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Strategic Information System: Westpac Bank


Added on  2023/06/11

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This article discusses the selection of ERP software and vendor for Westpac Bank, along with the concept of strategic information system for banking sector. It covers topics like business processes, requirements, systems requirements, software and vendor selection.

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Strategic Information System: Westpac Bank
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Executive Summary
The fundamental point of this writing audit is to choose the reasonable ERP/AIS
programming and merchant for the famous bank in Australia, known as the Westpac Bank. In
addition, this writing survey will layout on the whole idea of strategic information system for
a managing an account part. ERP or venture asset arranging is a standout amongst the most
noteworthy prerequisites in the managing an account area. It coordinates all the important
business forms in a solitary business process. Because of this sort of incorporation, the
greater part of the business procedures could be effortlessly executed. Since, a bank includes
different imperative business forms, it is greatly crucial to coordinate them legitimately. The
most reasonable ERP programming merchant for Westpac Bank is SAP programming. There
are different focal points of SAP and every one of them are very much clarified here. Aside
from this, the business and the frameworks necessities are additionally accommodated this
specific bank. Pertinent points of interest are given in the writing survey to all the previously
mentioned situations.
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Table of Contents
1. Defining Business Processes..............................................................................................4
2. Developing Business Requirements...................................................................................6
3. Determination of Systems Requirements...........................................................................8
4. Software and Vendor Selection........................................................................................10
5. Determination of 3 ways for Utilizing Technology.........................................................12
6. Evaluation of Efficiency Level........................................................................................13
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Strategic Information Systems (SIS) are data frameworks that are created because of
corporate business activity. There are different business activities in a particular business or
association. Every one of them are required to be satisfied for making the association fruitful
and therefore achieving the objectives and targets of the organization. This sort of strategic
information system should give a wide range of upper hands to that specific association and
consequently making the business totally prevalent and noteworthy for all (Galliers and
Leidner 2014). This vital data framework consequently conveys any run of the mill
administration or item in a to a great degree bring down cost and spotlights on an ordinary
market fragment. Another critical preferred standpoint of the strategic information system is
that it encourages the association to wind up imaginative by giving development to the
business tasks and procedures. Strategic information system or SIS is the most vital element
or trademark for the field of data innovation (Pearlson, Saunders and Galletta 2016). The
whole sorting, putting away, handling and exchanging of data are effectively finished with
the assistance of vital data framework. ERP or venture asset arranging is the best and
proficient technique for coordinating all the business procedures of a specific association. It is
consequently named as the coordinated administration of the real business forms that is
interceded by programming.
The accompanying report plots a short discourse on the most mainstream banks in
Australia known as the Westpac Bank. The report will centre around the ERP determination
for the bank for helping them in their business forms. This report will cover a point by point
look into on ERP for business forms, business prerequisites, frameworks necessities,
merchant choice, security dangers, alleviation methodologies and numerous more for the

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bank. Applicable subtle elements will give with respect to all the previously mentioned
1. Defining Business Processes
A business procedure can be characterized as the arrangement of different associated
undertakings that look for their conclusion to convey a particular item or administration to the
separate customers. The business procedure can likewise be expressed as the accumulation of
exercises and assignments that would be useful for any association to accomplish its
objectives and goals once finished. Every one of the procedures of any business are
connected among each other and every one of them have a similar objective to make the
business extraordinary and fruitful in its field (Popovič et al. 2014). There is a grouping that
is taken after while executing the business procedures or exercises. Any business procedure is
regularly shown through a flowchart for demonstrating the succession of exercises inside it.
The most imperative focal points of using a business procedure are that the consumer loyalty
is very extemporized. Besides, the deftness to respond over the few change and adjustments
in the market is likewise made strides.
