
Habits responsible for success of students


Added on  2023-01-05

6 Pages2325 Words62 Views
The topic of the essay is the study skills for higher education which is the most important
topic as the students are the foundation for the nation’s future. This is important in today’s world
because being the student sometimes only relate to the academic skills but along with the skills
of being scholar, the student must have so many skills in order to become successful but these
skills becomes secondary for the students nowadays. So, in this essay, the various habits will be
evaluated which must be in a student to becomes successful. This will benefit all the students for
their overall development and progress.
Habits responsible for success of students
The following habits if inculcated in the students can help them in becoming successful:
Set Goals
Goals setting is the most fundamental thing which helps in getting success in any field
because it becomes very difficult for the students specially to perform without having a particular
goal. Goals helps the students to focus on the journey in which many ups and downs come but
the goals help in coming back on to the track of success. Goals give motivation to the students
when they feel demotivated or low (Doss, Johnston and Akinniranye, 2020). From the academic
perspective, goals improve the overall performance of the students. This can be explained by an
example, if a student sets a short term goal to complete the syllabus of maths in two weeks, then
the student will do everything to achieve the goal. Though many ups and downs come which
hinders in completing the syllabus but the student will focus on the goal to be achieved. This
creates a sense of firm determination and dedication which helps in achieving the goals
irrespective of the obstacles in the path.
Setting of goals helps in perfect planning and working forward towards it. Goals act as a constant
reminder for the students if they are written somewhere which always be in front of the student
which helps in accomplishing the goals such as higher grades, progress or achieving a new rank
etc. It helps in setting the ambition which encourages the student in the difficult times and gives
a unique sense of pride after achievement of success. Without any goal, the person can float from
one area of life to another as goals set clarity and correlation between the hard work and
dedication and to accomplish something important. Having huge dreams which are considered as
Habits responsible for success of students_1

impossible do not work for students. They must have proper goals which can be achieved by
complete hard work and determination. Students become accountable for their actions after
setting goals as they become able to develop new skills like problem solving etc. Goals pushes
the students in articulating the things which the student wants from life. Goals setting not only
improve the academic skills of the student but also the student will become able to measure their
progress in terms of other skills like leadership, determination, critical thinking etc.
This is considered to be an invaluable skill which plays a major role in developing the
student personally and professionally. In the life of students, various situations occur, when the
student do not like to learn certain subjects. So this is the time where self-discipline is needed
which helping in getting success in the less motivation times. Self-discipline is nothing but
regulating oneself and able to make improvements in the weaker areas to improve the thoughts
and behaviours. The students can implement self-discipline by focussing on the classes or
assignments without getting distracted during the classes or at the times of study (Jung, Zhou and
Lee, 2017). The student must track the deadlines and must rely on the journey to success by
meeting the academic goals.
Self-discipline provides power to the student for achieving the goals. the student has control on
itself without getting distracted by the emotions or sayings of other people. Self-discipline helps
the students to stick to their decisions without being in dilemma. The person must not lose sight
regarding the goals to be achieved. This also helps in achieving goals as it is the main thing to be
inculcated in a person which can help in getting success not only in education but also in other
fields. The student must know its strengths and weaknesses along with some downfalls. The
student must know the ways of motivation by staying always positive.
Risk taking
It is not important from the academic perspective but also risk taking plays a major role
in creating successful strategy which can help in bringing innovation. Creating a culture of risks,
helps in exploring new ideas and possibilities (Karademir and Akgul, 2019). In the classrooms,
risks are some information or activity which helps in fostering the risk taking such as motivating
the students to teach some day on certain topic, introducing elements which are unexpected and
Habits responsible for success of students_2

also in collaborating on various projects. The students must be risk taking as the journey towards
success not so easy and demands extreme hard work. The students must have various
opportunities so that in order to achieve them they take various risks. they start with small
initiative and later build confidence in oneself to accept the risk and resolve it by extracting good
out of them. If the person even gets success for smaller tasks, they become confident which
helps in taking certain risks.
The students must not know the comfort zone as after going a little after the comfort zone can
lead to bad results. achieving the small goals can give confidence to the students and for which
the teachers of the student must assign them difficult projects after they become able to solve the
smaller tasks. This will push the student to come out of their comfort zone. The students must be
used to taking risks which helps in getting success. The students must also involve in creating the
community in the classroom and also do not feel afraid to take risk anywhere.
Other habits which must be used by the students to be successful
Time management and planning: In order to achieve the goals, the students must manage the
time and must make a plan for the activities to be done on specific time. The students must use a
planner which means they can write down the assignments to be done on the corner of the desk
at the top so that it is always in front of their eyes and they can follow the schedule. They must
set small goals to be achieved which can easily be achieved with the help of planner (Raines and
et.al., 2017). This helps the students to make the best use of their remaining time after
completing all the activities. The students who manages the time and know the value of time
often looks at the time and the clock on a regular basis to monitor their progress according to the
planner. This is the most important habit of the students to be successful (Keinänen, Ursin and
Nissinen, 2018).
Staying organised: This habit can be seen in the students who become successful.
Disorganisation can lead to academic and behavioural issues. In order to stay organised, the
students can set up a routine of their assignment, they can get their bag pack the night before,
they can also decide the colour codes and also by labelling the folders and binders. It is very easy
to develop the habits like organizing but it is very difficult to stick to it (Kyaw and et.al., 2019).
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