7.TOrderItem AttributeData TypeKeyCompulsory ForderIDINTEGERPRIMARY KEY FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES TOrder (ForderID) Yes FplantIDINTEGERPRIMARY KEY FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES TPlant (FplantID) Yes FcostDOUBLEYes FquantityINTEGERYes FunitShippingcostDOUBLEYes 8.TMessage AttributeData TypeKeyCompulsory FmessageIDINTEGERPRIMARY KEYYes FclientIDINTEGERFOREIGN KEY REFERENCES TClient (FclientID) Yes FmemberIDINTEGERFOREIGN KEY REFERENCES TMember (FmemberID) Yes FmessageDateDATETIMEYes FmessageNVARCHAR(100)Yes Assumptions 1.Cost of shipping is based upon the destination and source both. 2.An order may contain any number of items. 3.Any number of orders may belong to a single client. Reference
Holowczak.com (n.d.). Database Normalization. [Online]. Available: http://holowczak.com/database-normalization/. [Accessed: 4-June-2019] Perucci D. (n.d.). Pros and Cons of Database Normalization.Online. Available: https://dzone.com/articles/pros-and-cons-of-database-normalization. [Accessed: 4-June-2019]