There are three kinds of business activities. They are the operational procedures,
which characterize the principle forms and make the preparatory esteem stream like request
taking or assembling anything. The second kind of business forms is the administration
forms. These sorts of procedures regulate the operational procedures by including the
corporate administration, representative oversight and budgetary oversight. The third kind of
procedures is the supporting procedures that are in charge of supporting the major operational
procedures (Goni et al. 2017).
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The Westpac Bank contains different noteworthy business forms inside its
frameworks. The few imperative business procedures of this specific bank are given
i) Lending Operations for Personal: They give individual credits to the clients of the
ii) Lending Operations for Business: The second business procedure of Westpac Bank
is that they give credits to a particular business or association.
iii) Lending Operations for Security: The third critical business process is that they
give advances to security purposes. This sort of activities is fundamentally given to any
iv) Customer Accounting: The following critical business process is the bookkeeping
of the clients.
v) Check Processing: This is another critical business procedure of the Westpac Bank.
vi) Other Payments Processing: Other methods of installments are additionally
handled in this specific bank.
vii) Cash Handling: The fluid money is taken care of by them and henceforth it is
considered as a standout amongst the most imperative business forms.
viii) Account Maintenance: The records of the clients are additionally kept up by
them appropriately so no issue happens if there should arise an occurrence of the security of
the cash.
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2. Developing Business Requirements
The business necessities can be characterized as the different determinations that once
conveyed, give an incentive for portraying the highlights of the framework from the
frameworks perspectives. The different frameworks, items, procedures and programming are
the best possible techniques that assistance to decide the method to conveying, fulfilling
lastly meeting all the business prerequisites (Park and Lee 2014). These sorts of necessities
are regularly alluded to or used for the best possible improvement and acquirement of
different frameworks or programming.
There are three noteworthy explanations behind securing the business prerequisites.
They for the most part incorporate understanding the few needs of the business, satisfying the
business yield criteria and fulfilling the clients and different partners (Lee, Thomas and
Baskerville 2015). The business necessities ought to be abnormal state for giving the
abnormal state items or administrations. In the event that the business prerequisites are of
dubious level, the items or administrations will undoubtedly be a noteworthy disappointment.
There are different business prerequisites of the Westpac Bank. The business
prerequisites of the Westpac Bank are as per the following:
i) Good Personal Credit: This is the first and the principal necessity for the matter of
Westpac Bank. The individual credit is assessed on the use of advance for the business. The
real face of their business is on the ordinary market. The character and the record of paying
every one of the obligations of the parent bank is the critical reflection on their business
(Morecroft 2015). Since, the individual credit is superior to alternate banks, Westpac Bank is
considered as the best and critical banks inside whole Australia and New Zealand.
ii) Good Business Credit: The second necessity of the matter of Westpac Bank is the
better business credit. The minute the business begins its task once in a year, the business will

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have the FICO rating that is related with the legitimately fused name and also charge ID
number. The credit report demonstrates every single commitment and obligation that are
exclusively connected with the bank and furthermore demonstrates the records of instalments
(Wu, Straub and Liang 2015). Westpac Bank requires great credit for thinking about a decent
advance for the business.
iii) Larger Asset Base: The third imperative business prerequisite of the Westpac
Bank is the bigger base of benefits. The business advances are in the end secured against a
particular resource. They have put their benefits for the improvement of their business by
taking credits from the parent bank (Qrunfleh and Tarafdar 2014). This has helped them in
getting the business forms appropriately.
iv) Solid Business Plan: The fourth noteworthy business prerequisite for the Westpac
Bank is strong marketable strategy. The strategy for success in the long run mirrors all the
assessed benefits of the business that should come in the following couple of years. This kind
of plan gets the funds of the association in this way and gives an anticipated rate of ROI for
the capital (Kamariotou and Kitsios 2018). At the point when the business develops, the
strategy for success requires to be changed and adjusted in an auspicious way.
