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Strategies and Initiatives for a Diverse Workforce


Added on  2023/01/09

AI Summary
This report discusses the strategies and initiatives implemented by organizations, using Michelin as a case study, to build a diverse and inclusive workforce. It explores the concept of diversity and inclusion, the plans of action taken by Michelin, and the significance of building a diverse workforce. The report also includes research methods, data collection techniques, and a questionnaire.

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Strategies and
Initiatives to ensure a
Diverse Workforce

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LO 3.................................................................................................................................................9
LO 4...............................................................................................................................................16
APPENDIX 1.................................................................................................................................20
APPENDIX 2.................................................................................................................................22
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What kinds of strategies and initiatives do organisations put in place to build a diverse and
inclusive workforce?
Equality and miscellany are two concepts which are adequate for the expansion and progress
of an establishment. Multiplicity states to demographic differentiations of a unit frequently at
group or organisational rank. It can be explained as diverse civilization, backdrop of workers that
may be appreciated by a company to satisfy workforce. Diversity offers prevention n form of
age, gender, race, disability, region and menu more in working environment of a business
venture. While impartiality indicates to the similarities in form of reimburse, development
opportunities and rights etc. that are provided by an enterprise to its workers (Tranter and et. al.,
2018). Equality and diversity are about assuring the same growth options for all manpower
performing in the firm. Employees also chosen that companies which assure fairness and at the
same time multiplicity and task more effectively in such types of working environment. So
encouraging both impartiality and miscellany for an establishment is must in the exits globalised
globe. This written report is supported to Michelin which is a French multinational Tyre
manufacturing company and operates its commerce in Automobile sector. The report will cover
data about ambitions, objectives and project expansion arrangement by including diverse features
of it. Moreover, the document will consider diverse investigate techniques that are utilised to
carry forward an examination. Further, suggestions as a result of the investigate and indication
on the assessment of responsibility will also define in this written report.
Overview of the company- Michelin is a French international tyre producer based in Clermont-
Ferrand in the Auvergne-Rhone–Alpes area of France. This corporation was established in
1889by Edourad Michelin and Andre Michelin. It the second biggest type manufacturing
company in the globe which operate its commerce internationally with the assistance of its
112,800 employees (Hughes, 2018). The respective venture offer tyre products and travel
assistance services globally.
Research aim
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“To analyse the strategies and initiatives that firm do in reference of framing a diverse
and inclusive workforce. A case study on Michelin.”
Research objectives
To acknowledge the conception of building diverse and inclusive workforce.
To determine the plan of action and initiatives that is included by Michelin to build
diverse workforce for Michelin.
To analyse the essentialness of constructing different and comprehensive workforce.
Research questions
What is the concept of building diverse and inclusive workforce?
What are the plans of actions that are made by administration of Michelin to build diverse
and inclusive workforce?
What is the significance of building diverse and inclusive workforce?
A project administration preparation refers to an activity that is performed and improved by
the researcher and investigator to meet research aims and objectives (Malik, Lenka and Sahoo,
2018). This plan is enlarged by the surveyor by including diverse aspects that are effective and
essential for the accomplishment of investigate. It is a prescribed proposal of the development
that symbolizes the task price, range, and approaches of announcement, largely task threats and
many more. It is essential in all features of the task as before opening any projects and projects a
proposal is required to recognize what threats can occur, what assets is required, what actions
require to engage for flourishing attainment of the task. The explanation of several factors of
project development preparation is described as under:
Cost- It refers to the finance which is required to execute and execute the process of an
establishment like Michelin. Cost is a most crucial facet of a task and also the project
administrator must administrate it in an effective form to assure the growth of the project. The
administration of respective firm needed £1000 to execute investigation actions in reference to
meet research aim and objective (Kruskal and et. al., 2018). While, the surveyor is required £400
so that the person can appropriately execute its investigation and information gathering process.
Scope- The scope of this investigation report is to earn an acknowledging about proposal
engaged by Michelin regarding the outcome on enclosure of diverse and inclusive working
environment. It has extensive capacity as it will assist the investigator in upcoming time

