
Holistic Assessment of Practice Learning


Added on  2021-06-14

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Leadership Management
Student Report(Proforma 10)Student Holistic report of each domainThe PCF has been mapped with the SOPS by both the HCPC and TCSWPlease look at appendix 1 the mapping document for placement.Under the heading of each of the nine domains of the PCF, you should write anaccount of how you have met the required level for each domain. Provide specific examples of your practice and discuss how and why these illustrate that you have met each domain. (up to 300 words each domain. Please read guidance)Domain 1 ProfessionalismIdentify and behave as a professional social worker, committed to professionaldevelopment Social workers are members of an internationally recognised profession, a title protected by UK law.Social workers demonstrate professional commitment by taking responsibility for their conduct, practiceand learning, with support through supervision. As representatives of the social work profession, theysafeguard its reputation and are accountable to the professional regulator.I am a student social worker and I also have the responsibly of providing support and organize the recreational activities for the aged people. I do recreational activities in order to reduce the feelings of isolation and loneliness of the aged people. I have also undertaken different types of the assessment that has enabled and helped me to work and interact with the aged people on a one to one approach. I have come to know that the one to one interaction has helped me to closely assess the needs of the individual people the various way they differed. The other types of the assessment undertaken by me regarding the home visits and undertake the assessment of the older service users and the ways of befriending the older people. Another assessment that I have undertaken is the assessment of the outing and the trips. Thus, it is important to note that the above-mentioned assessment and the one to one approach of the interaction strategy have taught me to view each individual and also assess them based on their merit and also assessing the aged persons based upon the facts as well. I always take the person-centred approach and this has enabled me to understand the different types of the approaches associated with the aged person care. I have also come to know that speech and body language also play a major role when I am interacting with professionals and the individuals that have the learning disabilities or have any kind of the mental disabilities in my colleagues. The in-house organizational
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training has also helped me to deal with a number of the situations like the food hygiene, challenging behaviour, infection control and safeguarding. The various assessments have increased my professional competency as well.Domain 2Values and EthicsApply social work ethical principles and values to guide professional practice Social workers have an obligation to conduct themselves ethically and to engage in ethical decision-making, including through a partnership with people who use their services. Social workers areknowledgeable about the value base of their profession, its ethical standards and relevant law.I work as a student social worker and also as a project officer that has led me to work with different types of individual and teams for the effective social care. Thus during my work, I have a cordial relationship with the service users and the peers with whom I work with. When I am working with the service users and my colleagues, I have been able to utilize, alter and change my approach, speech, body language depending on whom I am working and talking with. My communication also depends on a person he or she is having any disability. For example, if I am communicating with a service user who is suffering from hearing impairment, then I know that I have to speak loud so that the service user can hear me. I also know if the service user is not able to hear me properly, then I will be using sign language or gestures. It is also important to note that when I work with the service users or an individual that have learning difficulties, physical disabilities, dementia. Then there is a definite need to possess a number of important qualities like the smiling and reverting positively, listening and working patiently, listening techniques of varied types, and having empathy. These qualities are important because they serve as ethical principles and are viewed as values that guide the professional practiceof a social worker. The application of the ethical principles and the values are important when working in a care providing setting because the professional practice often seeks to use the actions that are ethically correct. Thus, when I am working within the aged people I have demonstrated the ethical values and the principles through my interaction when I am sitting with them and having chatover tea, engaging an individual in the activities and also getting feedback.
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Domain 3 DiversityRecognise diversity and apply anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive principles in practiceSocial workers understand that diversity characterises and shapes human experience and is critical tothe formation of identity. Diversity is multidimensional and includes race, disability, class, economicstatus, age, sexuality, gender and transgender, faith and belief. Social workers appreciate that, as aconsequence of difference, a person’s life experience may include oppression, marginalisation andalienation as well as privilege, power and acclaim, and are able to challenge appropriately.The diversity is relatable to the variety of the group and the individuals and it means the difference in the between the individuals and the groups. The diversity is often linked with the different types of the characteristics that come into play within the social policy. The diversity also includes the social inequalities that arise within the group and individual characteristics. The diversity stresses on maximising the potential and making considerable consideration. It encompasses everyone and excludes none. It also focuses on the valuing the difference and change in culture. The anti-oppressive practice is a novel approach for the reduction of the socio-economic oppression through the effective social work. This involves a critical examination by the social workerand that is pertaining in the neighbourhood or in an organizational setting. The anti-oppressive measure also involves the freeing up the environment of the racism, oppression and the other formsof discrimination. This also involves the lessening or exclusion of the certain social groups that are fang the issues like the hindrances into accessing the social justice, rights, social equality. Social workgenerally pertains to be a caring profession but it also involves controlling of certain situations. Anti-discriminatory practices emphasize the different ways through which the service users are discriminated against. The anti-discriminatory principles also focus on the professional practice so that the discrimination can be encountered (Humphries, 2017). The anti-discriminatory practice is not different from the social work methodologies. It is important to mention that the anti-oppression and the anti-discriminatory practices and the principles aim towards assisting the clients in order to gain awareness about how the oppression affects the lives of the service users. It also includes the gaining the mutual support and must prevent the agencies from being discriminatory (Thompson, 2016).Domain 4 Rights, Justice and Economic WellbeingAdvance human rights and promote social justice and economic well-beingSocial workers recognise the fundamental principles of human rights and equality, and that these areprotected by national and international law, conventions and policies. They ensure these principlesunderpin their practice. Social workers understand the importance of using and contributing to case lawand applying these rights in their own practice. They understand the effects of oppression,
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