
Strategic Management Individual Report


Added on  2023-06-05

11 Pages3017 Words407 Views
Leadership Management
Strategic Management
Individual Report
Strategic Management Individual Report_1

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3
MAIN BODY .................................................................................................................................3
Definition of management at strategic level...........................................................................3
Critically evaluate the procedure used by an organisation for finding out the strategy ........4
Critically evaluate the external and internal environmental variation impact on organisational
strategy ..................................................................................................................................5
Review the organisation's strategic plan and also provide the action plan for the organisation
on the basis of change in either the external or internal environment ...................................7
CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................8
Strategic Management Individual Report_2

Strategic management refers to the process of objectives, setting goals and objectives for
making the company or organisation more competitive in terms of nature. It basically requires to
set objectives for an organisation, evaluating the competitors actions, review of internal structure
of an organisation and also confirming that the strategies have been implemented on the overall
company(Ansoff and et.al., 2018). TESCO is taken into consideration, in the present report. It is
a merchandise retailer of multinational level that is based in Welwyn Garden City, England. The
report will cover discussion about the management at strategic level and also about the
organisation process for finding out the strategy. The report basically consist of the internal and
external environment impact variation on the strategy of an organisation. The report also consist
of the strategic plan of an organisation which provides a plan of action for the organisation on
the basis of change in either the external or internal environment.
Definition of management at strategic level
Management at Strategic level is basically the sequential planning, monitoring, analysis
and assessment of all the requirements the company requires to meet their objectives and goals
as well. Environmental changes of organisation will also need organisation to constantly assess
their strategies for success. Strategic management have certain kind of benefits which include
they have non financial and financial benefits. The strategic management process supports the
company and its leadership to think about and plan for its existence of future nature that fulfils
the board of directors responsibility(Fuertes and et.al., 2020). Management at strategic level sets
the direction for their employees and its organisation as well. The effective strategic plan is that
plans, tests and monitors the activities of an organisation which results into the greater efficiency
at operational level, profitability and market share.
There are certain concepts of management at strategic level which is based around the
clear understanding of an organisation of its mission, vision for there want to see in the future
and values that will guide their actions. In context to TESCO organisation, they properly analyse,
plan, monitor of all the needs of an organisation that requires to meet the goals and objectives as
well. For achieving success on a larger scale it is very important that to continuously assess the
strategies which they need to be implemented at the organisational level. For TESCO
Strategic Management Individual Report_3

organisation, strategic management also provides the overall direction through developing
policies and plans which has been designed in order to achieve the objectives. They also allocate
the resources in order to implement the plans at the organisational level of TESCO. Without
strategic management there is no direction for the organisation and their employees as
well(Ginter and et.al., 2018). Strategic management plays a very significant role at the
organisational level where it helps the TESCO organisation to rationalise the change and
actualise the change and communicate the requirements to change better to its employees. It is a
concept which brings discipline at the organisational level of TESCO to its activities of the firm
both in its external and internal activities and processes.
Critically evaluate the procedure used by an organisation for finding out the strategy
At the organisational level, it is very important to understand the procedure of an
organisation in order to determine its strategy into result oriented terms which has been defined
into the following manner:
Process refers to the set of actions, operations or motions which has lead to some result
for the manufacturing of process. It also refers to the series of changes which occur on the
natural terms during the process of growth. It is very important for TESCO organisation to use
the right kind of process so that they can properly frame their strategies according to chang
market and the daily working as well. For determining the strategy, it is important to identify the
steps involved in the process at the organisational level(Gošnik and Kavčic., 2021). It is
important to determine the position of strategy and also need to prioritise their objectives as well.
It is necessary to develop a plan and also it requires for determining the tactics which is
necessary to attain the objectives and designate the timeline and also clearly communicating the
responsibilities. In the further step, they can execute and mange the plan accordingly for it. At
the end, it is important to review and also revise the plan. In context to TESCO organisation,
they have to follow proper steps for it. First of all, it is very important for them to identify the
mission and also analyse the situation as well. Within the first step, it is a just like the base of
strategy and also sets the direction that where to go. Its necessary to have setting the objectives
and also need to develop the marketing strategy for it. At the end, it is important for the
planning for evaluation. In this manner, the process can be used by the organisation for
determining the strategy.
Strategic Management Individual Report_4

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