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Learning Outcome 1


Added on  2022/11/28

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This document discusses the importance of using structured assessment models in clinical practice and explores different models of consultation. It also emphasizes the significance of giving information, discussing treatment options, and eliciting patient concerns during the patient-doctor consultation.

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Student No:
Learning Outcome 1
Learning Contract
Plan of action
Dialogue with DMP concerning form of discussion models utilized.
Study and attend lectures concerning different models of Consultation
Examine DMP and prescriber counterparts and during discussion and consider.
Determine the style of Consultation to be utilized in the course of patient
Reflection on Action
In the time of my clinical practice, an assessment that is structured was significant
(Attride-Stirling, 2013, pp11). Models offer medical practitioner with a structure that is
organized and medical practitioners are at vulnerable of overlooking significant elements
that could entirely adjust the plans for medication and diagnosis (Mevissen et al, 2011, pp
43). As medical practitioners, we have professional, ethical, legal responsibility to our
patients to perform this securely and should be to the benefits of the patients (Drew et al.
2013, pp 58). The patient–doctor consultation has several significant of the consultation
including giving information, discussing options of treatment, being supportive and
eliciting patient’s concerns and problems.
With the help of the supervision of my DMP or prescribing counterparts and studying,
there are several representations, which can be utilized. (Judd, 2010, pp 159) note that
there are several reasons why medical practitioners can choose to utilize a certain
representation. It could be the initial representation they could have trained with or
utilized or it may suit their particular client group or personal style and as it physically
progresses, is supposed to be examined via the clinical practice (Wiener et al, 2017, 155).
Reference List
Mevissen, L., Lievegoed, R. and De Jongh, A., 2011. EMDR treatment in people with mild
ID and PTSD: 4 cases. Psychiatric Quarterly, 82(1), pp.43-57.
Attride-Stirling, J., 2013. Development of methods to capture users’ views of child and
adolescent mental health services in clinical governance reviews (Project evaluation
report). London: Commission for Health Improvement.
Judd, J., 2010. Defining expertise in paediatric orthopaedic nursing. International Journal
of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing, 14(3), pp.159-168.

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Wiener, L., Mellins, C.A., Marhefka, S. and Battles, H.B., 2017. Disclosure of an HIV
diagnosis to children: history, current research, and future directions. Journal of
developmental and behavioral pediatrics: JDBP, 28(2), p.155.
Drew, P., Chatwin, J. and Collins, S., 2011. Conversation analysis: a method for research into
interactions between patients and health‐care professionals. Health Expectations, 4(1), pp.58-70.
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Student No:
Learning Outcome 2
Learning Contract
Plan of action
Study literature including lecture notes and literature from Clinical Examination
Skills module.
Dialogue with DMP concerning the directed examination acquired from good
history taking.
Contemplate on individual assessment of the profession and how this is modified
to a prescriber role. Bear in mind the great significance of drug history.
Reflection on Action
In my position as a nurse, I have complete clinical autonomy and thus completely
accountable and responsible for my patients impression or clinical diagnosis care and
decisions making (Navo et al, 2014, pp 671). As nurses, we were taught that our guides for
taking history should test our clinical hypothesis or impression and directs our physical
examination thus making sure we do not perform unnecessary investigations and
examinations on our patients (Gohil and Patel, 2017, pp 129). Afterwards we offer clinical
findings, clarification of discoveries and devising of a plan of treatment in accordance with
the consent and comprehension of the patient. As I progressed my position as a new
prescriber and medical evaluator, I discovered I was supposed to focus more on drug and
medical history context in my nurse position (Lee and Woods, 2017, pp 111). This study
has increased my understanding on how other circumstances not linked to the PC
(Chobanian et al, 2013, pp 2560), age, other medications would have an effect on the
treatment plan that is negotiated, diagnosis, and establish the efficiency on the results of
the patient (Durain. 2014, pp 520).
Reference List
Chobanian, A.V., Bakris, G.L., Black, H.R., Cushman, W.C., Green, L.A., Izzo Jr, J.L.,
Jones, D.W., Materson, B.J., Oparil, S., Wright Jr, J.T. and Roccella, E.J., 2013. The
seventh report of the joint national committee on prevention, detection, evaluation, and
treatment of high blood pressure: the JNC 7 report. Jama, 289(19), pp.2560-2571.
Durain, D., 2014. Primary dysmenorrhea: assessment and management update. Journal
of midwifery & women's health, 49(6), pp.520-528.
Gohil, K.J. and Patel, J.A., 2017. Herb-drug interactions: A review and study based on
assessment of clinical case reports in literature. Indian Journal of Pharmacology, 39(3),
Document Page
Student No:
Lee, K. and Woods, K., 2017. Exploration of the developing role of the educational
psychologist within the context of “traded” psychological services. Educational
Psychology in Practice, 33(2), pp.111-125.
Navo, M.A., Phan, J., Vaughan, C., Palmer, J.L., Michaud, L., Jones, K.L., Bodurka, D.C.,
Basen-Engquist, K., Hortobagyi, G.N., Kavanagh, J.J. and Smith, J.A., 2014. An
assessment of the utilization of complementary and alternative medication in women with
gynecologic or breast malignancies. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 22(4), pp.671-677.

