
Strategy Case Analysis of Andfound | Report


Added on  2020-05-08

11 Pages2077 Words203 Views
Running head: STRATEGY CASE ANALYSIS OF ANDFOUNDStrategy Case Analysis of AndFoundName of the Student:Name of the University:Author’s Note:
Strategy Case Analysis of Andfound | Report_1

1STRATEGY CASE ANALYSIS OF ANDFOUNDExecutive SummaryThis report provides a strategic analysis of the Case of AndFound. An introduction about theCompany, the main actors and the context is provided. The presentation of the problem anddilemma is discussed. The presentation of different options for strategies of AndFound isprovided and pros and cons of each option are analyzed. The appropriateness and effectivenessof my preferred solution is analyzed in conclusion section using tools and framework of thestrategy course.
Strategy Case Analysis of Andfound | Report_2

2STRATEGY CASE ANALYSIS OF ANDFOUNDContentsIntroduction......................................................................................................................................3Presentation of the Case...............................................................................................................3Discussion........................................................................................................................................3Presentation of the Problem in the Case......................................................................................3Presentation of different option and pros/cons of each option.....................................................4Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................7The Preferred Strategic Option....................................................................................................7References........................................................................................................................................9
Strategy Case Analysis of Andfound | Report_3

3STRATEGY CASE ANALYSIS OF ANDFOUNDIntroductionPresentation of the CaseThe strategies adopted by an organization should be in alignment with the vision andvalues of the organization (Gamble and Thompson 2014).The case is about AndFound, anonline platform for connecting investors with selected start-ups. The main actors of the case areVV and Reza, the founders of the online platform. The service of AndFound was launched in2012 and it gained immense popularity among users. AndFound was first started as a blogwhich provided entrepreneurs useful information on how to find funding and entrepreneurs soonapproached VV and Reza and were seeking referrals to angel investors. VV and Reza thusdecided to make use of the information collected from investors, for instance the past fundinghistory of investors and the kind of business they were interested to fund was analyzed. The nextstep for VV and Reza was to develop technology for their online platform. This online platformhelped the start-ups to create online profiles like Facebook pages. Investors could search forentrepreneurs using filter criteria, for instance, they could filter entrepreneurs who have studiedin MIT or Harvard but the services of AndFound was free. Instead of worrying about the revenueVV and Reza focused on the growth and quality of their business (hbr.org 2017). Anorganization must analyze its mission, values and vision before implementing major strategies(Hubbard, Rice and Galvin 2014).
Strategy Case Analysis of Andfound | Report_4

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