosen emotion:
Consider the impact you (or your behaviour) may have on others in these moments
Notice as well how others may be experiencing and responding to the same emotion
This will be useful for the reflective journal element of the assessment.
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Emotion Record Sheet
Emotion: Happiness
You are encouraged to record three to five situations where your chosen emotion is present.
What happened?
Where? When?
Who with?
Intensity of
the emotion
(0 – 10)
Somatic sensations
What did you notice in
your body? Where did
you feel it?
How did you want to cope with or
manage this emotion?
Did this help or would you have
preferred to cope differently?
Thoughts that were associated
with the emotion
What did you say to yourself when
this emotion showed up?
Behaviours that were
associated with the emotion
What did you do when the
emotion was present and you
had those thoughts?
Went cycling in the
Week 2, day 1
6 Muscles were relaxed. I wanted to manage by continuing the
Thought – I should do this every day. Active, energetic.
Baked a cake for my
sister’s birthday.
Week 3 day 3.
6 Relaxed heartbeat,
I wanted to fully participate in the
Thought – She will love the cake. Relaxed, organized, active.
Went on a date
Week 4 day 6
8 Increased heartbeat,
Mild shaking of hands.
I wanted to have an interesting and
engaging conversation.
Thought - It’s awkward. Shy, cautious.
Hung out at a friend’s
place at night.
Cameron’s place.
Week 7 day 6
8 Relaxed heartbeat,
increased appetite.
I wanted to make jokes and laugh. Thought – We should do this more
Active, Assertive, Playful
Helped a foreign
tourist retrieve lost
Week 5 day 5
10 Smiling, Energetic
I wanted to invite the tourist for lunch
at my place.
Thought – She must be relieved Assertive, caring, considerate,
As you record instances of your chosen emotion:
Consider the impact you (or your behaviour) may have on others in these moments
Notice as well how others may be experiencing and responding to the same emotion
This will be useful for the reflective journal element of the assessment.
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Reflective essay
This reflective essay as a journal entry is developed from the emotions record worksheet. I had recorded two emotions that I felt the most in the past ten
weeks. I have highlighted that anger and happiness are the two most intense emotions that I felt throughout that time period. I had also highlighted the intensity with
which I felt those emotions and how they affected my lifestyle for the day I felt them.
I will incorporate in this journal various aspects that I uncovered upon reflection of the emotions. Anger and happiness are common emotions that are felt by
almost everyone in this world. They are also two major emotions that drive the psychological functions of a person. I have felt that in my experience of those
emotions, I had engaged in something that I would not have engaged in otherwise. My reflection of those incidents helped me understand that certain human
behaviours depend upon the way emotions experienced by that person modifies his/her capability to work normally. Some people find a drive to work when they are
angry while some turn jobless. Same goes for Happiness as well.
I will therefore try to understand those emotions in depth through consulting with some relevant literature to give myself a better insight into how those
emotions determine actions, how I was able to manage them or cope with them when necessary and how I responded to them when I felt them.
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