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The Importance of Assertiveness in Workplace


Added on  2020/10/23

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This assignment focuses on the significance of assertiveness in the workplace and its application through self-assessment techniques. The student is required to provide feedback from others and their own opinion on things known by other people, as well as things that don't know by other people but are given feedback about. The assignment also includes a reference list with books and journals related to total quality management, business excellence, and project management. A suitable toolkit for self-assessment is provided, highlighting the importance of assertiveness in achieving goals, minimizing alienating and hurting others, and deriving further growth and development.

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Executive Summary
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Understanding to others refers to the ability to know about anyone and it is a power of
mind to interpret thoughts of oneself and others. It may help in improvement of the capacity to
understand feelings and experience of other persons (Akgün and, 2014). Self awareness is
more essential to make better understanding about ourselves and other individuals. There are
four main skills that should possesses in an individual to finding essential qualities, strengths,
skills and behaviours. It is useful in understanding ourselves and others behaviour. Four skills
describes as individual needs and requirements to reach at certain growth. These are used as
problem solving techniques in various critical situations and eliminate different troubles of an
individual. This report is based on four major skills that should possess in a person. It will cover
the importance of all four core skills and its reflection on an individual's current competent
regarding such skills. Further, it will cover the contradictions of all these skills that may
possessed in an individual if any. Lastly, it will include the usefulness of it in the future. An
individual can learn from his or her experiences and make better the future.
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What is the core skill to develop?
TEAM WORKING – It means achieving a common goal with combination of all team
members and their capabilities, efforts and workings. Team working refers as conduction of
all work or job with the support of all team members (Chang, 2016). Team is an acronym that
refers as Together Everyone Achieve More that defines as conveys the benefits of whole team
work at the work place. Better team work can assists the achievement of objectives and goals
of a particular group of organization. In a team, success depends on the efforts of all team
members that must work with a combination of overall working capacity (Sallis, 2014). In a
team, all persons accomplish their work with in a situation according to their skills to resolve
problems and achieve desired goals and targets.
Why is this core skill important? Why did I select this skill to reflect on?
IMPORTANCE – In today's corporate world, it is important to apply and develop the team
work skills because an individual is more benefited for working within their team members.
Its environment promotes to foster friendship and build loyalty with others. All individuals
possess diverse talents, strengths, weaknesses, different habits and behaviour so that if they
work within the team work culture. Team work is connected with whole efficiency of
members and they have to be done a common task within the time frame through their efforts
and capabilities. It may encourages multi-disciplinary work that a team can cut across
organizational concept. It is more important because many people do tasks and they share
their potential skills and knowledge in coordination with everyone.
Reflect on your current competence regarding this skill. How did you assess your
SELF ASSESSMENT AND FINDINGS – It is the ability to simultaneously conduct all
desired tasks as an individual and together with the employees or colleagues in effective way
so that the teamwork is key to attain overall growth and success. I can improve my workings