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throughout execute these kinds of research project. The project scope conjointly considers the
improving plan of action of the Gantt chart with the evaluation of the work breakdown structure
in reference that the task will manage the set time duration and might be accomplished at periods
and finances.
Time- It refers to the period and duration which is taken to execute a specific action and
process. In respect to this research projection, the investigator needed approx 4 weeks time
period to accomplish investigation document in well defined manner (Gonzaga and et. al., 2020).
A well-planned time duration is efficient to manage the work practice and for the constant
development of the task activities. So the project administrator of Michelin has to make sure an
effective time period so that workers performing for the project can attain each objective within
the time duration and it will assure the growth of the task.
Quality- It is the efficiency and competence of anything that devise it valuate and adequate.
Therefore, it refer to the eminence of investigation task so in reference to it, the surveyor gather
correct and relevant data which is assist in developing the value of the project. In Michelin, the
project manager can assure the quality declaration review to distinguish about the absent that is
acting as a barrier to assuring task value. So that, the administrator can manages the quality in all
aspects of the task.
Communication- It mentions to the forms by which interface can be produced. To collect
data, the investigator will utilise efficient announcement implements and techniques such as
mobile phone, chat box, message, email and many more. So that needed and important data can
be share and transmit to teammates and staff associates who compose their involvement in
meeting the investigation aims and objectives of Michelin.
Risk- It indicates to that hazards and complexities that are suffered by investigator at the
time of performing in the task. One of the main risks that is measured in this investigation is
technological and functioning that influence the growth and success of the project. Along with
this, lack of finance and monetary value can be occurred in respective research project (Riccucci,
2018). To neglect and avoid risks within the form of finances deficiency, the financial tools can
squeeze additional costs. Threats may occur within form of deprived task execution. Efficient
announcement is the main to removing and minimising this particular obstacle. Along with this,
the administrator of respective venture can also assign workers that are excellent at resolving
complexities generated from the hazard to decrease its outcome on the entire research report.
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Resources- It states to that assets and origins which are needed and play an efficient role in
executing the research activities in effective way by meeting set aims and objective of research
document. There are several assets such a fund, people, evaluation tools, time; instruments,
laptop, mobile phones, internet and various other are needed to investigator to accomplish this
task in set time frame (Masuku, 2018). Different skills and abilities will also be calculated as the
task resource because brainstorming diverse plan of action requires several competencies.
Work breakdown structure- It is a method and instrument that will be utilised by an
individual to execute investigation in appropriate form. This structure is describe as the major
components of the study activities and tasks that is significant in performing and managing
different actions of the task in enhanced form. This technique can be symbolize in form of
hierarchical three that will lead to separation of projection activities in small part so that they can
be accomplish by team members in developed form within granted time duration (Hunt and et.
al., 2018). A work breakdown construction is crucial for any task as it platforms the activities
that must be performed throughout the task. Segmenting the project tasks is efficient as it helps
the administrator to separate the groups with their activities and complete the work on time.
Gantt chart- It states to the optical announcement of actions in addition to the time period that is
being conducted for meeting investigation report aims and objectives. The plan refers initials and
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accomplishment duration of tasks of investigation in adequate form. The horizontal arrangement
of this framework defined the time enclose while vertical affiliation mentions the task which is
needed to carry forward carry forward. By utilising this technique, the researcher can form
growth before achievement of task document (Marcelin, Manne-Goehler and Silver, 2019). Gantt
chart demonstrates the success of an assignment and evaluates the administrator to attain project
activity within granted time period. It is crucial for managing the time duration and for
appropriate planning.

