
Analyzing the System: Use Case, Activity, Sequence, State Machine, and Domain Model Diagrams


Added on  2023-03-23

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Analyzing the System: Use Case, Activity, Sequence, State Machine, and Domain Model Diagrams_1

The given case study describes a tour company who wants to develop an online booking and
reservation system that enables Customers to book tour guide online by using a website. This
report aims to explain the technique and methodology used for analyzing the system
Use case diagrams
A use case is an analysis concept used in analyzing the system by describing the case use of the
system. The use case describes the actions of a system from a user view of point. They represent
the interaction between the user and the system by specifying a sequence of activities. A use case
is described by the use of diagrams or user stories. Use case diagrams are UML graphical
diagrams used to depict the relationship between the user and the system functionalities. The use
case consists of actors (that use or interact with system function), scenarios (sequence of
activities performed by an actor) and use case (collection of scenarios).
Before coming up with the use case diagram, analysis is done to determine the actors and the
In the given case study, we have different kind of actors that will interact with the system they
include, staff members in charge of the tour guide. A new user who interacts with the system for
the first time. An existing user who has used the system more than one time, a user with reserved
tour (a user who have used the system to make an online booking) and finally the system admin
who is in control of the system. All the mentioned actors will interact with the system at a
different level.
Use case scenario
New user use case scenario
Assumption made
Actors – User
Analyzing the System: Use Case, Activity, Sequence, State Machine, and Domain Model Diagrams_2

When designing the use case number of assumptions are made. First, when the user visits the
website, he will have to search for tours. If s/he found the tour s/he desire he will book for the
trip. The system will prompt the user to provide their personal information. After successful
submitting personal details, the system will generate a unique id and password for the user. The
assumption made from the system is that users must identify themselves to the system for them
to book a tour guide.
Use case scenario for existing user
Analyzing the System: Use Case, Activity, Sequence, State Machine, and Domain Model Diagrams_3

Assumption made
Actor – Existing users
After the user has received the login details generated by the system, s/he become an existing
user, and he can continue with online booking. The user will first confirm the tour package
where he will request the tour to be reserved. The system will check if the user has logged in to
the system and if no the system will redirect the user to a login page. After the user has logged
in, he will have to make payment for the tour to be reserved. The user will make payment by
providing their online banking details. After confirmation of payment by the system, the tour will
be booked for the user.
Existing users
Analyzing the System: Use Case, Activity, Sequence, State Machine, and Domain Model Diagrams_4

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