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Student No:
Learning Outcome 3
Action Plan
To reassess the existing frameworks linked with my legal, ethics, specific
professional body, legal and prescribing practice requirements.
To comprehend the disparity between independent and supplementary prescribing
and how this will influence my prescribing practice.
Reflection on Action
I managed to get the understanding that as a nurse, I will operate both as an independent
NMP (IP) and as a Supplementary Prescriber (SP) though I could as a Supplementary
Prescriber because of existing limitations on particular medications (Drennan et al, 2019,
pp 22). I managed to get a grasp of the government or legal, ethical and professional
guidelines that would control my practice of prescribing including how HCPC and CSP
guidance connect to the NMC, scope of practice together with RPS guidance (Makowsky
et al, 2013, pp 109). My bodies of governance will progress to review and expand such
restrictions and information hope confidently as more prescribers of AHPS and enlarge
their extent of the practice of prescription and the clinical area and within the field of
human functioning (Latter et al, 2017, pp 9). I have come to an understanding that a
prescription to a patient is also a lawful document and am currently knowledgeable of the
certain information, history taking and requirements needed prior to considering a
prescription and giving it securely (Stewart et al, 2019, pp 89).
Reference List
Drennan, J., Naughton, C., Allen, D., Hyde, A., Felle, P., O'Boyle, K. and Treacy, P.,
2019. National independent evaluation of the nurse and midwife prescribing initiative. University
College Dublin (UCD).
Latter, S., Maben, J., Myall, M. and Young, A., 2017. Perceptions and practice of concordance in
nurses’ prescribing consultations: findings from a national questionnaire survey and case studies
of practice in England. International journal of nursing studies, 44(1), pp.9-18.
Makowsky, M.J., Guirguis, L.M., Hughes, C.A., Sadowski, C.A. and Yuksel, N., 2013.
Factors influencing pharmacists’ adoption of prescribing: qualitative application of the
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Student No:
diffusion of innovations theory. Implementation Science, 8(1), p.109.
Stewart, D.C., George, J., Bond, C.M., Diack, H.L., McCaig, D.J. and Cunningham, S.,
2019. Views of pharmacist prescribers, doctors and patients on pharmacist prescribing
implementation. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 17(2), pp.89-94.
Document Page
Student No:
Learning Outcome 4
Learning Contract
Plan of action
To have the capability to efficiently use and search the best guidelines of evidence
for management of condition within my practice scope and comprehend the
responsibilities of every evidence support institute for instance CKS, NICE,
Medicines/BNF complete, professional specific journals and literature, specialist
and local guidance.
To comprehend the diverse levels research proof and be able to interpret
decisively in clinical relevance and use for the management support of the patient.
Reflection on Action
Utilizing EPB (Evidence Base Practice) has continuously been supporting the best clinical care for
patients and is crucial in good clinical governance (Maddock, 2011, pp5). Moreover, Evidence
Base Practice is segment of every self –governing benchmarks (Ballantine, 2015, pp13). As a
trainee nurses, we are necessitated to be able to defend each assessment and treatment strategy
with patients utilizing available proof that is ideal The topmost gold standard guidance, standard
evidence is needed when contemplating how to prescribe medicines to patients that are under our
care (Forbes et al, 2013, pp 442). This case has made it possible for me to widen my utilization of
Evidence Base Practice outside of rehabilitation or therapeutic topics into prescribing and medical
management (Bajcar, 2016, pp59). I have managed to collect the best foundation on a list of
references encompassing high quality Evidence Base Practice Publications from sources that are
respected well to back up my effective and safe practice of prescribing within the range
emphasized in my intended prescribing role and in my introduction (Baskett, 2011, pp 98).
Reference List
Bajcar, J., 2016. Task analysis of patients' medication-taking practice and the role of
making sense: a grounded theory study. Research in Social and Administrative
Pharmacy, 2(1), pp.59-82.
Ballantine, B., 2015. Enhancing the role of science in the decision-making of the
European Union. Brussels: European Policy Centre.
Baskett, K., 2011. Using E-Learning to Improve Prescribing Practice in Emerging
Prescribers. Teaching English with Technology, 11(1), pp.98-109.
Forbes, A., While, A., Dyson, L., Grocott, T. and Griffiths, P., 2013. Impact of clinical
nurse specialists in multiple sclerosis–synthesis of the evidence. Journal of Advanced
Nursing, 42(5), pp.442-462.
Maddock, C., Lewis, I., Ahmad, K. and Sullivan, R., 2011. Online information needs of
cancer patients and their organizations. Ecancermedicalscience, 5.