3. Determination of Systems Requirements
Every last PC programming requires particular segments of equipment or some other
assets of programming for being available on the PC framework. Every one of these
essentials are known as the frameworks or PC necessities for a specific business. These
necessities are constantly used as the rules and are against the fundamental tenets. There are
essentially two sorts of frameworks necessities; they are the base and the prescribed sets
(Hitomi 2017). With the high energy of preparing and assets in the most up to date forms of
the product, all the framework prerequisites in the long run tend in expanding after some time
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period. Another critical meaning of the frameworks prerequisites is that it gives every one of
the necessities that are consequently to be satisfied for outlining a specific framework or any
sub framework (Lo 2016). Any business when begins its adventure, needs to keep up its
frameworks necessities for the advancement of their business tasks or procedures.
The bank manages the clients and their cash and henceforth the frameworks
necessities of any bank are critical for making the bank tasks legitimately working. There are
different framework prerequisites for the Westpac Bank (Pare et al. 2015). The few
frameworks prerequisites of this specific bank are as per the following:
i) Hardware Requirements: The most essential arrangement of necessities for
equipment is known as the HCL or equipment similarity list. These equipment prerequisites
are required for influencing the working frameworks to work for the bank (Chorafas 2016).
The few equipment prerequisites of Westpac Bank are given beneath:
a) Architecture: Every PC working framework is in the long run intended for the
particular models of PC. The vast majority of the utilizations of programming are confined to
the particular working frameworks that are running on the PC designs (Volkow 2017). On the
off chance that the design will be truant, the working framework won't work.
b) Processing Power: The focal handling unit or CPU ought to have an essential
preparing power for influencing the frameworks to take a shot at it. Besides, the clock speed
of the CPU additionally characterizes the handling power.
c) Memory: The arbitrary access memory or RAM of the PC framework is the
following equipment necessity for the bank. It stores the secret data and information and the
necessities are checked with the working framework and applications.
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ii) Software Requirements: The second sort of frameworks prerequisites is the
necessity of programming. It characterizes every one of the requirements that are introduced
on the framework for giving appropriate capacities to the framework. The different
programming necessities for the Westpac Bank are given underneath:
a) Platform: The processing stage is the most vital necessity and gives a kind of
structure to the product. Working frameworks are the necessities of programming
b) Web Browser: The web applications and the product that is reliant on the
innovation of Internet. The default program is used for this situation.
4. Software and Vendor Selection
The venture asset arranging or ERP programming or the seller for the improvement of
the Westpac Bank is SAP. It is a standout amongst the most vital merchants of ERP and for
the utilizations of any association. The bank's ERP framework in the end will enable them to
maintain their business activities like deals, bookkeeping, generation, fund and in addition
HR in a noteworthy coordinated condition (O'Neill, Beauvais and Scholl 2016). This kind of
incorporation is in charge of the stream of data shape one of the segment of SAP to the
following without even the necessity for a repetitive passage of information and along these
lines authorizing the legitimate, fund related and handling controls. The other imperative
preferred standpoint of SAP for the association of Westpac Bank incorporates successful
usage of assets like limit of creation, limit of machines and considerably labor.
The different favorable circumstances or advantages of the SAP inside the association
of Westpac Bank are as per the following:

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i) Competition: SAP would be helpful for the association as it would upgrade the
opposition of the association. It gives upper hands to the association.
ii) Efficiency: The ERP programming additionally dispenses with the dreary business
procedures and lessening the necessity of entering data physically. The business forms are
likewise streamlined with this product (Barclay and Osei-Bryson 2015).
iii) Collaboration: The third huge preferred standpoint that the association would get
from the SAP programming is simple coordinated effort. It works together among every one
of the offices that capacity independently. The information is incorporated with this SAP
iv) Cost Savings: SAP programming is to a great degree financially savvy and does
not bring about tremendous expenses.
v) Scalability and Flexibility: The following noteworthy preferred standpoint of the
SAP programming is its versatility and adaptability. The organized ERP frameworks
empower revisions of new clients and along these lines it is to a great degree adaptable
(Laudon and Laudon 2015).
