
Strategic Planning & Business Strategy


Added on  2020-01-23

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Strategic Planning & Business Strategy_1

Table of ContentsIntroduction..........................................................................................................................................4Task 1....................................................................................................................................................4Task 2....................................................................................................................................................43.1 Using modelling tools to design strategic options................................................................43.2 Designing comparative understanding activities from organisations...................................63.3 Developing options to make basis of future organisational strategy....................................74.1 Making a suitable structure for strategy plan........................................................................94.2 Designing criteria for reviewing potential options for strategy plan..................................104.3 Designing agreed strategy plan that associates resources implication................................125.1 Comparing core organisational value with current business objectives of Brook .............135.2 Vision and mission statement of Brook Organization ........................................................145.3 Future management objectives of Brook Organization .....................................................155.4 Measure for evaluating a strategy plan ..............................................................................156.1 Developing schedule for implementation strategy plan in firm..........................................166.2 Dissemination procedure to gain commitment from stakeholders in corporation..............176.3 Designing monitoring evaluating systems for execution of strategy plan in firm..............17............................................................................................................................................................18Conclusion..........................................................................................................................................19References..........................................................................................................................................20
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Illustration IndexIllustration 1: porter five forces............................................................................................................4Illustration 2: Anshoff matrix...............................................................................................................7Illustration 3: Gantt chart for strategic plan......................................................................................18Illustration 4: Network diagram.........................................................................................................18
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INTRODUCTIONStrategic planning is a process to develop an appropriate plan for the corporation. It helpsthe organisation to take strategic decisions by allocating resources in order to achieve organisationalobjectives and goals. Further, it is useful in providing strategic direction to get effective success inthe market (Coulter, 2005). Brook is nation volunteer organisation which offers free andconfidential sexual heath guidance and services to young people in Britain. The present reportdefines strategic planning for the organisation. It develops strategic plan for Brook firm in thenation. It explains aspects which impact strategies of firm in the market. Further, it also showsimplementation of strategic plan.TASK 1Power point presentation TASK 23.1 Using modelling tools to design strategic optionsManagement of Brook can utilize many modelling tools such porter five forces and valuechain analysis to design strategic options. Porter five forces model- It is used to analyse completive environment of market in the nation. Itcan aid the firm to develop proper strategic options.(Source: Conduit and Mavondo, 2015)Factors`LevelDescriptionRivalryHighThere are many rivals who offer free and confidential sexual health services for young people (Conduit and Mavondo, 2015).Entry levelMediumFew healthcare organisations like Care UK and AIHO (Association ofIllustration 1: porter five forces
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Independent Healthcare Organisations) are come every year.Threat of substitutesLowNo other healthcare services are substituted by other facilities in the healthcare market.Bargaining power of suppliersMediumThere are many suppliers which provide medical instruments in affordable prices.Bargainingpower ofBuyersHighMany young people require proper direction and guidance in confidential sexual healthcare services.Mintzberg strategy can be defined as series of decisions which helps the organisation todevelop better strategic planning in the market. These approaches are divided into deliberate andemergent strategy.Deliberate strategy- It aids the Brook organisation to decide precise and articulated decisions todevelop confidential sexual healthcare services for young people in area. It contribute effective rolefor monitoring collective actions and aims of organisation are common as per objectives or not(Delener, 2000). In addition to this, it also helps to analyse effect of external environment on them. Emergent strategy- In this process, purpose of firm play important role to develop properstrategies. Otherwise, it can create difficulty for Brook to achieve their goals in the market. To makebetter strategy, this approach is also necessary for designing of better healthcare plans for adults inthe nation (Nguyen and Schultz, 2013). In addition to this, emergent strategy contains many featurelike planned, entrepreneurial, ideological, Umbrella, process, unconnected and imposed which helpthe Brook to develop better sexual healthcare services for young people in the UK. Management of Brook can also use expansion strategies to expand its healthcare services inUnited Kingdom. Firm can use merger and acquisition strategies in the market.Merger-It is a legal consolidation of two organisation into one firm. For example, management ofbrook can do merger with health care organization to provide confidentialsexual health careservices for adults in the country (Strategies, Deliberate and Emergent, 2005).Acquisition-It occurs when one enterprise takes ownership of other organization by purchasing itsequity or assets in the market. For example, Brook firm purchase another heath care organisation bybuying its assets in order to expand its sexual healthcare services for young people in the nation.
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3.2 Designing comparative understanding activities from organisationsBenchmarking, gap as well as market analysis helps in comparative understanding in themarket.Market analysis- Market analysis is used to analyse attractiveness of the market. This approachassists in understanding opportunities and strength of Brook in health care sector. It aids to removeweaknesses of the organisation in this market. Market analysis is dependent on many aspects suchas profitability, market trends, distribution channel, cost structure, market size and growth rate(Group.Needle, 2010). These factors contribute effective role for Brook to design rival strategies inorder to enhance free and confidential sexual health care services for young people.Benchmarking Analysis- According to the case, this approach helps corporations to comparecurrent performance against other competitors in the market. For example, Brook can adopt theseimprovements to achieve the objectives in health care industry. This process can also help tointerpret rival activities (Doppelt, 2009). It can aid the organisation to eliminate its weakness forcompeting with its competitors in United Kingdom.Gap Analysis- It is used to monitor present and desired performance to complete goals andobjectives of Brook. For example, it helps the firm to identify future resources to accomplish itspurpose in health care industry. Brook can reduce its weaknesses and enhance its performance bygiving free and confidential sexual health services in United Kingdom.Competitive strategy- As per case, this strategy helps the organisation to make better rival plans toincrease its market share by providing better health care services in the nation. For example,Management of Brook analyse its competitors strategies in order to develop better plans to beattheir rivals for increasing their market share in United Kingdom. Competitive strategy alsocontribute effective role for organization to improve present confidential sexual healthcare servicesfor adults in the sector (Mellat-Parast and et.al., 2015). Niche market- It is also one part of market which contains specific category to provide betterservices to the people (Kapferer, 2012). For example, management of Brook occupies specificcategory cat in the nation. Mainly, firm provides free and confidential sexual health care services toyoung people in United Kingdom.OrganisationsMarket analysisBenchmarkingAnalysisIndustry analysisBrookConfidential and freeSexual health careservices of Brook isOrganisation applieseffectivebenchmarking tool toBrook has noteffective supplierswho do not provide
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