fieldshippingReferenceNumberVARCHAR(20)Yes 7.TableOrderItem AttributeData TypeKeyCompulsory fieldorderIDINTEGERPRIMARY KEY FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES TableOrder (fieldorderID) Yes fieldplantIDINTEGERPRIMARY KEY FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES TablePlant (fieldplantID) Yes fieldcostDOUBLEYes fieldquantityINTEGERYes fieldunitShippingcostDOUBLEYes 8.TableMessage AttributeData TypeKeyCompulsory fieldmessageIDINTEGERPRIMARY KEYYes fieldclientIDINTEGERFOREIGN KEY REFERENCES TableClient (fieldclientID) Yes fieldmemberIDINTEGERFOREIGN KEY REFERENCES TableMember (fieldmemberID) Yes fieldmessageDateDATETIMEYes fieldmessageVARCHAR(100)Yes ( 2015) Assumptions 1.In an order, number of items can be ordered. 2.A client can do any number of orders. There is no limit on it. 3.Plants stocks will be managed into the database.
4.The shipping cost depends upon the source and destinations. References Smartdraw (2016). Entity Relationship Diagram.[Online]. Available: [Accessed: 4-June-2019] (2015). Types of Attributes in DBMS with Example (ER MODEL – Part 2). [Online]. Available:[Accessed: 4-June- 2019]