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Research is an activity of identifying a solution to a complexity utilising the scientific
method. The research assumes diverse methods to assure investigation success like information
gathering, data analysis, research outcomes and findings and many more. The basic concern of
investigation is to response the enquiry of a complexity and problem as well as generates new
finding and suggestions to resolve the issues.
Research method
It mention to that investigation tools and systems that are utilised by surveyor in examine
plan with the purpose of gathering and gathering information in phrase of meeting business aims
and objectives (West and et. al., 2018). The brief explanation of research methods is as below:
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Qualitative research- Within this study methodology, the data is in theoretical figure
which is collected by the researcher to complete investigation report by attaining its aims and
objectives in better way. It is basic evocative investigation which is used to acknowledgement of
underlying reasons, suggestions and empowerment. The techniques that are utilised to carry out
qualitative research consider group discussion, interviews, observation and many more.
Quantitative research- With the help of this method, the information which is gathered
with the assistance of it, is in numerical and statistical form. It is accomplished in regular form
with the methods and tools of graphical demonstration, statistical, computer, numerical and
many more. This type of investigation includes in surveys that needed numerical information
with the motive of investigation. By utilising this method of investigation, the data is collected
by questionnaires, analysis, online survey, mail and interview etc.
From the defined examination methodologies, it can be evaluated that the researcher can
utilise qualitative method to collect data as it is essential and efficient to gather theoretical and
brief information that assist in suitable achievement of investigation task aims and objectives.
Data collection methods
It states to those sources and tools that are used by the surveyor to collect data. There are
two types of data collecting tools and the detail explanation of them is as beneath:
Primary source- It defines as the gathering of that data which is assembled by
investigator itself (Burrell, 2020). By utilising this information collecting technique, the surveyor
can gather pure and first hand data by implementing several techniques like interview, review,
questionnaire, online survey, group conversation and many more.
Secondary source- It considers to that techniques and sources which assist in collecting
that data which already accessible and reachable. By utilising this data collection source, the
researcher can collect information that is available (Allen, 2018). For this, the individual can
utilise and implement different tools such as articles, books, magazines, internet, journals,
organisation’s websites, newspaper, government sites and many more.
It can be summarised form the preceding defined data collection sources that the
investigator can utilise and implement both primary and secondary technique of information
gathering. So that, the surveyor can gather reliable and relevant information which assist in
meeting study aims. It will also assist in completing project in effective form by offering
required information.
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Sampling- It refers to determine the numerical activity which is associated with the population.
This technique assists in assortment of the sample of a small size from a vast unit of individual
and population. In context of existing investigation task, the investigator choose sample of 30
individuals from the workers of Michelin, by making implementation and utilisation of simple
random sampling method.
Questionnaire- It is document and written description which considers a range of questions
regarding a particular subject with the motive of gathering data from several individual (Caron,
Asselin and Beaudoin, 2019). It is an important tool and method and with the help of it, surveyor
can make instant announcement with the individual and collect adequate data.
Q1. Do you have awareness regarding the conception of equality and diversity in working
(a) Yes
(b) No
Q2. Do you think that equality and diversity are excellent for Michelin to attain its aims
and objectives?
(a) Yes
(b) No
Q3. Does Michelin assure plans to support sameness and miscellany in the working
(a) Yes
(b) No
Q4. What are the plan of actions that are made by administration of Michelin to make
miscellaneous and comprehensive workforce?
(a) Transparency in pay
(b) Monitoring programs
(c) Promoting female entrepreneurs
Q5. What is the significance of building diverse and comprehensive workforce?
(a) Enlarge productivity
(b) Improve employee relationship
(c) Develop personnel engagement

