
Stress Factors Affect the Nursing and Midwifery


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Stress Factors Affect the Nursing and MidwiferyNSG2NMR 2018 Assessment 3 V1.0Page 1 of 10
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Table of ContentsStress Factors Affect the Nursing and Midwifery...................................................................................1Identification.........................................................................................................................................3Research Question.............................................................................................................................3Review of the Literature........................................................................................................................3Conclusion.............................................................................................................................................6References.............................................................................................................................................7APPENDIX A.........................................................................................................................................10NSG2NMR 2018 Assessment 3 V1.0Page 2 of 10
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ASSESSMENT 3 2018 TEMPLATENSG2NMR (2018)Assessment 3: 2,000 individual reportStudent First Name:Student Surname:Student ID Number:Facilitator Name:Site/Clinical School:TOTAL Word Count: 2,000 +/- 10%Excludes: reference list, appended search historyIncludes: in-text citationsDUE DATE: Identify a clinical issue and propose a research question about this clinical issue (approx. word count 100)Identification: The comprehension defines the need for diverse approaches in nursingand midwifery profession for the management of workplace stress. This topic has been conferredbroadly related to the administration of stress in nursing and midwifery. The management of stressderived various methods including a wide variety of approaches but still, it is the most observed issuein nursing and midwifery (Yousefi, Mirzamohamadi & Nazari, 2015). The relaxation at the place ofwork is an important aspect as nurses and midwives would deliver quality services to the patients ifthey are not depressed. Research Question: The comprehension derives that what factors affect the nursing andmidwifery experts, managing approaches, and influences on the health experts.Conduct a literature search (using Medline AND CINAHL databases) and identify literature relevant to the research question. APPEND THE SEARCH HISTORY TO THE ASSIGNMENT Write a Literature Review that describes what is already known about your research question (approx. word count 1,500)Review of the Literature: Stress at the place of work is defined as thephysical and mental status of the health practitioners, causes of the disproportion in the job. Thestress at the place of work arises when the tasks and difficulties of work reach the extreme, theseburdens damages the capacity of the nurses and midwives to deal with the stress, leading todissatisfaction and depression (Özdemir & Kaya, 2013).The research studies presented the probable variations in increasing the levels of frustrations andanxiety at work settings of nursing and midwifery. Analysis has demonstrated that depression anddissatisfaction arise when there unsatisfactory and discomfort job settings. Therefore, there is a needto organize some approachable techniques for the administration of stress in nursing and midwifery.Variations in the settings health systems and the behaviors of the experts dealing with the nurses andmidwives, the timing of the shifts, the increase in loads of work play also play an important part in thesatisfactory and unsatisfactory conditions of the practitioners (Shahgholian, Rahimipour & Yazdani,2015). Research recommends that activity fulfillment is intricate and multifactorial. Coordinationbetween individual medical caretakers, their supervisors, and others is essential to building nursingNSG2NMR 2018 Assessment 3 V1.0Page 3 of 10
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