
Ryanair Customer Experience Survey


Added on  2020-02-05

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Research Project
Ryanair Customer Experience Survey_1

TABLE OF CONTENTTASK 1............................................................................................................................................31.1................................................................................................................................................31.2................................................................................................................................................31.3................................................................................................................................................41.4................................................................................................................................................51.5................................................................................................................................................7TASK 2............................................................................................................................................82.1................................................................................................................................................82.2................................................................................................................................................82.3................................................................................................................................................8TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................103.1..............................................................................................................................................103.2..............................................................................................................................................113.3..............................................................................................................................................19TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................204.1 Covered in poster................................................................................................................20REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................21APPENDIX....................................................................................................................................22Questionnaire............................................................................................................................22
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TASK 11.1It is a foremost section that has defined the major aims and objectives of this carried setof investigation that will assist the surveyor to directionally work towards its concentratedagendas. Aim- The principle aim of this research work is “To determine the role of technology inenhancing the satisfaction level of customers- A study on Ryanair Airlines.”Objectives- The above formulated aim has further emphasised upon four leading objectives ofthe study for a due accomplishment of its targeted goals. These objectives will also provide aguiding context to the researcher in order to collect some concrete evidences in regard to specifythe elected subject matter, as outlined below-To address some substantial attributes of technology in serving the customers of Ryanair.To ascertain the factual means of customer service in Ryanair as a way of measuring theirsatisfaction level.To identify the technical traits adopted by Ryanair to serve their upcoming clients andusers for timely fulfilment of their needs and demands. To recommend several ways in which Ryanair can adopt some considerable means lftechnology to serve their consumers. Literature review:Resource implications: This is basically to specify the implicated resources by theinvestigator while carrying out the research work where there existed total 3 key sources referredby the surveyor to gather envisioned statistics to underlay the selected topic of the study(Research Methodology, 2015). In context to which, time, cost and human resources were those3 principles means that has aptly aid the researcher to collect viable set of data from theaudience. Moreover, there together existed some additive sources of data collection where theinvestigator has focussed upon compiling information from some proven means. These wereonline publications and other internet sources from verified sites. 1.2This section is to depict such contributory factors that has largely supported in the overallprocedure of research project. It is with a fundamental consent of this investigation topic that has
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been selected by the surveyor with some prime considerations in the lieu of personal interest thathas directed the researcher to study the relative facts of customer satisfaction. Anotherdeliberation behind a prime selection of this particular subject matter was mainly with referenceto underlay the fact of technical progression (Schiff, 2015). Such developments are continuallywidening the scope of enhancement in the area of customer service that in turn tends to fulfil therealistic desires of the consumers. A prevalent concern in adopting such considerable means toserve the clients is referred to be yet another major reason behind electing this topic. It is wherethe investigator is duly interested in outlining its impelling usage in intensifying the satisfactionlevel of clients and service users. 