
Comparing to the Baseline


Added on  2023-03-29

14 Pages4879 Words394 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Student name and id:
Campus and tutor
1. Comparing to the baseline (4 marks)
Complete the five values, dream job and skills audit again (you will use this to compare changes to
your baseline submitted earlier).
1.1. Five Values
Value group 1 Value group 2 Value group 3 Value Group 4 Value group 5
Ethics: This is the
value group that I
would like to
develop to
maintain my gain
of the values for
me to offer my
most effective
learning skills in
the zones that I
would develop
my learnings. I
would prepare
myself to be the
most ethical in
attaining the job
that I would like
to develop. I
want to make
sure that
whatever I do, I
maintain a
possible right
morale in the
most feasible
ways possible.
Teamwork: This
is the value that I
would like to
develop with the
implication of the
entire developed
plan for my
dream job. This is
the skill that
would help me
gather the idea
of working in a
team and having
a detailed
understanding all
the implications
of the ideations
that I have gone
through that a
person loses if
skills are not
gathered. This is
the reason why
the most
important skill
that a person can
gather with the
utility of the
teamwork skills. I
have gone
through the
that I would like
to like to work
with several
different people
as a team and at
the same time
gather all the
people to make
them work as a
team as well.
Success: The
primary skill that
I can gather is
with the
utilization of the
sequences of
work put
together is with
the utility of the
performances all
together and
attaining a
wholesome idea
about the
success of the
project. A task
can only be
considered to be
reaching a
success when the
team associated
with it is found to
be implementing
the teamwork
and maintaining
proper ethical
while providing
the management
of a particular
Creativity is an
aspect that
people within an
organization do
not acknowledge
much in
delivering the
utility of a project
manager. This is
the reason that
the creativity
aspect is
neglected for an
organization to
acknowledge. I
would like to
focus on the
matter that the
creativity of a
person is
necessary to
understand by a
project manager
and even the
team members
that even if the
project does not
understand the
utility of the
creativity of a
person, this
would be very
useful while
acquiring the
problems of the
project faced
abruptly and how
can they be
cleared out with
various changes
brought about by
the creative
Proactivity is
something that I
need to develop
to have a prompt
response to
every response I
provide towards
my job. I need to
be extremely
focused on the
matter on which
the proactive
members of the
team reach a
successful point
in which the
people within the
have to be
attentive and
should promptly
respond to
everything that
the people have
to say or the
clients has to
Comparing to the Baseline_1

Student name and id:
Campus and tutor
minds and the
changes that
these can bring
about in the
Level of importance Value
1st (Most important) Proactiveness
2nd Teamwork
3rd Ethics
4th Creativity
5th Success
Have your values changed since completing the unit? Provide a statement as to how and why these
have changed or not.
My values have somewhat had an alteration because of the problems that have been faced to be
implemented in this case since there have been extreme cases of the study. Previously I believed
that the most important case in this issue would be the leadership, risk taking and innovation, but
I have also found that the innovation can be easily replaced by the involvement of creativity, the
leadership is mostly dependent on the success of the matter and the risk taking is not necessary to
be implemented at every instances or every project based on the studies.
1.2 PMI Talent Triangle Self Audit
Complete the three tables of the talent triangle self-audit. Compare your responses to those in your
baseline. Reflect on your analysis of the two self-assessment results and provide a response in the
text box below each table.
1.2a Technical Project Management
Uncertain Competent Highly
Agile practices
Data gathering and modelling
Earned Value Management
Comparing to the Baseline_2

Student name and id:
Campus and tutor
Uncertain Competent Highly
Lifecycle management
Performance management
Requirements management
and traceability
Risk management
Schedule management
Scope management
Time, budget, and cost
(if adding another skill type
what it is here)
Has your Technical Project Management competence changed since completing the unit?
Provide a statement as to how and why these have changed or not.
There has been a huge competency based on the different basis of learnings that I have gathered
based on the previous technical project management and at the Technical Project management
that I have been through and the problems that I have faced during the entire learning phase. I
have found out that I have gained immense competency along with the understanding of the
Time, budget, and cost estimation and at the same time I have gained extreme knowledge of the
data gathering and modelling, earned value management, project governance, lifecycle
management, performance management, requirements management and traceability, risk
management, schedule management, and scope management. I have also found that I have
become extremely ethical in handling any project given the basic ideas about the leading my
learning skills and also the acceptance of the development of a team and making it work
accordingly. This is another reason for which the skills that I have developed need to identified as
the most competent ones that will have the opportunity of making the most out of the skills
developed and presenting them to the career that I would pursue.
1.2b Strategic and Business Management
Uncertain Competent Highly
Benefits management and
Comparing to the Baseline_3

Student name and id:
Campus and tutor
Business acumen
Business models and structures
Competitive analysis
Customer relationship and
Industry Knowledge and
Legal and regulatory
Market awareness and
Operational functions (e.g.
finance, marketing)
Strategic planning, analysis,
(if adding another skill type
what it is here)
Have your Strategic and Business Management competence changed since completing the unit?
Provide a statement as to what these are and why you think these have changed or not.
With this developed information that I have gone through, I have found that there have been
several changes in my understanding of the strategic business management. I have understood
that the ways by which the people in the industry would be feasibly handling the utility of the
skilful project manager is the reason behind the success of the project. More than the technical
skills, I believe that there are several ways by which the personal ethical considerations that
makes sure that a project is successful. I have also understood that the consequences that legal
and ethical issues bring about in a project are much more devastating than the consequences that
are led by the effect of the technical faults. This is why I have developed my skills to understand
the ethical and legal consequences as per the utility and requirement of the acquired idea about
the entire plan behind the development of my skills for my dream job. This is why I have
developed my skills for Industry Knowledge and standards, Legal and regulatory compliance and
Market awareness and conditions.
Comparing to the Baseline_4

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