
Develop a Sustainability Policy for Stingray


Added on  2022-12-27

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Data Science and Big Data
Assessment Task 1: Develop a sustainability policy
Question Answer:
1. Situation.
a. Describe the
organisation’s current
Stingray is a Melbourne based technology
company which has 1,200 people working for
them. It was established in the year of 2001 and
they sell their products through several self-
branded stores, retail and electronic outlets and
online business portal. The company aims to
operate in the most sustainable manner but the
manufacturing of technological devices requires
many components which are harmful to both
humans and the environment.
b. Describe the desired
Stingray aims to manufacture products that are
not just user-friendly, but also planet friendly,
whilst meeting the organisation’s production and
budgetary requirements. Stingray’s desire to
become a green company and reducing their
carbon footprint makes it necessary to seek
alternative materials that are less damaging to the
environment (iisd.org, 2015).
c. What is the applicable
industry Code of Practice
and how does it apply?
The industry code of practices set the benchmark
for the environmental practices for particular
industry. Such as one should aim to promote
mutual respect and trust amongst team member.
Business should consider Health security and
safety of employees, workplace policies. Moreover,
it pushes industry to control the generation of
toxic material, responsible by using recycled
material and reducing emission of Co2.
d. What is the applicable
legislation and how does it
The Australian federal and state laws mention
about two laws of CCA and CBS (business.gov.au,
2. Policy You are required to
develop a new policy for
reducing the level of toxic
materials and hazardous
chemicals used in the
organisation.a. Describe
your recommendation
Based on the research, it is recommended to
recycle the plastic bottles in to such material
which can be used in creating plastic housing of
desktops and backing of monitors. In both flat-
panel monitors and OptiPlex desktops, company
aims to utilise recycled-content plastic from
sources such as beverage bottles and CD cases.
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task (03/07/2019) © RMIT University 2019 Page 1 of 12
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b. Describe how this will
close the gaps between the
current and desired
In the current scenario, the company is utilizing
toxic material to manufacture desktops, laptop
screen and mobile phones. Here with the new
policy we aim to replace the PVC and bromine
material with recycled plastic material. Hence we
decrease the use of toxic chemical and follow
precautionary principle. We would continue to be
the company with social responsiveness Stingray’s
desire to become a green company and reducing
their carbon footprint makes it necessary to seek
alternative materials that are less damaging to the
environment (Finch, 2015).
c. Recommend procedures
that will ensure the planned
improvement is sponsored
and supported.
There is a simple process to be followed
1 Collection
2. Sorting
3. Washing
4. Resizing
5. Identification and separation
6. Compounding
d. Who would need to
approve the policy?
The recommended sustainable policy will be
discussed with top management. Top
management will make necessary changes in the
proposal and circulate amongst the employees.
Hence the top management need to approve the
policy (Cernansky, 2016).
e. Explain how the new
policy will contribute to
At Stingray, we aim to help our manufacturing unit
to put technology to work in ways which would
help the planet. It would minimise the emission of
Co2 in the atmosphere. Furthermore the
suggested policy will decrease the use of Bromine
and PVC which is hazardous for human health. It
has deeply engraved the socially responsible
culture within the company. It enables company to
optimize each phase of products’ lifecycles.
Starting from collecting materials till using the
recycled material to create end product (dell.com,
f. Discuss how you will
communicate the new
policy to various
With executing new sustainable policy, we would
able to replace 1, 00,000 dollar toxic material with
recycled-content plastic which is equal to 2,00,000
plastic water bottles.
3. Benefits
a. Discuss who will benefit
The company and stakeholder both will benefit
from implementing the sustainable policies.
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from the new policy. Business will gain good will in the market more
than stakeholder benefits from market shares.
Business which is environmentally, socially and
economically responsible thrives for more
innovations in products (Friedman, 2017).
b. How will the policy
benefit the various
The list of the benefits various stakeholders will
get on implementing the policy (Roanhorse, 2017).
Increased market share value for share holders
More involved and engaged employees for
Loyal and happy business partners as everybody
will appreciates the eco friendly gestures shown by
the company
c. How will the policy
benefit the business?
It is witnessed that companies are now
increasingly held answerable to its stakeholders in
terms of improving quality of life or at least not
lowering quality of life. Socially responsible
company carries good image in the market and it
gains competitive advantage. Moreover it is a long
term success approach for any business to be cost
effective in future by executing appropriate
manufacturing costs (WOLTERS, n.d.).
4. Support
Discuss why the business
should support this new
The end customers are now becoming more
conscious for quality of air, carbon footprint and
eco-friendly consumption, hence it is important for
business to support the policy to promote
sustainability in front of customers..
5. Recourses
Make a list of the resources
required in developing,
implementing, and
monitoring the planned
of the each
steps of
Training to
employees to learn
new process and
take care of health
while operating any
machines on site.
6. Measures
a. What tools will you use to
measure performance
Note down the previous amount of generated
wastage material with compared to current stage
Cost and benefit analysis of starting recycling
process against material of PVC and Brominates
used in the manufacturing process of desktop and
mobile phones.
b. What tools will you use to
monitor the operation of the
Continuous improvement process- they five Y s
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policy? 360 degree feedback (N.A, 2017)
c. How will you measure its
We would measure success by getting ISO
Certification in manufacturing process, receiving
regular Customer reviews and Social media
analytics for our companies
d. How will you benchmark
your proposed
We would carry out Extensive research on top 10
innovative companies in the world. The team will
analyse their code of conduct and standard
practices. Based on the observation, best aspects
will be extracted and we will create a framework
for our company. The deep analysis would help us
to benchmark our improvement
7. Compliance
Explain how will the new
policycomply with
environmental legislation
and Codes of Practice?
Environmental Legislation
As mentioned above the Australian federal law
demands fair trading practices. Hence our
sustainable policy promotes fair operational
activities and spread social awareness.
Codes of Practice
Code of practice promotes environmental practices
for particular industry. This policy supports the
arguments of emission of toxic materials and co2
from the air.
Discuss how this new policy
reflects the organisation’s
commitment to sustainability
as an integral part of business
planning and as a
Business opportunity.
In this ever-focused world of greener and more
sustainable options, Stingray would like to be
considered as a good corporate citizen, producing
products that are not just user-friendly, but also
planet friendly, whilst meeting the organisation’s
production and budgetary requirements. This
policy does the same.
Assessment Task 2: Develop a risk management plan
Question Answer:
1. Context
a. Describe what the
context of the risk is.
After analysing the business (case study) and market
trends, it was observed that Stingray is facing high
competition from established computer manufactures
in the market; moreover it may face global uncertainty
if it wants to enter international market.
b. Explain what the
current risk
When we talk about current risk management policies,
procedures followed by the company, it has been
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