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Q6. Why is it crucial to frame miscellaneous and general workplace in Michelin?
(a) Fairer development options
(b) Improvement in staff morale
(c) Hire fresh talent
Q7. What are the complexities and complexities that are faced by administration of
Michelin at the time of building equality and miscellany in working environment?
(a) Employee turnover
(b) Lack of employee involvement
Q8. Does Michelin require making development in strategies to sustain sameness and
miscellany in the workplace?
(b) No
Q9. Are you support the fact that developing equality and diversity also have some positive
influence over the operation of Michelin?
(a) Agree
(b) Disagree
Q10. Provide implications to deal with confronts of building diverse and inclusive
LO 3
Data examination is the process and activity that is commences to determine the
information statistically. It is crucial to identify affective outcomes of the investigation (Spector
and et. al., 2019). The coding system is the activity to segregate information to determine in an
easy form.
Theme1: Conception of equality and diversity
Q1. Do you have awareness regarding the conception of sameness
and miscellany in working environment?
(a) Yes 18
(b) No 12
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Interpretation- According mentioned visual communication, it can be examined that between
the inhabitants of 30 persons, 18 individuals are replied that they are familiar with the conception
of impartiality and multiplicity while outstanding 12 responders are responded that they have not
any knowledge about this conception of inclusive and diverse workforce.
Theme 2: Equality and diversity are good for attaining business aims and objectives
Q2. Do you think that equality and diversity are good for
Michelin to attain its aims and objectives?
(a) Yes 16
(b) No 14
Interpretation- It has been determined from the definite diagram that between the group of 30
people, 16 representatives are analysed that equality and diversity is good and will assisting in
accomplishing aims and objectives of respective enterprise. While remaining 14 people are
replied that it will not enable in achieving business goals of Michelin.
Theme 3: Initiatives to support equality and diversity in the working environment
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Q3. Does Michelin assure initiatives to support equality and
diversity in the working environment?
(a) Yes 17
(b) No 13
Interpretation- From the defined statistical information, it has been determined that among the
population of 30 representatives that 17 individuals are responded that the respective
establishment assure plans to sustain impartiality and multiplicity in the working atmosphere.
Whereas remaining 13 responders are viewed that the management of Michelin does not assure
proposals to sustain impartiality and miscellany at working environment.
Theme 4: Strategies to construct different and general workforce
Q4. What are the plans that are made by administration of
Michelin to make miscellaneous and general workforce?
(a) Transparency in pay 13
(b) Monitoring programs 9
(c) Promoting female entrepreneurs 8

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Interpretation- It has been finished that, from the mention graphical depiction, among the
population of 30 individuals, 13 people is agreed with transparency in recompense is an effective
plan that assists in imposing diverse and complete workforce. Whereas remaining 9
representatives are supported to supervising programs and 8 responded to encouraging female
entrepreneurs are efficient strategies with the purpose of constructing dissimilar and
comprehensive employees.
Theme 5: Importance of building dissimilar and comprehensive working environment
Q5. What is the importance of building diverse and inclusive
(a) Enlarge productivity 8
(b) Improve employee relationship 12
(c) Develop personnel engagement 10
Interpretation- This has been analysed from this graph that between the unit of 30 person, 8
individual are responded to enlarge productivity is the major significance of imposing various
and comprehensive workforce. While 12 responders are supported to improve employee relations
and remaining 10 are agreed with development of personnel involvement are the essentialness of
structuring dissimilar and comprehensive workforce.
Theme 6: Formation of diverse and inclusive workplace
Q6. Why is it crucial to frame dissimilar and comprehensive
working environment in Michelin?
(a) Fairer development options 11
(b) Improvement in staff morale 9
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(c) Hire fresh talent 10
Interpretation- It has been determined from this statistical information that between the
population of 30 responders, 11 individuals are replied that dissimilar and inclusive place of
work is significant for fair growth chances. 9 people are decided with improvement in staff
confidence and while remaining 10 representatives are supported to recruit fresh talent that
various and complete working atmosphere beneficial to developing worker morale and hiring
skilled applicants.
Theme 7: Complexities of building equality and diversity in working environment
Q7. What are the complexities and issues that are suffered by
administration of Michelin at the time of building equality and
diversity in working environment?
(a) Employee turnover 14
(b) Lack of employee involvement 16
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Interpretation- From the defined graph, it has been monitored that between the group of 30
individual, 14 people are agreed with employee turnover that is the main issues that is faced by
administration of respective establishment during to construct inclusive and dissimilar
workforce. Whereas 16 individual are supported to require of employee commitment is the key
complexity that is faced by management of Michelin cause of imposing diverse and inclusive
Theme 8: Requirement of development in strategies
Q8. Does Michelin require making development in strategies to
maintain sameness and miscellany in the workplace?
(a)Yes 19
(b) No 11
Interpretation- It has been summarised form the defined grid that between the unit of 30
personnel, 19 respondents are agreed that the management of respective establishment need to
make improvement in its plan of action to support fairness and miscellany. While enduring 11
individuals are disagreed with it and viewed that the firm does not require making any kind of
improvement in its strategies.
Theme 9: Favourable impact of equality and diversity
Q9. Are you sustain the fact that developing equality and
diversity also have some positive influence over the operation of
(a) Agree 17
(b) Disagree 13

