
Learning Outcome 1


Added on  2022-11-28

19 Pages5137 Words464 Views
Student No:
Learning Outcome 1
Learning Contract
Plan of action
Dialogue with DMP concerning form of discussion models utilized.
Study and attend lectures concerning different models of Consultation
Examine DMP and prescriber counterparts and during discussion and consider.
Determine the style of Consultation to be utilized in the course of patient
Reflection on Action
In the time of my clinical practice, an assessment that is structured was significant
(Attride-Stirling, 2013, pp11). Models offer medical practitioner with a structure that is
organized and medical practitioners are at vulnerable of overlooking significant elements
that could entirely adjust the plans for medication and diagnosis (Mevissen et al, 2011, pp
43). As medical practitioners, we have professional, ethical, legal responsibility to our
patients to perform this securely and should be to the benefits of the patients (Drew et al.
2013, pp 58). The patient–doctor consultation has several significant of the consultation
including giving information, discussing options of treatment, being supportive and
eliciting patient’s concerns and problems.
With the help of the supervision of my DMP or prescribing counterparts and studying,
there are several representations, which can be utilized. (Judd, 2010, pp 159) note that
there are several reasons why medical practitioners can choose to utilize a certain
representation. It could be the initial representation they could have trained with or
utilized or it may suit their particular client group or personal style and as it physically
progresses, is supposed to be examined via the clinical practice (Wiener et al, 2017, 155).
Reference List
Mevissen, L., Lievegoed, R. and De Jongh, A., 2011. EMDR treatment in people with mild
ID and PTSD: 4 cases. Psychiatric Quarterly, 82(1), pp.43-57.
Attride-Stirling, J., 2013. Development of methods to capture users’ views of child and
adolescent mental health services in clinical governance reviews (Project evaluation
report). London: Commission for Health Improvement.
Judd, J., 2010. Defining expertise in paediatric orthopaedic nursing. International Journal
of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing, 14(3), pp.159-168.
Learning Outcome 1_1

Student No:
Wiener, L., Mellins, C.A., Marhefka, S. and Battles, H.B., 2017. Disclosure of an HIV
diagnosis to children: history, current research, and future directions. Journal of
developmental and behavioral pediatrics: JDBP, 28(2), p.155.
Drew, P., Chatwin, J. and Collins, S., 2011. Conversation analysis: a method for research into
interactions between patients and health‐care professionals. Health Expectations, 4(1), pp.58-70.
Learning Outcome 1_2

Student No:
Learning Outcome 2
Learning Contract
Plan of action
Study literature including lecture notes and literature from Clinical Examination
Skills module.
Dialogue with DMP concerning the directed examination acquired from good
history taking.
Contemplate on individual assessment of the profession and how this is modified
to a prescriber role. Bear in mind the great significance of drug history.
Reflection on Action
In my position as a nurse, I have complete clinical autonomy and thus completely
accountable and responsible for my patients impression or clinical diagnosis care and
decisions making (Navo et al, 2014, pp 671). As nurses, we were taught that our guides for
taking history should test our clinical hypothesis or impression and directs our physical
examination thus making sure we do not perform unnecessary investigations and
examinations on our patients (Gohil and Patel, 2017, pp 129). Afterwards we offer clinical
findings, clarification of discoveries and devising of a plan of treatment in accordance with
the consent and comprehension of the patient. As I progressed my position as a new
prescriber and medical evaluator, I discovered I was supposed to focus more on drug and
medical history context in my nurse position (Lee and Woods, 2017, pp 111). This study
has increased my understanding on how other circumstances not linked to the PC
(Chobanian et al, 2013, pp 2560), age, other medications would have an effect on the
treatment plan that is negotiated, diagnosis, and establish the efficiency on the results of
the patient (Durain. 2014, pp 520).
Reference List
Chobanian, A.V., Bakris, G.L., Black, H.R., Cushman, W.C., Green, L.A., Izzo Jr, J.L.,
Jones, D.W., Materson, B.J., Oparil, S., Wright Jr, J.T. and Roccella, E.J., 2013. The
seventh report of the joint national committee on prevention, detection, evaluation, and
treatment of high blood pressure: the JNC 7 report. Jama, 289(19), pp.2560-2571.
Durain, D., 2014. Primary dysmenorrhea: assessment and management update. Journal
of midwifery & women's health, 49(6), pp.520-528.
Gohil, K.J. and Patel, J.A., 2017. Herb-drug interactions: A review and study based on
assessment of clinical case reports in literature. Indian Journal of Pharmacology, 39(3),
Learning Outcome 1_3

Student No:
Lee, K. and Woods, K., 2017. Exploration of the developing role of the educational
psychologist within the context of “traded” psychological services. Educational
Psychology in Practice, 33(2), pp.111-125.
Navo, M.A., Phan, J., Vaughan, C., Palmer, J.L., Michaud, L., Jones, K.L., Bodurka, D.C.,
Basen-Engquist, K., Hortobagyi, G.N., Kavanagh, J.J. and Smith, J.A., 2014. An
assessment of the utilization of complementary and alternative medication in women with
gynecologic or breast malignancies. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 22(4), pp.671-677.
Learning Outcome 1_4

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