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Student No:
Learning Outcome 5
Learning Contract
Plan of action
Reflect the diverse elements, which do and can affect prescribing and its effect.
Acquire alertness into the innumerable principles or guidance that backs up,
proper and effective prescribing.
Examine my prescribing and DMP counterparts in discussion together with how
they makes sure there is ethical, effective and fair prescribing.
Reflection on Action
Prescribing that is safe is dependent on efficient consultation with a nurse who has the required
skill and knowledge to negotiate and engage in a collaboration with the patient while unravelling
his consideration of the instance, the patient’s gains and wishes concordance (Dana &
Loewenstein, 2013, pp252)). The framework of RPS anticipates the above and to be conscious
of the impacts that influence prescribing I each constituent of the pyramid stages for safe and
effective prescription. I have comprehended the key elements that influence prescribing drop into
3 main groupings, the internal, external and patient that is I as the prescriber (Corey, 2015,
The Patient
Comprehending the patients, ideas, concerns and expectations is crucial to establishing
concordance and conferring treatment, (Britten et al, 2015, pp484). Patients are swayed in their
anticipations by several elements, time in their aspirations concerning prescribing and treatment
choices (Charani et al, 2013, pp 188). These could be personal, friends, cultural believes, the
media including social media, family, including social media, previous experiences of health ,
physical and mental capacities and their public health at that instance.
Reference List
Britten, N., Stevenson, F.A., Barry, C.A., Barber, N. and Bradley, C.P., 2015.
Misunderstandings in prescribing decisions in general practice: qualitative
study. Bmj, 320(7233), pp.484-488.
Charani, E., Castro-Sanchez, E., Sevdalis, N., Kyratsis, Y., Drumright, L., Shah, N. and
Holmes, A., 2013. Understanding the determinants of antimicrobial prescribing within
hospitals: the role of “prescribing etiquette”. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 57(2), pp.188-
Corey, G., 2015. Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy. Nelson
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Student No:
Dana, J. and Loewenstein, G., 2013. A social science perspective on gifts to physicians
from industry. Jama, 290(2), pp.252-255.
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Learning Outcome 6
Learning Contract
Plan of action
1. To progress a fundamental functioning knowledge of Pharmacological principles
Half-life and steady state principles
How side effects and drug interactions can take place in drugs that are within the
range of practice.
2. To utilize that understanding to back up my choices of prescription with my
supervision of DMP
Reflection on Action
Before the NMP programme, I had minimal understanding on principles of Pharmacology and
how actions of drug took place other than having Chemistry A Level (Van der Sijs et al, 2012,
pp361). As an individual, I have comprehensively took pleasure in this constituent of the
programme and would desire to progress my study in this field (Maxwell & Walley, 2013, 496).
The drug, its pharmacological action, route of choice and the way the body of the patient utilizes
and processes the drug including their genetics or status of health all unite in a composite sequence
of chemical feedbacks to establish the response of the patient to the treatment that has been
prescribed (Lesar et al, 2017, pp211).
By evolving my P-formularies for the prescribed drugs with my supervision of DMP in my case
studies, I have gotten a profound knowledge of their kinetic and pharmacodynamics actions, doses
of administration and acquired awareness into their risk for interaction and side effects with other
drugs (Miles et al, 2017, pp 481). Utilizing the resources of BNF medicines complete,
eMedicines compendium together with Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) has offered me
with comprehensive evidence based information concerning the personal drugs to base my
decisions of prescribing (Katzung. 2017).
Reference List
Katzung, B.G., 2017. Basic and clinical pharmacology. McGraw-Hill Education.
Lesar, T., Mattis, A., Anderson, E., Avery, J., Fields, J., Gregoire, J. and Vaida, A., 2017.
Using the ISMP Medication Safety Self-Assessment™ to improve medication use
processes. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Safety, 29(5), pp.211-226.
Maxwell, S. and Walley, T., 2013. Teaching safe and effective prescribing in UK medical
schools: a core curriculum for tomorrow's doctors. British journal of clinical
pharmacology, 55(6), pp.496-503.
Miles, A., Loughlin, M. and Polychronis, A., 2017. Medicine and evidence: knowledge and
action in clinical practice. Journal of evaluation in clinical practice, 13(4), pp.481-503.