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Interpretation- From the mentioned graph, it has been concluded that between the population of
30 responders, 17 personnel are agreed with the fact that improving fairness and miscellany form
some positive influence over the business of respective organisation. Whereas remaining 13
people are not agreed with it and responded that the fact is not support that the development of
diversity and equality create positive impact on business operations.
Q10. Provide recommendations to compact with the challenges of building diverse and
inclusive workforce.
Interpretation- According to the recommendations that are provided by assorted people of
Michelin that the complexities and challenges that are minimised in the workplace if the venture
formulates efficient tactics and strategies and use of execute them in better form. By offering
equivalent growth option and similar treatment to all workforce, also assist in reducing the issues
that are generated cause of building inclusive and diverse workforce.
There are various recommendations that must be obeyed by organisation which is going to
be mentioned below:
It is imperative for business organisation to provide equal treatment to its workers for
boosting the satisfaction level of its employees (Burt and et. al., 2019). They must follow
the equality act that increases the productivity levels within business administration in
upcoming period of time.
They also focus on offer proper training session to its subordinate and also offer different
kind of opportunities to its staff regardless of any kind of culture, background and many
more. In addition to this there are different types of mentoring program which must be
implemented by organisation and that is mainly adopted by female staff that assists in
performing the allotted task in respect of job in good manner.
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Furthermore, if there is any type of procedure in respect of negotiation then they must
offer equal treatment with both men and women staff.
The other recommendation must be followed by the company is that they must adopt a
clear standard for providing customer a good services that increases their satisfaction or
experience level within a given period of time (AYDIN and ÖZEREN, 2018). They
provide value or worth to its customer for increasing their experience level within the
company. It helps them in achieving goals as well as object within a given period of time.
LO 4
For conducting this research, it is my responsibility to collect different kind of information
by using various sources like primary and secondary sources that must be reliable. It is
determined as the appropriate research that helps in collecting necessary information. Therefore
the current report help in making appropriate analysis of various kinds of strengths and
weaknesses that must be linked with individual one. It has also been analysed that there are
different kind of communication skill which is adopted for assessing different types of question
that must be asked to the individual person and also take the appropriate decisions as per the
level of understanding. It has also been analysed that it is necessary to have a good
communication skill that help in facing different issue that is connected to analytical skill so I am
focusing on gathering all relevant information from individual person but there are a lot of
difficulties which I have faced together important information so my main focus is to provide
contribution in respect of analytical skill for building proper research in good way. There are
various types of tactics that must be connected or related to the management or administration of
organisation that must be used in better way (Weech-Maldonado and et. al., 2018). Therefore,
there are various kinds of strategy and tactics which must be used by individual person of
organisation that help in taking effective decisions during the period of time. The appropriate
research just in proper understanding regarding the work force and also it is helpful for
commerce establishment in future.
It has been analysed from the defined content that sameness and multiplicity play and
function in efficient form in term of making improvement in working environment and growth of
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business enterprise. Cause of having various and comprehensive workplace and workforce,
creation and innovation take place in the firm and in success or progress of venture. Work
breakdown construction and Gantt chart are efficacious tools and frameworks that in
accomplishment or achievement of the research information in amended mode within set time
frame. By considering efficient structure and methods, plans and techniques, the administration
of an organisation can frame and make an appropriate workplace.

