
Strategies for Health Promotion Assignment


Added on  2021-05-30

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Running head: STRATEGIES FOR HEALTH PROMOTIONStrategies for Health PromotionStudent’s NameInstitutional AffiliationLast name First name Student No. Unit Code Assessment No.
Strategies for Health Promotion Assignment_1

STRATEGIES FOR HEALTH PROMOTION 2Strategies for Health PromotionIntroductionHealth promotion implies equipping people with the capability of being able to monitor their own health and keep it at optimum (Edelman, Mandle and Kudzma, 2017). Such a move does not barely mean equipping individuals with appropriate knowledge and skills to shape their health behaviour but goes further to look in to thecomplex network of factors that influence health. In the contemporary society, there are probably more disease conditions than there have ever been in the past. There has also been a great rise in the member of persons with chronic illnesses such cancer and diabetes in the last few decades. Lifestyle has also greatly changed with increased physical inactivity and a diet loaded with fat and calories. With these great changes in the environment in which we live, health promotion should take a key rolein raising the level of health education and equipping people to take care of their ownhealth (Naidoo and Wills, 2016). To effectively do this, there is need to consider the various factors such as the political, social and political that play a part in influencing health of individuals/populations. The Ottawa Charter of Health Promotion that was carried out in 1986 outlined five major strategies for achieving health promotion. The nurse has a very significant role in health promotion. In this essay, the role of the nurse in health promotion will be addressed. The condition that will be discussed is diabetes mellitus type 2. Each of the five principles will be addressed and how the nurse can play a role to promote health in relation to the above-mentioned condition. Build Healthy Public PolicyPolicy greatly determines the course of action to be taken. If the policy does not promote health, then it’s negative impacts will be felt with time. On the other hand, public policies that puts in to consideration the health implications are likely to achieve improved health with time. The nurse is knowledgeable about the aetiology and management of diabetes mellitus type 2. He/she understands that lifestyle factors such as diet and physical activity influence the risk for the condition. The nurse would therefore have a significant role in shaping the policy to ensure that as much as possible it contributes to lowering of the risk of the condition in the population. The strategy of building healthy public policy requires that all sectors integrate health promotion factors when designing their policies. Once a policy is Last name First name Student No. Unit Code Assessment No.
Strategies for Health Promotion Assignment_2

STRATEGIES FOR HEALTH PROMOTION 3made, it affects many people and they must abide by it. For this reason, it is very necessary that the nurse as a health promotion be involved in the formulation of policies. For instance, if an educational policy is being established to guide curriculum of high school students, the nurse could advise that study of diabetes mellitus, that is, the cause and preventive strategies be included in the curriculum. Such a move would equip students from an early age of the risk factors and prevention strategies. This is likely to shape their attitudes and potentially translate tohealthy behaviours (Katz and Ness, 2014). With time, such a policy could achieve great reduction in the number of people diagnosed with diabetes mellitus type 2.Create Supportive EnvironmentsNurses can contribute to creating supportive environments diabetes mellitus in several ways. One way would be ensuring that there is a strong support for persons diagnosed with diabetes mellitus at the health facility. For instance, patients with other complication should receives extensive care to make their life as comfortable as health. The disease may make a patient lose hope which may furtherdeteriorate their health. The nurse should be there to empathize with such and refer them to more professional help from a counsellor. Supportive environments have several dimensions. While the nurse may not be able to handle all these dimensions,they can contribute where they can with their professionalism. Other forms of supportthat may be offered could be educating the patients on the importance of taking a healthy diet and regular physical activity. These two factors have found to lead to better health outcomes among persons with diabetes mellitus (Whitney and Rolfes, 2018).Strengthen Community ActionWhen the community understands their challenges and needs and come together to act on the same, there are high chances of succeeding in their endeavour. For instance, if the community members appreciated that the burden of diabetes mellitus is too much and must cease, they could better achieve this since they would be dedicated towards the same. When it comes to this, the major role of the nurse is to educate the community members about the disease. The education could include potential causes of the disease and prevention strategies. when a community understands this, they become informed are more likely to improve on Last name First name Student No. Unit Code Assessment No.
Strategies for Health Promotion Assignment_3

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