vi) Integrated Information: The following huge favorable position of the SAP
programming for the association of Westpac Bank is the data incorporation. It coordinates the
data legitimately and in this way the CRM programming is likewise incorporated with ERP
(Cassidy 2016).
vii) Process Streamlining: The activities of the matter of Westpac Bank are amazingly
perplexing. Every one of these procedures are required to be streamlined. With the assistance
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of the SAP programming every one of these procedures could be effectively streamlined
(Van De Walle, Turoff and Hiltz 2014).
viii) Customer Service: The clients are the most essential variables of a particular
bank. With the nearness of SAP programming, the association of Westpac Bank would have
the capacity to give high calibre of client administrations (Simkin, Norman and Rose 2014).
Therefore, it can be concluded that SAP will be the most effective one for the case
study organization.
5. Determination of 3 ways for Utilizing Technology
The 3 unmistakable courses for using the innovation of SAP inside the Westpac Bank
to improve their business efficiencies are as per the following:
i) Increasing Productivity: The first and the chief method to use the SAP venture asset
arranging programming inside the business procedures of Westpac Bank is the augmenting
efficiency. SAP deals with the differing functionalities of the bank like deals, obtaining, back,
HR and numerous more into one single capacity (Whittington 2014). This diminishes the
complexities and accordingly the profitability of the bank is expanded in an abnormal state.
ii) Improving Efficiency: The second method to use or utilize the product of SAP
venture asset arranging is to enhance the general effectiveness of the business. A bank
requires different business forms inside it and thus they are required to be totally and
amazingly proficient and viable. With the assistance of the SAP venture asset arranging
programming the odds of wastefulness is decreased to a more prominent level and
subsequently it is generally acknowledged in everywhere throughout the world (Groom et al.
2015). The business information is put away with this product and along these lines
diminishing the unpredictability of the upkeep of information physically.
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iii) Improving Decision Making: The third route is to enhance the basic leadership
process by the SAP ERP programming. The whole procedure of basic leadership is to a great
degree simple and rearranged with this specific programming. Westpac Bank therefore would
be greatly useful with this (Arvidsson, Holmström and Lyytinen 2014).
6. Evaluation of Efficiency Level
At the point when the product of SAP will be actualized inside the matter of Westpac
Bank, the proficiency level would be exceedingly moved forward. Following is the
assessment of the productivity level of the bank once the innovation is executed.
i) Customer Satisfaction: Any bank winds up effective when the clients are happy
with them. This consumer loyalty is gotten with the usage of the SAP as it streamlines the
business forms (Wang, Gupta and Rao 2015).
ii) Increased Profits: Since the business forms are incorporated into one, the additional
expenses are disposed of and henceforth the benefit is expanded with the usage of SAP ERP
iii) Good Control on Business: There is a decent control over the whole business of
the bank and therefore the business is profited with this SAP.
7. Examination of Potential Security Risks and Breaches
The Westpac Bank is the most well known bank in Australia and New Zealand. They
have serving to their clients for over 100 years and have confronted different troublesome
circumstances in the residency. A standout amongst the most indispensable regions is the
security hazard or danger (Fountas et al. 2015). There are different security dangers and
information ruptures conceivable inside the arrangement of Westpac Bank. The most vital
security dangers and information ruptures are as per the following:

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i) Distributed Denial of Service Attacks: The DDoS assaults or the conveyed dissent
of administration assaults allude to the most noteworthy dangers in any keeping money
framework. It is the sort of digital assault where the culprit or the aggressor looks for into a
machine for making it totally inaccessible for the approved clients. Every one of these clients
don't get the entrance of the information in spite of the fact that being approved. This kind of
assault even obstructs the system asset and consequently the administrations are upset.