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Books & Journals
Tranter, S. and et. al., 2018. Initiatives aimed at retaining ethnically diverse student nurses in
undergraduate programmes: An integrative review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(21-
22), pp.3846-3857.
Hughes, C., 2018. The role of HRD in using diversity intelligence to enhance leadership skill
development and talent management strategy. Advances in Developing Human
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Malik, P., Lenka, U. and Sahoo, D.K., 2018. Proposing micro-macro HRM strategies to
overcome challenges of workforce diversity and deviance in ASEAN. Journal of
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Kruskal, J.B. and et. al., 2018. Fostering diversity and inclusion: a summary of the 2017
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recruitment strategies: meeting the ACGME standard for a diverse and inclusive
workforce. Academic Medicine, 95(5), pp.710-716.
Riccucci, N., 2018. Managing diversity in public sector workforces: Essentials of public policy
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Masuku, M., 2018. Strategies for managing a racially diverse workforce in corporate South
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Hunt, V. and et. al., 2018. Delivering through diversity. McKinsey & Company Report. Retrieved
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Burrell, D.N., 2020. An exploration of the cybersecurity workforce shortage. In Cyber Warfare
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Allen, P., 2018. D&I and Leadership in Organizations. In Diversity and Inclusion in the Global
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Caron, J., Asselin, H. and Beaudoin, J.M., 2019. Attitudes and behaviors of mining sector
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Burt, K.G. and et. al., 2019. Strategies and recommendations to increase diversity in
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AYDIN, E. and ÖZEREN, E., 2018. Rethinking workforce diversity research through critical
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Weech-Maldonado, R. and et. al., 2018. Hospital cultural competency as a systematic
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Projecttitle: What kinds of strategies and initiatives do organisations put in place to
build a diverse and inclusive workforce?
Update on weekly research/tasks achieved
Complete tasks:
In this project management plan, 30% of the task is completed by me
Task requirements fulfilled:
The tasks are finished according the project aim and objectives and surveys also performed
for better outcome
Changes necessary in project management plan:
For the best research purpose, another 15 days may be required to gather information.
Identified risks:
Misuse of the assets
Lack of initiating the project according plan
Not getting enough public reaction
Additional risks:
Lacking in making an efficient project plan
New ideas and change of direction:
Think innovatively to manufacture past famous product
Following trend and customer satisfied product
Performance of the week:
By appealing with the project it augmented my ability level and I have learned how to do
teamwork for efficient outcome.

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Tasks planned for next week
Make an online survey to know about customer comments
apply social marketing to advertise about the product
Do more examination in the new marketplace
Project Plan status
The project is taking place according plan and can be finished in set time duration.
Supervisor comments to address
The proceeding of the project is up to the mark and has been reasonable.
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What was the Project supposed to accomplish?
The project is intended to achieve to tackle issues of equality and diversity in the workplace.
The project is focused to find correct strategies to endorse equality and diversity in the
Did the project succeed in its aims/ how do you know? Specifically, please outline any
evaluation and assessment
The project of how the organisation has responded to current problems of equality and
diversity in the workplace has accomplished its aim successfully. The project administrator
took diverse strategy including market research, surveying, and data collection and especially
the public response ensured its success of this project.
What things do you think worked well and why? Evaluate all aspects of the project
(initial inception, project activities and project outcomes) from a range of perspectives
The surveying process worked well due to the brand recognition of Michelin.
Initial tasks in the project were demanding as to work according the aim in the given time
frame is hard but it is administrated by giving team exertion.
Project activities embrace setting aim for the project, motivating team members, working as a
group to survey and gather data from the market.
Doing research in the marketplace we got to know about consumer requirement and it will
assist with the project to fulfill customer's command.
What problems emerged during the project and how were they tackled? Was there
timely identification of issues and resolution during the project process?
As every project face, some problems in this project difficulty are also faced but with the
right strategic plan, it was undertaken. And there were also timely identification issues and
resolutions during the project process but it was solved.
What did you learn from undertaking the project?
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I learned no task is easy but with critical thinking and appropriate strategy, every task can be
solved if one is determined.
How would you rate your performance as a management consultant leading the
To rate the presentation of work, every task is required to rate and also has to see the
difficulties of the task. It also includes customer dealing and teamwork. As a management
consultant, it is fulfilled with the presentation of the project and has the assurance to handle
What strengths and weaknesses of your performance did you identify?
The strength I recognized that with teamwork every task becomes easy to handle.
The weakness I identified sometimes divergence may arise if proper communication is not
How will this inform and support your continuous professional development?
I will support my professional development by practicing and increasing my abilities to
handle this kind project. And the skill will assist me to continue professional development.
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