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Van der Sijs, H., van Gelder, T., Vulto, A., Berg, M. and Aarts, J., 2010. Understanding
handling of drug safety alerts: a simulation study. International journal of medical
informatics, 79(5), pp.361-369.
Document Page
Student No:
Learning Outcome 7
Learning Contract
Plan of action
To dialogue with my Multi-disciplinary team (MDT) counterparts, their personal
responsibilities in dispensing, supplying medicines, administering, prescribing and
the way that concerted operation backs effective and safe benefits and processes
of prescribing to the patient
To assess how my existing position within my MDT will adjust translating into a
prescriber and the way that can be perceived by my counterparts.
Reflection on Action
Individually I have contemplated my existing MDT roles and together with the members.
This has assisted me value every individual’s responsibility within every viewpoint of the
group of prescribing including the management of the medicine (Hepler & Strand, 2011,
pp533). Moreover, it reiterated my conviction that the patient is also part of this MDT as
their needs and wishes guide our prescribing and our plans of management (American
College of Clinical Pharmacy et al, 2013, pp1210). As experts we are supposed operate
watchfully with our counterparts to share skill and knowledge and patient care information
to boost the care of the patients. As nurses, we are supposed to respect and support our
counterparts and operate within our range of practice (Pincus et al, 2018, pp 526).
In the time of my NMP hours of clinical observation, I discovered the duration utilized with
my Pharmacy counterparts was most valuable to comprehending their position within our
group that was my limitation area (Courtenay et al, 2011, pp 396). I noted the crucial
responsibility they complete in the entire journey of a patient from entry to release in a
community and inpatient setting directly and indirectly with patients and the new
responsibility. They are now evolving to distribute thorough understanding on medications
within the patient and team leading to patient case conferences or MDT meetings (Tang
et al, 2017, pp 447).

