
Assignment on Strategic Management and Leadership Sample


Added on  2020-07-22

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Business DevelopmentLeadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentMechanical EngineeringPolitical Science
Strategic Management andLeadership
Assignment on Strategic Management and Leadership Sample_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................11.1 Analysing political, social, ethical and operational needs for common strategies betweenorganizations and administrations...............................................................................................11.2 Methodologies by which collective strategy is evolved and developed internally within anorganisation and externally on a national and international collaborative basis.........................21.3 Opportunities for the future development of collective strategies so as to enhance theimpact on the component organisations, administrations and key stakeholders.........................32.1 Defining collective strategy and considering the ways for forming the policies of thecomponent organisations, administrations and key stakeholders...............................................42.2 Key policy and strategy issues which influence collective strategy.....................................52.3 Factors that influences collective strategy............................................................................63.1 Solution of tension between the cultures and ethics that contributes in the organisation,administration and key stakeholders...........................................................................................73.2 Evaluation of strategics intelligence that used in development and formulation of strategy93.3 Knowledge and thinking to formulate and development of collective strategy....................94.1 Differences between aims and purposes of individual .......................................................124.2 Link between aspiration of the collective strategy..............................................................124.3 Critical understanding of different organizational, philosophical and methodologicalapproaches.................................................................................................................................13Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................14REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................15
Assignment on Strategic Management and Leadership Sample_2

INTRODUCTIONUltimate aim of any firm is to gain maximum profit. This is only possible when they areable to understand the needs and requirements of customers. In this context, there are differenttype of strategies that are implemented with the help of which satisfaction level of customers canbe raised. Strategic management can be determined to be implementation and formulation ofinitiatives and goals that are taken up by top managers (Renko, El Tarabishy and Brännback,2015). These type of decisions are taken in order to make sure that the organizational goals andobjectives are achieved. Further, leadership is defined to be action that leads or guide workerstowards goal. Present report is about Khatib & Alami, it provides engineering and architecturalconsulting services. This report covers analysis of political, social, ethical and operational needsof common strategies between administration and organizations. Further, it covers key policyand strategy issues which influence collective strategy. Lastly, it also includes use of strategicintelligence in the development and formulation of strategy. 1.1 Analysing political, social, ethical and operational needs for common strategies betweenorganizations and administrationsThere are different type of issues that are being faced within the organization. With thisrespect, to overcome them it requires to make use of strategies with the help of which the issueor problem can be solved. With time there are different set of changes that take place within thetaste or policies that are used by the business. Further, it is important changes are identified andappropriate steps are taken so that the business operations can be performed in effective manner(D. Banker, Mashruwala and Tripathy, 2014). With this respect Below given are the commontype of strategies that are implemented by the organizations and administrations: Political: There are changes in the policies that are followed at different countries. Insuch condition, business operation of Khatib & Alami gets negatively affected. In this context, itincludes fiscal and monitory policies. When there are changes in these policies, then businessgets negatively affected as they have to raise the price of their services. Due to this, the demandfor their service get reduced (Ou, Tsui and Song, 2014). Social: There are different type of changes that take place in taste and preference ofcustomers. It is important for the cited firm to understand then and made changes in theirservices. In accordance with the common strategies that are applied by organizations is related1
Assignment on Strategic Management and Leadership Sample_3

with conducting market research. This is effective in order to know the changes that take place inpreference of customers. This way the rate of performance can be raised. Ethical: Different countries follow diverse set of rules that are given by government. It isimportant to make sure that proper consideration is made so that the type of services which isdelivered is of high quality. As per the strategies that are implemented by administration is inrelation with taking steps with the help of which the rate of wastage can be reduced (Abdelhak,Grostick and Hanken, 2014). Operational needs: In order to achieve the goals and objectives of the business, itrequires to have business operations through which the performance rate of the firm can beachieved and the set of goals are attained. As per the common strategies, organizations andadministration get to identify the areas in which improvement is required. For this purpose,proper analysis is made so that weaknesses can be identified. Accordingly, steps are taken so thatthe effective operational performance can be improved (Pearlson, Saunders and Galletta, 2016). 1.2 Methodologies by which collective strategy is evolved and developed internally within anorganisation and externally on a national and international collaborative basisThere are both internal and external factors due to which business gets negativelyaffected. In this context, one of the issue that are faced in such condition is in relation withdeveloping satellite offices in order to survive and compete. This needs to be done all the firmsthat fall under consultancy companies. This is a type of issue that causes inconveniences and de-value or risk. With this respect, one of the main issue faced is in relation with communicationchannels. Collaborative strategies are developed on the type of risk that is being identified. Itenables to make sure that combined efforts are take so that issues identified can be resolved.Internally, there are condition in which employees face problems due to which the rate ofperformance level gets negatively affected. In order to resolve this, collaborative efforts aremade so that it can be solved. In such condition, it is important that proper information is beingconveyed to all workers and they provide their valuable suggestions. This is effective way todetermine different set of alternatives that help to reduce the rate of risk. All the strategies thatdeveloped for overcoming internal issues can effectively implemented but for strategies that aredeveloped for solving external problems can only be done to little extent. In order words, the rateof risk can be reduced but it can not be solved completely. 2
Assignment on Strategic Management and Leadership Sample_4

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