
Strategic Planning for the Hospitality Industry


Added on  2023-01-16

12 Pages3984 Words32 Views
Strategic Planning for the
Hospitality Industry
Strategic Planning for the Hospitality Industry_1

LO 4.................................................................................................................................................4
Factors affecting successful implementation of different strategies............................................4
Evaluation of different performance metrics...............................................................................6
Managing strategic change..........................................................................................................9
Strategic Planning for the Hospitality Industry_2

Hospitality industry is a wider part of service industry it provides various facilities to its
customers that can be transportation service, food and drink, event planning lodging, travelling ,
airline etc. In this report we have taken IBSI Hotel is specialized in providing comfort to its
customer at affordable price and know for its economic brand. These report discuss various
factor that affect in implementation of strategies in business function. This, report also present
an evaluation and analysis of different performance metrics of hotel and the way they effect the
business strategies. At last this report describes about the key element in managing strategies
changes and leading types of strategies changes.
LO 4
Factors affecting successful implementation of different strategies
The success of an organization depends upon its strategies and its implementation and
the strategies of the company are set as per the goals of the company (Aboutalebi, 2016). The
IBIS hotel objective is to provide quality services to its customer at affordable price to attract
large number of customer. So, There are various factors that affect successful implementation of
strategies on the function of business:
Leadership: Leaders have the ability to influence, direct and guide people in an organization
towards achievement of goals (Adiwidjaja, Boddy and McLachlan, 2018). The leader should
have following qualities or traits such as accountable, patience, positive, responsible, integrity
and have ability to solve problem in hospitality industry to manage different people. The leader
has use various leadership styles such as democratic and autocratic for achievement of goals.
Factor that affect successful implementation of leadership strategies are the resources and
environment of company, roles of employee, culture of organization, economical, sociological,
technological and political factors. Every Hotel has a particular work environment so the leader
of IBIS Hotel has adopted democratic style as that suit their environment. The success of leader
of EBIS is depended upon its resources such as human resource, technology and physical
resource as they are acquired and utilize in the most effective way. The leader in IBIS Hotel
consider sociological and technological in order to update its self with the trends in the market
and to satisfy the needs of the customers in most effective manner. There are different kinds of
employee in an organization having different role, value and ethics so the leader of IBIS Hotel
uses various technique to motivate them. So, there are various factors that affect implementation
Strategic Planning for the Hospitality Industry_3

of leadership strategies thus the leader of IBIS Hotel make strategies by considering all these
factor for successful implementation.
Structural design: It finds out information related to grade of material, cross-sectional
dimension and structure sufficient to carry different types of loading (Nzuki,Ombuki and Arasa,
2017). IBIS Hotel has innovative structure design and provide soothing ambience to its
customers. The factor that effect that structural design strategies of IBIS Hotel are size and
complexity of hotel, technology, geographical consideration, environmental and organization
life cycle. Size of the organization play an important role in determination of its structure as the
larger company the structure design is more complicated. IBIS has number of employee and it
operates its business on a large scale and have well-defined structure that helps in determination
of roles and responsibilities of each employee in the hotel. Life cycle of organization is also a
factor that affect structural design if the company is new it does not have well-defined structure,
as its expand its business it has made certain rules and regulation and decentralize decision-
making power. IBIS Hotel structural design is formal as it operates its business across various
countries since many years so is had set of are rules and regulation, code of conduct, inter-
relationship are well-defined between employee and employer etc. Environment also affect the
structural design strategies as in case of unstable environment company has to adopt flexible
structure to meet changes whereas in stable environment it can have same structured. IBIS hotel
follow flexible structure design strategies as it operate is business in unstable environment in
order to quickly response to the changes in the environment.
Information and Control Systems: This system is used by the organization to gather and
evaluate performance of various resources of company such as human, physical resource and
financial (Orgut and et.al,2016). The factor that affect the information and control system of
IBIS Hotel are revenue and expense, quality, distribution of power, strategic, impact on
individual and organization. Information and control system help the hotel in development and
storage of information that lead to minimization of cost of operation. Thus, it helps in successful
achievement of strategies by cutting down operating cost and increasing non- operating revenue.
It helps in generation of accurate decision within time as the computer provide accurate
information. Quality also affect in successful implementation of information and control system
as by the use of computer the quality of output improves. It helps in delivering information to
board member through presentation of slides in effective way. The information gather can be
Strategic Planning for the Hospitality Industry_4

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