
Study Skills: Understanding Different Approaches to Learning and the Capabilities of the Brain


Added on  2023-06-13

7 Pages2686 Words438 Views
Study skills
Study Skills: Understanding Different Approaches to Learning and the Capabilities of the Brain_1
Study Skills also known as the academic skills are strategies which are considered to be
the approaches that are applied towards the learning of the organisation. They are also known as
the array of skills which are taken by the learners for processing the information for dealing with
assessments. This essay will be showing the understanding of how the people will learn and
understand the different approaches of learning. In this essay the explanation of the capabilities
of the brain and their relevance towards the academic study has been discussed. This essay also
discusses the mind-mapping which is the aid to the storing and retrieving of the information.
Understanding and discussing ways of learning different approaches to learning
Study skills are the skills which are needed for the students to learn the efficiency of the
importance of the transferable skills. They are considered to be the skill of study which provides
the learners to discipline and bring differences to the circumstances of the full and part-time
students. It depends on the circumstances of the students which is considered to be important for
education of life for engaging with the learners for being effective (Karagiannopoulou
There are different learning styles which the learners prefer during their study. Core
learning styles which are discussed for the learning of the individual is Visual, auditory, reading
& writing and the Kinesthetic. Visual learning style involves the learners which have the ability
to retain the information which is presented to them in a graphical representation which may
involve arrows, charts, diagrams, symbols and more. These type of learners are influenced from
deign elements of the learning. Auditory is referral of the auditory learning which prefer the
listening practices for the efficiency of their learning. It helps with the information about the
presentation to the information vocally (Tuononen, Parpala and Lindblom-Ylänne, 2020). This
learning style is considered to work efficiently in the group settings. Reading & writing learners
are the ones which enjoy both reading and writing of information. It can be said as the way of
learning which is preferred by the note takers. The Kinesthetic form of learning is the one which
prefers to do all sorts of physical activity which is considered to thrive on the ways in which it
engages with the workers. My preferred style of learning is Visual as it is considered to be very
impactful as human brains tends to remember what they see as a visual.
Study Skills: Understanding Different Approaches to Learning and the Capabilities of the Brain_2
The personalized learning is the form of study skills which is explained as the educational
approach which aims to customize the learning for each student's strength, needs, skills and
interests. The personalization of the learning to create a pathway of education which takes into
account the specific strengths, interests and also needs to teach each student the ways of creating
unique learning experiences.
Cream strategy of learning is approach which includes the following, Creativity – In this
the learner with the help of some confidence shows creativity in which they encourage
themselves for own individual strategies and styles for the best form of work. Reflective – It is
the stage in which the teachers guide their learners to reflect on their own performance for
identifying the strengths areas of improvement and also consider the ways in which they visit
their colleagues. Effective – It helps the learner to understand the needs of the state of mind,
space, time and minerals, This is considered to be the effective way of saving time and effort into
their learning (González et.al., 2022). Active- This dimension is very important as in this the
teacher is actively involved in the teaching and constantly looking towards the ways in which
they are responsible for games, role plays and simulations. Motivation – The success of the
learners depends on their level of motivation which helps in pursuing the goals for reaching the
success and working with the attitude that helps the tutors with every little detail. Motivation is
very important part of the C.R.E.A.M learning strategy.
Knowing how to do mean having the theoretical knowledge about the practices whereas
actually doing things provides the practical experiences to the learning practices. Time
management is the way in which it is able to find the ways of doing things which helps in
deciding the ways in which it is able to manage the stress (Piumatti et.al., 2021). Managing time
is very important for the learners for the development of learning experiences. The stress is
considered to be very effective in the development of ways in which it can influence the learning
experiences (Du et.al., 2019). Management of stress is important for the learners as it helps them
to rethink and be more productive in learning.
Explaining capabilities of brain related to academic study
The human brain is the mastermind behind the learning experiences of the individual.
the individuals are able to bring able to make the full use of the brain the learners still have the
ways in which learners are able to bring effectiveness. Capabilities of the brain develops along
the age of the individual. The brain is able to mature at the same rate in each of the
Study Skills: Understanding Different Approaches to Learning and the Capabilities of the Brain_3

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