
Sociological Factors: A Literature Review


Added on  2020-02-12

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Sociological Factors: A Literature Review_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................4TASK 1............................................................................................................................................41. Sociology and Sociological Imagination ..............................................................................42. Role of values and beliefs in sociological factors...................................................................53. Working experience in the community sector .......................................................................54. Social and Cultural Institutions of Australia, their functions and impact on social factors....65. Concept of critical thinking and writing ................................................................................66. Possible effects and consequences of inequality experiences of communities, families andindividuals...................................................................................................................................77. a) Age related stereotypes in Australia people .......................................................................7b) Origin, assumptions, of stereotypes. ......................................................................................8c) Possible changes in current practices within the community services sector that could beadopted to address some of the factors that have a negative impact on your chosen group.......88. Concept of critical theory, outline its development, the core concepts that define it and howthey inform research practices....................................................................................................89. A) Brief list of environmental factors that relate to the health and well-being of individualsand communities.........................................................................................................................9b) elaborate on the impact they have giving examples and list references.................................910.a) As community service workers why should we aim to identify,evaluate and analyse thesocial, cultural and economic backgrounds of communities we work with?..............................9b) List the research approaches you could use to gather this information? Briefly elaborate onthe underpinning theories behind them.....................................................................................10TASK 2..........................................................................................................................................10Underlying assumptions of scenario 1......................................................................................10Scenario 2..................................................................................................................................11CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................11REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................13
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INTRODUCTIONSociological factors are the factors that affect the person's lifestyle and these factorsrevolve around the ethics of a person. His religion, family, economic status, children,systems ofpolitics etc. in short almost everything that surround the environment of the people. Sociologicalfactors has a strong influence on the lives of a person and it affects the personality, lifestyles ofthe person. The attitudes of the person depends on the sociological factors. How the humanbehaves generally. Sociologist are the people who examine the connection among the personaltroubles and social relations(Abell and Youldon 2013). Their are self motivated to improve life'sof persons related to them, they want everybody to be happy and stress free. This report includesthe various factors related to sociology and the concept of sociological imagination. The valuesand beliefs of a person plays a very significant role in the sociological factors . The concept ofcritical thinking has been evaluated here and the stereotypes factors affecting the people inAustralia has been discussed in the present report.TASK 1Sociology factors1. Sociology and Sociological Imagination Sociology is the study for exploring the knowledge about the social relationships ofhumans and various bodies. The concept of sociology is very vast it ranges is very wide itconstitutes from family to state, criminal activity to religion, from distinction between socialclass, race, to the similarities between the religion( Abraham 2010). The whole study ofsociological factors is conducted because to understand the behaviour of human. How theirconscious and their actions vary according to the social and cultural surroundings. The socialistgathers information about the social life of an individual and wants to enrich their understandingof human behaviour.Sociological imagination is a concept where individual thinks of themselves as they wantthemselves to see. They see themselves irrespective of what they look like . It can be furtherdefined as the relationship between the self experience that with the society at large. The personto have social imagination must have the view point to see alternative things irrespective oflooking at the situations ( Baddeley 2010). He should know how to divert himself from thesituation. Say for instance, coffee. It is used for simple drinking purpose, when two people
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wants to meet they generally go for a coffee. In that scenario the person wants to talk over andcoffee is not the main purpose. Whereas some person drinks it for caffeine , they use it as adrug. So the person see and takes what he wants to take . The object remains the same but thevalue changes in different cases.2. Role of values and beliefs in sociological factorsThe values of a person reflects in the way he lives his life. This is basic thing that holdsimportance in their lives. Their beliefs are generally came out as a way of their expression, and itis expressed through words or behaviour. The social factors that influence the lives of a personare religion, family , ethnicity(Berger 2011) , children etc. the values and beliefs plays animportant role in the forming of sociological factors and they affect them in a very deep way.The values related to family is different for every person. Some people respect and value theirfamilies most that it became their priority, but for some person family comes last at the prioritylist. Person who believe in ethnicity and values it are the persons who abide by the m,orals andthey does not get involve in criminal activities. When a person works as a community serviceworker he works for the betterment of the community. They work in the rehabilitation centres,does social work etc. and their values and beliefs are different from the other person of thesociety and thus because of their values and beliefs plays an important role in the society.3. Working experience in the community sector The community sector is the place where people work for the benefit of others and theyare more than happy in serving other people. The persons who work there forgets theindividuality and they work for the others. It is very important to step out of the individualexperience and see ourselves from the outside if we are working in the community sector. Wehave to stop working as an individual and start working in a team( Bhattacharya 2011). To lookfrom the outside one should start looking at various sectors of the community sector and build aninterpersonal relationship and this well help in performing better. By taking care of the healthand safety issues community workers plays an important role. The Australian community sectorconducts various activities like self help groups, hobby classes, environmental groups etc. it isvery useful to get out of what is inside you and what is lagging you behind. For helping othersyou have to forget yourself and involve in some other person.
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