
Russian Interference in US Elections


Added on  2023-01-23

12 Pages1550 Words85 Views
Strategic Studies
Russian Interference in US Elections_1

The United States of America held their presidential elections in the year 2016 according
to their constitution. It was not until the election process was over that Russia came in and
interfered with the whole election process thus creating differences between the two groups who
supported Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. According to research, the reason for the Russian
attack was interrupt the campaign for Hillary Clinton and continue with the candidacy for
Donald Trump. Their secrets for their planned attack was unveiled by the members of the united
states through their secret email that was revealed to the public.
It was found out that all the planned action was ordered by the Russian president
Vladimir Putin. There were researches and several investigations made on the interference later
on to find out the basic information of the all story. It was then realized that the Russian people
conducted the media persuading act whereby they persuaded the Americans to support Trump
and this further led to major differences between the two political parties.
There Russians hacked the computer systems of the Americans during the campaigns and
at the climax of the campaigns. Towards the elections there were several emails disclosed at the
public because they could easily get accessed to the political information of the American
people.. This brought a lot of tension for US nations and it resulted to the decline of the supports
of Hillary Clinton. The Russians on investigations declined never to have been involved in the
hacking of the system (Lipton & Shane, 2016).
Discussions of the two critical thinkers
In linking the discussions on the Russian interference according to some of the two
classical thinkers that is Corbett and Machiavelli, Julian Corbett in his article of Principles of
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Maritime Strategy says that; the direction to the maritime dominance depends on the effective
controls of the sea and the positions of communication plus the denial of the access of the
enemies. In his opinion he says that naval strategy is not and ends itself but rather a way to
termination of the war. He further says that the manner in which people prepare the equipment
for applied discussions; they should protect the means of arranging the issues in troublesome
form to reduce the speediness of the real-world course of action. Without such kinds of
arrangements, it possible for two people to have differences that make them part ways and
divorce it for quiet solution thus leading to the rise of conflict between the two different parties
(Mayer, 2018).
Machiavelli in his article of The Prince mainly aimed at explaining the direct handbooks
for rulers who aim at recollecting their power or change of a new control estate or to clutch and
control the current one. He provides explanations for the wickedest compulsions for those who
seek sovereignty and he gives out the results of such actions which include encouragements of
quarrels amidst the citizens, duplicity, homicide and the purchase of temporary monarchs.
Machiavelli says that the protection of the state permits such actions because the state is capable
of ensuring security, instruction and peace for the people. He sets the determinations and the
necessity for people to have order in each side since the two are corresponding (Masters, 2018).
Russian targets and goals
The Russians had a goal to achieve as they planned for the interference of the US
elections. Their goals and the objectives included contravention up any alliance that
counterattacks them and the two examples are NATO and the EU. If the two unions break into
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pieces and start operating on their own, Russia would then find it easy and simple to conquer
any of the either through fighting, ambassadorial or economic controls.
If the two unions are still together, it is problematic to challenge them particularly when
the united nations are involved. Another main goal was to push nationalism instead of globalism.
They liked the idea that if everyone puts themselves first in place of their subjects and alliances,
it would permit Russia to grow to the top of the world hence achieving their dream of
nationalism which is a big them in the interference than globalism. Another goal for the
interference was to disrupt the campaign for Hillary Clinton and support the candidacy of Donald
Trump. This was to result to the political dissonance in US which would be their joy (Robert,
American responses
Following the Russian interference of the US elections, the Americans were not pleased
at all since Russia participated in interfering with the democratic parties of the United States and
therefore they bitterly responded to the inhumane action. Their responses were as follows; in
response to the risky escalations in the Kerch Strait, the secretary of the state and the US
ambassador predestined the decisions of the Russian people to stop the three navy vessels of
Ukrainian from using the black sea.
In response the hacking of the political system, a fine was made on a Russian woman for
her participation to interfere with the US political system inclusive of the midterm elections that
were held. In response the hateful cyber associated events, seven Russian military intelligent
officers were also fined for their participation in the hacking of the systems of the Olympic
athletes and the chemical weapon displays. The United Nations offered a joint statement with
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