Reference List
American College of Clinical Pharmacy, Hammond, R.W., Schwartz, A.H., Campbell,
M.J., Remington, T.L., Chuck, S., Blair, M.M., Vassey, A.M., Rospond, R.M., Herner, S.J.
and Webb, C.E., 2003. Collaborative drug therapy management by pharmacists—2003.
Pharmacotherapy: The Journal of Human Pharmacology and Drug Therapy, 23(9),
Courtenay, M., Carey, N., Stenner, K., Lawton, S. and Peters, J., 2011. Patients’ views of
nurse prescribing: effects on care, concordance and medicine taking. British Journal of
Dermatology, 164(2), pp.396-401.
Document Page
Student No:
Hepler, C.D. and Strand, L.M., 2011. Opportunities and responsibilities in pharmaceutical
care. American journal of hospital pharmacy, 47(3), pp.533-543.
Pincus, H.A., Tanielian, T.L., Marcus, S.C., Olfson, M., Zarin, D.A., Thompson, J. and
Zito, J.M., 2018. Prescribing trends in psychotropic medications: primary care, psychiatry,
and other medical specialties. Jama, 279(7), pp.526-531.
Tang, F.I., Sheu, S.J., Yu, S., Wei, I.L. and Chen, C.H., 2017. Nurses relate the
contributing factors involved in medication errors. Journal of clinical nursing, 16(3),

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Student No:
Learning Outcome 8
Plan of action
To get an intuition into the methods utilized to finalize a comprehensive discussion
with a parent or child reliant on age
To comprehend the main elements in establishing secure prescribing for a child
To finalize an appropriate and safe prescription instance for the scenario of the Child.
Reflection on Action
My task is entirely with adult patients that are eighteen years of age I presently do not have the
competency or skill to prescribe and assess for paediatric patients (Robertson et al, 2011, pp
697). I have an understanding that this group of patient as with other ‘unique groups’ have certain
needs that should be contemplated before generating a prescription including communication,
consent and physical difference to Adult patients with capability (Seguin & Nelson, 2013,
On contemplation having examined my DMP with parents and paediatric patients, I have
discovered it advantageous for the discussion result to comprise age appropriate play with the
child and acquire the communication style progressively between the parent and child (Pound et
al, 2015, pp133). Moreover, it is crucial as much as possible to permit the infant to respond to
queries reliant on age by utilizing friendly, simple language as the infant may uncover something
that they have expressed to their parent that could notify a subsequent management together with a
diagnosis (Cazzato et al, 2011, pp 611).

Reference List
Cazzato, T., Pandolfini, C., Campi, R., Bonati, M., & ACP Puglia-Basilicata Working
Group, 2011. Drug prescribing in out-patient children in Southern Italy. European journal
of clinical pharmacology, 57(8), pp 611-616.
Pound, P., Britten, N., Morgan, M., Yardley, L., Pope, C., Daker-White, G., & Campbell,
R, 2015. Resisting medicines: a synthesis of qualitative studies of medicine taking. Social
science & medicine, 61(1), pp 133-155.
Robertson, M. C., Devlin, N., Gardner, M. M., & Campbell, A. J, 2011. Effectiveness and
economic evaluation of a nurse delivered home exercise programme to prevent falls. 1:
Randomised controlled trial. Bmj, 322(7288), pp 697.
Seguin, R., & Nelson, M. E, 2013. The benefits of strength training for older
adults. American journal of preventive medicine, 25(3), pp 141-149.
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Student No:
Learning Outcome 9
Learning Contract
Plan of action
To comprehend my professional and legal requirements concerning prescribing.
Comprehend my national standards and Trust policy expectations through NHS
including secure storage, prescription management, requirements and security for
monitoring, registration and competency maintenance.
To comprehend how to report ADRs (Adverse Drug Reactions) in my Group.
To comprehend my liability and professional when prescribing treatment for an
unlicensed or an “off label” indication.
To get knowledge to how effective and safe the practice of prescribing is attained
in a consultation that is remote and have an understanding of the drawbacks by
deliberating with my DMP since I will not be undertaking this procedure in my
practice of prescribing.