ii) Phishing: The second critical sort of security chance is the phishing. This is the
most fundamental approach to get all the classified data or information like usernames or
passwords or even accreditations of ledger and charge cards. This sort of hazard happens
when the aggressor masks himself as the most reliable substance inside any electronic gadget
(Peppard, Galliers and Thorogood 2014).
iii) Trojan: It is the malevolent program of PC that in the long run deceives every one
of the clients of its genuine goal. This sort of security hazard is spread through social building
like deceiving a client in tapping on a malignant email.
iv) Insider Attacks: Another huge security chance inside the Westpac Bank is the
insider assault. Any individual inside the bank purposely or inadvertently breaks the
information or data (Jouini, Rabai and Aissa 2014).
v) Improper Duty Segregation: The obligations of the representatives ought to be
isolated legitimately and if this isn't done appropriately, disarray can happen.
vi) Misalignment of Application Controls: The application controls help to control
every one of the uses of any bank. A standout amongst the most huge security dangers is the
misalignment of these application controls.
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vii) Inadequate Vendor Management Processes: Another imperative hazard is the
insufficient merchant administration forms. Significant issues can emerge because of this in
the Westpac Bank.
viii) Infrastructure Security Vulnerabilities: The last noteworthy hazard for a
particular bank is the framework security powerlessness. The framework of the bank ought to
be kept up appropriately as it is helpless against such dangers.
8. Rules for Mitigating the Risks
The SAP merchant of the ERP programming would be greatly useful for the bank in
moderating all the previously mentioned dangers. The rules for alleviating all the previously
mentioned security dangers are given beneath:
i) Alignment of Application Controls: The SAP programming involves an in
assembled arrangement of utilization controls and subsequently the misalignment of these
controls are relieved.
ii) In Built Cyber Security: The most critical component of the SAP programming is
that it comprises of an in constructed digital security framework inside it. All the different
digital security dangers like Trojan steeds, infections, malware, phishing, mocking and
numerous more are effortlessly relieved with particular sort of ERP programming
(Whittington 2014).
iii) Resolving Insider Attacks: SAP isolates the obligations of the representatives
inside the bank and consequently the entrance of the classified data is controlled. The insider
assaults are therefore diminished with this kind of ERP programming (Wang, Gupta and Rao
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iv) Infrastructure Management: The framework of the bank is likewise secured with
SAP and accordingly WESTPAC should actualize the product of SAP ERP.
Thusly, from the above exchange, it can be reasoned that, vital data framework or
basically SIS is the accumulation of different tenets or rules that are used by different
associations to set their plans and additionally procedures according to the beforehand
existing standards. The most huge target of the consolidation of this kind of vital data
framework is that it is used for empowering any association in surveying the progressions or
changes of the earth and accordingly using them as the gainful perspectives or highlights. For
the most part, this strategic information system is sub separated into three noteworthy writes.
They are the monetary division, operational division and vital division. Notwithstanding, it
totally relies upon the kind of business; the vital data framework is being consolidated. The
following vital preferred standpoint of this kind of data framework is that the procedure of
basic leadership is amazingly simpler with this. At the point when strategic information
system is incorporated with the emotionally supportive networks, the business destinations
and objectives are streamlined and the data frameworks are adjusted appropriately to the
techniques. Moreover, the vital data framework is in charge of giving answers for throughout
the entire the term and here and now targets of the business. The most recent data is along
these lines uncovered with key data framework. ERP is the business classification
administration programming that gives joining to a wide range of utilizations. The
applications are therefore overseen, gathered, put away, deciphered and made do with the
assistance of the product of big business asset arranging. The contextual analysis that is
chosen in this specific report is of the Westpac Bank. There are different business forms in a
particular bank. The above report has plainly said about the advantages and disadvantages of

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the Enterprise asset getting ready for the Westpac Bank. The report has legitimately featured
every one of the prerequisites of a business, every one of the frameworks necessities and the
appropriate programming as well as choice of seller choice for the bank. Besides, three
techniques to enhance the business productivity are additionally specified here.
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