1.3This section has referred to critique the different standpoint of distinct authors in order toreview their varied set of assumptions in context to interpret the factual measures of currentsubject matter. These themes are however based upon the above formulated objectives of thesurvey to accomplish the leading aim of the recent investigation. Significant dimensions of technology to serve the consumers in airline industriesIn marketing concept, the satisfaction of customers is an important element that helps ingetting more revenues with development of better customer relations. According to Fiegen(2010) many airlines companies are making their best efforts to come up with innovative ideasthat can help in giving more satisfaction to customers along with maintain long termrelationships with them. In this direction, various organisations have moved towards the socialmedia campaigns by offering different facilities and promoting themselves as a best firm whocares for customers needs. In this way, the airlines company has come up with an innovative toolwhere passengers are allotted seats besides persons who have similar interests implied on socialmedia. Besides this, the online medium is nowadays the most trending way for booking ticketswithout standing in queues for a long time. As per Deng, Wei and Zhang (2010) this has madethe ways for customers much more easier and comfortable by relieving them from various hecticprocesses. Thus, with increased role of technological advancement has contributed the airlinesindustry in enhancing customer's satisfaction.Actual means of customer service in airline industries as a way of measuring their satisfactionlevel
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In the views of Flint, Blocker and Boutin (2011) building good customer relationship is anecessary part for providing consumers with satisfactory services. For this, it is necessary foreairlines companies to identify needs and wants of customers so that performance can be plannedaccordingly. For this, E-CRm tool can be used which helps in tapping the behaviour and interestsof customers. Besides this, it will also help in exchanging the information between industries andcustomers which will be helpful for organisations to plan for improvements in the services.Further, Eid (2011) asserts that one more aspect through more satisfaction can be developedamong customers is to provide good customer service so that consumers can feel better that theirissues are being resolved in satisfactory manner. Moreover, the means of CRM, Loyalty cardsand SERCQUAL methods can contribute in great way to enhance the satisfaction level of clients.The attendants can be given better training so that they can attend customers in efficient way,exceeding the satisfaction level of consumers.Discovering the technical traits adopted by the airline industries of UK to serve the consumersfor prompt fulfilment of their factual preferencesUK' airlines industry has adopted many features so as to develop itself into a recognisableindustry at world level Ryu, Lee and Gon Kim (2012) says that the country has developed itsCRM to provide better services to customers. In this, it has made plans according to which itattempt has been made to provide most comfortable experience in travelling. Besides this, thetools used for CRM helps in tracking the frequent flyers and accordingly they are given moreservices that can increase their experience. The tickets are based on electronic distributionsystem where the passengers are sent as e-mail about the details of travelling and their tickets.Further, they are provided with various ancillary services like providing food and beverages inflights, luggage loading, car expenses etc. inn which airlines company make a tie up with varioushotels and travelling agents. This makes the revenues of airlines organisation more andcustomers also get satisfied.1.4It is one of the most important section that has referred to outline the adopted techniquesand methodologies of the researcher that has been used to conduct the present investigation in adirectional manner. This is basically to aid the surveyor in a prudent attainment of the studygoals and targets.
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Research philosophy: It is a foremost concern of the surveyor while carrying out aninvestigation where an adopted philosophy hereby assists them to make a precise interpretationof the research issues. With an analogous reference to it, there exists total two distinct type ofphilosophies known as interpretivism and positivism. It is where an interpretivism study ismainly focussed upon the subjective nature of the topic as a mean of qualifying its qualitativemeasures (Flick, 2011). The study of positivism is on another hand is entirely based upon theobjective nature of the survey with a major focus upon defining the numerical context of thesubject matter. The investigator has hereby referred to employ the study of interpretivism thatwill precisely focus upon measuring the satisfaction level of customers by analysing their distinctset of behaviour. Research approach: It is yet another configuration of the survey where the researcher willhereby tend to determine some leading solutions to resolve the discovered issue of theinvestigation (Kumar, 2014). There exists two different type of approaches known as inductiveand deductive formulations of research wherein an inductive approach, the surveyor is requiredto make a clear referral of the investigation queries so as to acquire the aims and objectives of thestudy. However, the deductive approach of study necessitates the researcher to frame newer setof conclusions with hypothetical testing of the content. Data collections: It is also referred to be a prime consideration of the investigator to collectliable set of data by opting for a considerable method of gathering the information. This involvestwo measurable tactics called primary and secondary methods of data collection. The primarymethod of data collection postulates the surveyor to directly approach the participants as a meanof acquiring their likely responses (Kriz, Gummesson and Quazi, 2013). It is with anothermethod of secondary data collection where the researcher will hereby refer to some establishedset of informations that will be gathered from published books, journals and verified online sitesand internet resources.Data analysis: It is also termed to be a major concern of the researcher as a mean of analysingthe above collected set of data. With a similar reference to it, there exists two leading alternativesto evaluate the gathered information that are known as qualitative and quantitative methods ofdata analysis (McMillan and Schumacher, 2014). A qualitative assessment of data is beingsupported by a thematic configuration of the research topic to analyse its subjective nature.Whereas, another tact of quantitative method is done via referring to the objective or denotative
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