Reflection on Action
By finalizing this activity and learning outcome, I now comprehend the procedures I am supposed
to abide by as a prescriber who is competent to make sure effective and safe prescription form or
pad security and management (Kruse & Louis, 2013, pp22). I have turned out to be alert of my
Trust’s procedures and processes adhered to in the case of a prescription error or loss. Examining
the Pharmacy Team offered me an indebtedness of the stock control and audit responsibility
offered (Fullan et al, 2015, pp 23). I have come to comprehend the notion of off label, unlicensed
prescribing and my expert restraint as a nurse and the obligations I should accomplish when
justifying clinically off label as unlicensed prescribing and as an independent NMP as a
supplementary prescriber and utilizing a CMP (Clinical Management Plan ) (Allen, 2018, pp 608)

Reference List
Allen, P, 2018. Accountability for clinical governance: developing collective responsibility
for quality in primary care. Bmj, 321(7261), pp 608-611.
Fullan, M., Rincón-Gallardo, S., & Hargreaves, A, 2015. Professional capital as
accountability. education policy analysis archives, pp 23, 15.
Kruse, S. D., & Louis, K. S, 2013. An Emerging Framework for Analyzing School-Based
Professional Community.

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Student No:
Learning Outcome 10
Action Plan
To comprehend the main disparities between Supplementary prescribing and
Independent NMP and how this influences my prescribing practice reliant on the
requirements of prescribing of my expert and the patient range in my practice of
To have the capability to understand and develop the goal of CMPs as part of
Supplementary Prescribing when I supposed to prescribe medicine that is not covered
in my independent NM prescribing professional scope.
Reflection on Action
Through this study, I have become conscious because of my present professional
restrictions or requirements, I will operate both as a Supplementary Prescriber and an
Independent NMP reliant on the needs of my patient.
Supplementary prescribing is a three-way procedure of agreement between the
independent prescriber, the supplementary and the patient.
I will be able to prescribe treatments within my range of practice once this
understanding has occurred and recorded by a comprehensive CMP (Clinical
Management Plan).
Individually as a nurse, which is a profession that I have continuously undertaken
clinical autonomy and full profession, I find it illogical and frustrating concerning the
CD (Controlled Drug) restraints enforced on our prescribing in contrast with my
Pharmacy and Nursing counterparts (Kudrin. 2019, pp 268). I am restricted to
prescribe seven drugs that are regulated and I am unable to presently prescribe
independently Tramadol and Co-codamol having to prescribe as a supplementary
Prescriber (Hadjistavropoulos et al, 2019, pp 506). The condition that is illogical
emerges since I am unable to prescribe the opiates that are weaker, though I can
prescribe the much robust opiates of, oxycodone, morphine and dihydrocodeine
(Yuksel et al, 2018, pp 328). As nurse, I have intensified knowledge, training, and
methods of treatment available to me to handle pain in contrast with other skilled
counterparts who do not have restrictions of prescription (Salyers. and Zisman-Ilani,
2020, pp 71). I am in a suitable state to integrate non-pharmacological and
pharmacological methods to handle pain and thus have increased requirement to
make use of opiates in comparison to opiates that are stronger (MacLeodGlover,
2011, pp 70).

Reference List
Kudrin, A, 2019. Challenges in the clinical development requirements for the marketing
authorization of new medicines in Southeast Asia. The Journal of Clinical
Pharmacology, 49(3), pp 268-280.
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Student No:
Hadjistavropoulos, T., Marchildon, G. P., Fine, P. G., Herr, K., Palley, H. A., Kaasalainen,
S., & Béland, F, 2019. Transforming long-term care pain management in North America:
The policy–clinical interface. Pain Medicine, 10(3), pp 506-520.
Yuksel, N., Eberhart, G., & Bungard, T. J, 2018. Prescribing by pharmacists in
Alberta. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 65(22), 2126-2132.
Salyers, M.P. and Zisman-Ilani, Y., 2020. Shared Decision-Making and Self-Directed
Care. In The Palgrave Handbook of American Mental Health Policy (pp. 197-228).
Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
MacLeodGlover, N, 2011. An explanatory policy analysis of legislative change permitting
pharmacists in Alberta, Canada, to prescribe. International Journal of Pharmacy
Practice, 19(1), pp 70-78.
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