
Understanding Subcutaneous Insulin Medication Order and NovoRapid Insulin for Type 1 Diabetes: A Case Study


Added on  2023-06-07

8 Pages2188 Words79 Views
Rajdeep gill 18947394
401209 Health Variations 2
Assessment 2: Case study
Assessment Questions
Part A (60 marks, suggested 800 words)
1. Explain the 11 components of a valid routine subcutaneous insulin
medication order and why this is important. Support your answer with
academic or clinical guideline references. (5 marks)
The eleven components to ensure patient safety and safe nursing practice are-
Patient's family and given names, address, Date of birth, sex and Medical record
number. Second, First prescribe ID label checked. Third, make sure that NIMC
( National Inpatient Medication Chart ) has been marked before administration.
TheFourth step is Hospital details. The fifth component is that Doctor is notified before
administration of insulin. Sixth is to check the printed name and signature of
prescriber. Seventh is to check administration and expiry date. Eight component is to
check the name of Insulin. Ninth is to check the right amount of dose of. The tenth is
to check the right time in which insulin is to be given and final is the doctor's Signature
(ACSQHC, 2017).
2. Explain why Ben has been prescribed this medication. Relate to
pathophysiology of type 1 diabetes and the mechanism of action of
NovoRapid insulin. Support your answer with academic references. (10
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As Ben's blood glucose level and his blood ketone level was high. Therefore, from
Diagnostic tests, he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in an emergency department.
Type 1 diabetes is a result of severe lack of insulin in the body caused by loss of beta
cells( LeMone, Burke, Levett- Jones, Dwyer, Moxham, Reid-Searl & Raymond, 2017).
Lack or lost of beta cells is related to various factors such as- environmental, immunity
of body and susceptibility. Type 1 Diabetes is a slowly progressive disease that
destroys beta cells in the pancreas.
In type 1 diabetes, the body produces very little or no insulin because insulin
producing cells are destroyed by autoimmune reaction in the body. So, body needs
Insulin replacement by insulin injections. Ben has been prescribed novorapid insulin
because it facilitates glucose uptake into body cells which lower blood glucose levels.
It Inhibits the metabolism rate of fats and protein and also inhibit the gluconeogenesis
and stimulates glycogenesis as well (Atkinson, Eisenbarth & Michels, 2014). Insulin
stimulates amino acid uptake, promote fat storage and protein synthesis.
3. What is the onset, peak and duration of action for NovoRapid insulin
according to Bullock and Manias (2017)? Explain when NovoRapid
should be administered in relation to food intake and why. Support your
answer with academic references. (5 marks)
The onset action of NovoRapid is between 0-15 minutes, the peak effect is 1-3 hours
and the duration of this insulin is 3.5-5 hours (Bullock & Manias, 2017). NovoRapid
should be administrated immediately before the meal because if the person does not
eat shortly after administration of insulin they will experience hypoglycemia (low blood
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glucose <4.0mmol/L). This may be life-threatening and it could result in
unconsciousness if not treated with carbohydrates.
4. Discuss the definition, causes, symptoms and treatment of
hypoglycaemia, a common adverse effect of NovoRapid. Support your
answer with academic references. (5 marks)
It is extremely important to be aware medication or drug that is to give. Before the
administration of medication, it is important to know about any known allergies. To
ensure a patient's safety and safe nursing practice it is important to know about
adverse effects, and route. To avoid any medication error it is extremely important that
we have educated and knowledge about drug or type of medication we are giving to
them (Ministry of Health NSW, 2013).
5. Discuss the importance of understanding the medication prior to
administration. Support your answer with academic references. (5 marks)
The five rights of medication administration are right patient, right drug, right dose,
right route and right time( NSW Health, 2013). It is very important to reduce any
medication error, for safe nursing practice and patient's safety (Craft et al., 2015). In
the real world, medication error can be life-threatening so it is a way to follow the safe
nursing practice to minimize medication errors.
6. Discuss the 5 rights of medication administration and why it is important
for nurses to follow this procedure. Support your answer with academic
references. (5 marks)
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