
Gender & Ethnicity in Adulthood Transition


Added on  2020-02-05

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1406883Gender and ethnicity in transition to adulthoodHere, as per the article, it assesses that the role of gender and ethnicity within youngminority ethnic British citizens transition to adulthood. Here, it carried out interplay of gender andethnicity in relation to religion is crucial part of their transition that causes them to make choices tolive their lives in proper manner. Further, there are several researchers and policymakers arerequired to develop proper similarities and differences of gender experiences within differentminority ethnic groups. Present study evaluates about the gender and ethnicity in transition toadulthood. However, it discusses about ethnicity and gender differences so that transition carriesout within adulthood. Basit, (2012) observes that adolescence and transition into adulthood is one ofthe most crucial turning points in an individual’s life (Hogan et al, 1986). She additionallyacknowledges that it is also an extremely challenging phase in the life of a young person (Hogan etal, 1986). Basit comments that a young adult often grapples with the primary need of establishmentand the need to get ingrained into a society and its parameters (Hogan et al, 1986). Basit’s study is inclose agreement with Coleman’s study on adolescence and its impact on education and careerchoices (Coleman et al, 1981; Basit et al, 2012). Coleman’s (1981) work has initiated an extensiveresearch in the American society and later in the world surrounding the issues that are ofsignificance to the transition to adulthood (Coleman, 1981). Basit notes, quite relevantly, that of thecommon aspects that affect the transitory period, gender and ethnicity of the individual play acrucial role in shaping the societal identity of a young adult (Hogan et al, 1986; Coleman, 1981).Basit’s work progresses the contributions of ‘The Presidential Panel on Youth and the Wisconsin’study that provided the model of “status attainment” that are regarded salient studies in this area ofresearch (Hogan et al, 1986; Coleman, 1981]. The findings of this study indicated that the attainmentof education, occupation, and livelihood in terms of employment or earnings were largelydetermined by the social, psychological, and institutional factors that operate predominantly in thetransition period of adulthood (Coleman, 1981). Basit’s study, like most previous studies, indicatesthat the socioeconomic origins of individuals reflect directly on the attainment of social status(Hogan et al, 1986; Coleman, 1981). The transition of young individuals into adulthood is perceivedas a process that is fragmented and often prolonged causing an increased complexity in the phase oftransition (Basit et al, 2012; Coleman, 1981). Basit suggests that the process is different for eachindividual and involves an enormous number of societal situations that shape the process into anexperience (Basit et al, 2012). She also observes that most young adults face several difficultiesduring the transitioning into adulthood (Basit et al, 2012). Basit notes that even in the same country,different individuals have varied experiences during the transition into adult life (Basit et al, 2012). The transition of an individual from child to an adult is a way long process. It doesn't happenin just one particular day. The onset of adulthood can be witnessed during adolescence while propermaturity is achieved when all the hormonal imbalances are overcome. On the contrary, transition ofadulthood is considered as an unpredictable process. Gender inequality is definitely experienced inthis situations. The situations that determine the transition and the quality of life are mostly societal,according to Basit (Basit et al, 2012). Personal parameters such as gender and ethnicity areimportant determiners of the early adult life as an experience (Coleman, 1981; Basit et al, 2012).There are a plethora of such factors that make the experience different for each person. Gender,race, ethnicity, and class are regarded the primary factors in this transition (Basit et al, 2012). They
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1406883are known to be influential mediators of early adult life (Basit et al, 2012). Basit’s study makes aclear evaluation of previous studies and bases its approach on the noteworthy characteristics ofprevious research in the area of study. Basit clearly lays emphasis on the impact of gender, race, andethnicity of young adults and the impact of these factors on the transition into adulthood. Basit doesnot digress from the afore-said central theme of the study and relates reliable and relevant previousstudies to elucidate the baseline issue. Basit’s work is clear and intelligible in its approach and iswell-structured.As per the evaluation of Basit (2012), here transition to adulthood can be considered as astatus passage in the institutionalised life course and involving the assumption of new social rolesuch as completion of education. Also, it is essential to develop age related legal norms as well aspopulation based norms and informal expectations of these roles. However, such roles andexpectations are considered as scripts of life. However, evaluating the intersection of multipleinequalities such as class and gender that helps in shaping individual transition experiences and thusintroduces bounded diversity so that best results could be attained. Basit relates her observations to the societal reflection of such a complex transition in the Westernworld (Basit et al, 2012; Arnot, 2009). Basit states that most Western countries which endorsedemocracy also largely promote women’s rights (Basit et al, 2012). Basit illustrates that theawareness in the Western democracy has, perhaps, led to the movement of Women’s rights andequality are concepts that entered the culture much early in the West (Basit et al, 2012). Basitreflects that the afore-mentioned women’s social movement questioned the intrinsic right of men tohold powerful positions in public domains (Basit et al, 2012). Basit’s study dwells on the inbredbeliefs of gender