Influence of Media on Attitudes and Persuasion
Added on 2019-09-13
9 Pages2871 Words357 Views
Student Id:Name: Student Number: Word count: Name of the course: Tutor name: “PERSUASION”1 | P a g e
Student Id:TABLEOF CONTENTSIntroduction..........................................................................................................................................3Literature review on Persuasion...........................................................................................................3Influence of Persuasion........................................................................................................................4The communicator............................................................................................................................4The message.....................................................................................................................................5The channel of communication........................................................................................................6The audience.....................................................................................................................................6Conclusion............................................................................................................................................7Works Cited..........................................................................................................................................82 | P a g e
Student Id:INTRODUCTIONThis study focusses on the subject of persuasion and its factors of influences such as,communicator, message, and channel of communication of those messages and finally the audiencehave been discussed in brief as per the requirements. The literature review of persuasion it has beenfound a thorough concept on persuasion as well.LITERATUREREVIEWON PERSUASIONThe Persuasion is mainly trying to influence in which way the individual thinks or behave.But it is also equally correct that being persuasive doesn’t mean to same thing like being right. Onthe other hand Persuasion is the act or process that presents the arguments which will move,motivate or change the audience [CITATION Soc \l 16393 ]. As for example, while Aristotle taughtrhetoric, or any art related to public speaking .in both the cases it is involved the faculty who canobserve the available meanings of persuasion. Again, as a matter of fact of president Obama, whomay be appealed the sense of duty as national values. as per to lend the car keys, it is needed topersuade the parents, but the individual may ask one of the parents instead of both keeping in mindthe one who will readily approachable as well as provide the same idea as the individual is thinkingfor him/her. The Persuasion thus is implicit as well as explicit while the both positive and negativeeffects will act together [CITATION Kas14 \l 16393 ]. Moreover, Persuasion is also one of the most significant goals in case of language as well ascommunication [CITATION Inf97 \l 16393 ]. Also, it is noted that, persuasion can be applied inany places, such as it is playing the essential role in case of politics, psychotherapy, religion,education and also in day-to-day social interaction. Among a given number of people there is anattempt for influencing the others and also they have targeted the influence. They also try to learnsomething new which is about the work processes of persuasion in the means of trail and errorsthoroughly [ CITATION McC68 \l 16393 ]. Again in contrast with the intuitive knowledge ofpersuasion that advice the availability from the popular books for the subject, scholars which are insame disciplines that is psychology, political science, communications, advertising or marketing hasthe systematic study of persuasion in case of many years [ CITATION Hog14 \l 16393 ]. Thus,persuasion is one of those ways, in which case the person will attempt to get something fixed orchanged. Again from the perspective of Wiener, who generally believe that any person is not able to3 | P a g e
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