
Debriefing Package for NSB231 Integrated Nursing Practice 2- “Mr Harry Bright”


Added on  2023-04-23

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Healthcare and Research
School of Nursing
NSB231 Integrated Nursing Practice 2- “Mr Harry Bright”
Student De-Briefing Package
Clinical Simulation Learning Experience
This template has been designed to assist you with assessment 1. The number of
rows does not indicate the amount of assessment data to be identified. It is only
a guide. Use this template as part of the debriefing session after the simulation.
Question 1
Use the table below to identify the assessment that was performed by the
student nurses in the SIM that linked to the potential problem of impaired tissue
perfusion related to haematoma formation or bleeding.
Research link
1. Pain assessment Chest pain is a critical
symptoms in post-
operative patient of
coronary angioplasty.
After coronary stent
placement the pain
observed because of the
over-dilation and
stretching of the artery.
The chest pain also
observed because of
squeezing feeling where
occlusion observed due
to the catheterization in
the chest. Therefore,
pain assessment would
provide the idea about
the patient’s pain and
the reason behind pain
which assists in
development of the
interventions for
prevention of the stroke.
de Araujo, L. B. D. S., de
Magalhães Andrade, M. T.,
de Lima Quinteiro, T.,
Júnior, R. A., & Fernandes,
A. M. S. (2019). Intra-aortic
Balloon Pump in Acute
Myocardial Infarction and
Ischemic Mitral
In Cardiovascular
Surgery (pp. 143-151).
Springer, Cham.
2. Vital sign
assessment Vital signs are most basic
Function in the basic’s
function. The four main
vital signs routinely
monitored such as blood
pressure, pulse rate,
respiratory rate along
with body temperature.
In the coronary
angioplasty procedure,
the potential problem is
ischemic stroke where
McGillion, M., Yost, J.,
Turner, A., Bender, D.,
Scott, T., Carroll, S., ... &
Krull, K. (2016).
remote monitoring and
for patient empowerment
following cardiac and
vascular surgery: User
testing and randomized
controlled trial
protocol. JMIR research
protocols, 5(3).
Debriefing Package for NSB231 Integrated Nursing Practice 2- “Mr Harry Bright”_1

School of Nursing
NSB231 Integrated Nursing Practice 2- “Mr Harry Bright”
Student De-Briefing Package
arteries of the brain
become narrowed
caused reduced blood
flow. Due to the
narrowed wall, the blood
pressure become high
which can be monitored
through the vital signs
and helped to manage
the ischemic stroke or
prevention of it. Other
signs were also helped to
provide an idea of the
development of ischemic
One of the side effect of
cardiac catheterization is
wound or bruises and
occlusion. Since patient
had minimum wound
oozing and no bruising
was observed in patient.
Without assessment and
management of wound
can give rise to the
CLABSI infection. The
wound assessment was
important to detect
weather to infection was
caused or not to prevent
the infection.
White, L. A., Brent, K.,
Eherenman, H., & Vance,
C. (2016). Infection
Prevention and Quality
Coordinators Collaborating
to Decrease Central Line
Associated Blood Stream
Infections (CLABSI) by
Monitoring Central Line
Maintenance. American
Journal of Infection
Control, 44(6), S94-S95.
assessment Neurological assessment
involving CNS is crucial
for assessing sensory
neuron and motor
responses, especially
reflexes for determining
whether the nervous
system is impaired.
During the onset
ischemic stroke, due to
the hindrance of blood
flows, the neurological
impairment was
observed such as
dysfunctional reflexes.
Therefore, neurological
assessment is crucial.
Sung, P. H., Chen, K. H.,
Lin, H. S., Chu, C. H.,
Chiang, J. Y., & Yip, H. K.
(2019). The Correlation
between Severity of
Neurological Impairment
and Left Ventricular
Function in Patients after
Acute Ischemic
Stroke. Journal of Clinical
Medicine, 8(2), 190.
Debriefing Package for NSB231 Integrated Nursing Practice 2- “Mr Harry Bright”_2

School of Nursing
NSB231 Integrated Nursing Practice 2- “Mr Harry Bright”
Student De-Briefing Package
Chest airway entry
Chest airway entry
assessment is crucial
assessment because
after angioplasty, the
blockage of the artery
was cleared which was
presented before.
Therefore, chest air entry
would provide a concise
idea of how well the
heart is able to pump the
blood. Therefore, this
assessment is crucial.
Hernández, E. G., &
González, Z. H. D. (2016).
Postoperative Continuous
Positive Airway Pressure
(CPAP). In Noninvasive
Mechanical Ventilation and
Difficult Weaning in Critical
Care(pp. 179-182).
Springer, Cham.
Use the table below to identify the assessment that was not performed by the
student nurses in the SIM that linked to the potential problem of impaired tissue
perfusion related to haematoma formation or bleeding.
Assessment NOT
Research link
Debriefing Package for NSB231 Integrated Nursing Practice 2- “Mr Harry Bright”_3

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