discrimination and the traditional concepts of masculinity and femininity andobserves how they were reformed for the better by these social movements of awareness that gavethe opportunity for women to establish themselves in significant positions in the private sector(Basit, 2012; Arnot, 2009).Basit draws a comparison to the new age society has additionally providedthe choice of labour to women where they choose to contend their social and economic rights alongwith complete political power in the society (Basit et al, 2012). Women, in the current times, mayseek impetus for possessing a family, a career, or educational qualification (Basit et al, 2012). Basitalso notes that women additionally have the privilege to set priorities among each of theseaccording to their perceived order of precedence (Basit et al, 2012). Arnot, in his work in 2009, hasobserved that the identities of gender are actually currently perceived as individualisticmanifestations of the social construction in terms of culture and history – this observation isvalidated in Basit’s study (Basit et al, 2012; Arnot, 2009). Basit states that it is an established truth that education and qualification are the essentialaspects of one’s social identity (Basit et al, 2012). For an effective transition into adulthood, it isessential for young people to realise the importance of education (Basit, 2012; Arnot, 2009]. Basitobserves in her study that qualifications and credentials ease the process of transition intoadulthood by providing an inherent sense of achievement and credibility to obtain financial andsocial foothold in the world (Basit et al, 2012). Basit adds that this allows the individual to provideuseful services to the nation and makes them important in the social makeup (Basit et al, 2012).Basit’s observation is in congruence with education inherently empowers a young person to enteradulthood with confidence and a sense of usefulness (Basit et al, 2012). Basit notes that thecontribution that a young adult makes to a country’s economic and political scenario is of much
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1406883significance (Basit et al, 2012; Arnot, 2009). The concept of gender is typically ingrained into theeducational setup and the public discourse as a primary consideration in behaviour management, asobserved by Basit (Basit et al, 2012; Arnot, 2009). Further, also evaluating the concept of transitionto adulthood it addresses the complexities and variations in transition to adulthood. It has beenassessed that there are various complexities and variations in transition to men and women withindifferent subgroups of population. However, it is also essential to revise existing awareness amongpopulation regarding differences in inequalities. Country is focusing upon developing more flexibleand dynamic conceptions that represents the changing everyday arrangements between men andwomen. Basit elucidates this with the example of how girl pupils are regarded a non-considerationfor behavioural challenges and are perceived as being “unproblematic” (Basit et al, 2012; Arnot,2009). Basit explains that such a gender bias that exists in the educational system and the societalmakeup in general works to shape the experience of each individual in the transitory period of earlyadulthood (Basit et al, 2012; Arnot, 2009). She further explains that there is an innate, non-communicated expectation from the female gender in terms of behaviour and etiquette (Basit et al,2012). Such a bias restrains teachers and helping volunteers from referring girls with behaviouralproblems to alternative schemes or programmes (Basit et al, 2012). Basit rightly notes that thisconcept may be extrapolated into the discriminatory or prejudiced behaviour of the staff towardsgirls based on their race and ethnicity (Basit et al, 2012). She illustrates that the preconceivedopinions and stereotypes attached to specific groups of pupils based on their gender and ethnicityare innate to the culture (Basit et al, 2012). She notes that this acts as a primary determiner of thetreatment they receive at a rather young age (Basit et al, 2012). Basit deduces that the prejudicespresent in the society have an impact on young people and dictate their expectations from self andthe society (Basit et al, 2012; Arnot, 2009). Basit states that stereotypes can add to the confusionabout the choice of education and career for the young person often causing conflicts of interestwithin themselves (Arnot M, 2009). It is further evidence to previous research that such indecisioninfluences the transition into adulthood and allows for a pronounced vulnerability of these youngpeople in facing the society (Arnot M, 2009). Basit notes that research has identified that mostyoung people find the prospect of transition into adulthood daunting due to the expectations thatthe society seems to have from them (Basit et al, 2012). Gender, class, and ethnicity are primarydeterminers of expectations from young people and they have a lasting impact on their perceptionof self (Basit et al, 2012; Arnot, 2009).The acceptance of society towards adulthood is different in various groups. Especially theethnic minorities consider puberty amongst girls as the complete adulthood while those belongingto educated classes consider puberty as the initialisation of transition process. The significance ofsuch a crucial process is realised when girls who have been subjected to various inequalities reachadulthood. Their mental and emotional conditions right through puberty has aided the perceptionthat gender inequality is a universal phenomena and would continue until their death. Gender inequalities stem from a general perception that girls should be ideally able to fend forthemselves and be able to look after their own needs (Basit et al, 2012; Arnot, 2009). This is anextremely differential expectation from young women and they are expected to have clarity ofthought whilst steering clear of plausible problems (Arnot M, 2009). Most political policies in theWestern democracies are favourable to young men whilst expecting young women to take care of
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