Studying facts about Jamaica is essential as it enables learners to have the knowledge of background, discovery, and the steps that have been taken to have the current Jamaican state. The study of History comes with a lot of benefits which each and every individual should desire to enjoy. Most of the first world countries like China and USA value the study of History, and this had increased their level of development further. To this manner, Jamaicans should also do the same and embrace their History. For Jamaicans to get the knowledge as well as a more in-depth understanding of why our country is the way it is today, we must look into historical facts for answers. Moreover, there are particular skills, and the individual should try to acquire, such as problem-solving skills. As Jamaicans, we are faced various problems which we can solve through the application of problem-solving tactics employed by those before us. However, this can only be done through the study of History. Other reasons and benefits that one can gain from studying facts about Jamaican History are as below.