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in a team by several strategies or techniques such as set identified objectives, decreased
communication gap among all team members, encourage socializing, build up trust upon
others and respect to others. According to Steve Jobs, Ex CEO of Apple company, working
within the team environment can change their whole pattern of living with innovation and
creativeness of mind. In this context, effective team also allow individual performance and
initiate it to innovation. In a team, people share their opinion and experiences that can help to
make better decisions.
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Can you identify any contradictions from your analysis above? For example, is there a
match between how you see yourself and how others see you, or not?
CONTRADICTIONS – This skill is known as core skill of any individual and it is useful in
his or her overall personality development. People use it for gaining the experience within
their team and accomplish all activities for achieving a common goal. In this context, a person
may practices an exercise regularly and all participants must learns to detach from their
internal parts which are automatically activated in several situations and different
circumstances. I use it in my present workings and people see me as the problem solver and
this has become beneficial for me. I also feel better for all working as in team member.
How might this skill help me in the future?
USEFUL IN FUTURE – This will be too much beneficial for my future because I always
work with several people and it will be beneficial to accomplish several tasks towards
personal growth and development. Team working is more profitable towards achieving all
tasks and desired goals of that particular team (Goetsch and Davis, 2014). Team effort
increases output by having quick feedback and multiple sets of skills come into play to
support whole team work.
What is the core skill to develop?
NEGOTIATION – It is refereed as a method in which people settle their conflicts, problems
and other things. It is a systematic process of agreement or compromise that is suggests as the
best solution of disputes and it also avoids various types of arguments. To being a successful
negotiation, it needs two different parties to come together and hammer out a special
agreement that is acceptable to both the parties (Herzallah, Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez and Munoz
Rosas, 2014). It is an important skill that focuses on the solution and it expands their
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productivity of each person. So for this reason it is beneficial to meet out the personal and
official goals & objectives. It is used in different situational conditions such as legal system,
industrial or domestic disputes, international affairs and many more. It should be noted that all
agreement can be achieved once understanding all sides of viewpoints and its interests must
consider. So for this reason, in any dispute or inconsistency, there must be implement a course
of action for solving it.
Why is this core skill important? Why did I select this skill to reflect on?
IMPORTANCE – In the modern era of business corporates, there are technology improve
rapidly in the whole world so that every person wants to growth in their sector and achieve his
or her growth. In this context, many disputes and conflicts can generates among several
people and it will affect to the business as well as personal growth. Negotiation must solve all
problems and issues. The ability to negotiate is certainly an essential part of managing the
contracts and boardroom meetings. Its major benefits actually extend far beyond the
problems. This skill can be invaluable in special period of describing all duties of individuals.
It requires give and take method by all parties.
Reflect on your current competent regarding this skill. How did you assess your
SELF ASSESSMENT AND FINDINGS – I always use this skill in my workings and stay
away from various issues and problems. I’ll make an aim to create a constructive and
courteous interaction that is better for both parties. It is better if all the parties are negotiating
with everyone and come to the best result that would satisfy by all of them. Negotiation is
useful in improving the relationship among individuals and decrease problems. An individual
must learn this skill for his or her growth and development. It is also useful for all companies
and businesses to share happiness, sorrows and take each other’s help whenever it is needed.
Good negotiation can improve the bottom line and ultimately all main objectives of
negotiation is to get better possibilities.
Can you identify any contradictions from your analysis above? For example, is there a
match between how you see yourself and how others see you, or not?

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CONTRADICTIONS – I apply this skill in my behaviour and get benefit in improving my
personal as well as official relationships. This skill develops the growth of any person's in his
or her personal behaviour and he or she will get success in making friendly nature for
everyone. For this skill, I always confident in my behaviour and workings so that I get my
desired goals and use it in all sector. In this context, an individual will become able to
confident in making presentation in front of others and use it for his or her personal growth.
This skill also build respect for others and it is essential for each work because an individual
give his or her impression after a negotiation can have long lasting effect. Its importance in
corporate culture become clear and view as potential deal.
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How might this skill help me in the future?
USEFUL IN FUTURE – This skill is too much useful in my personal growth and
development. It provides me learnings to be an effective negotiator for accepting challenges
and solve several problems. It is also uses for creating new ideas and implement it in the right
manner in their career or life (Jaca and Psomas, 2015). Its major use is in several sectors such
as preparation, problem analysis, active listening and many more. It is vital that a person who
is negotiator must have the capability to keep his emotions in check during the negotiation.
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What is the core skill to develop?
ASSERTIVENESS – It is normally refereed as the communication and social skill that is
used in daily work of an individual. A person is being assertive that means he or she is able to
stand up for own rights in a positive and calm way without any aggressive behaviour. It also
defines a way in which an individual can think about a person to stand up for his/her rights
and in respect to others (Johnson, 2014). It is a behaviour and attitude that is seen as the heart
of effective advocacy. Any person with a special assertive attitude must recognizes that each
individual has rights. Assertiveness skill is based on communication sense because using this
skill by an individual allow them to respect others. It is the ability to express negative and
positive feelings & ideas in the honest way.
Why is this core skill important? Why did I select this skill to reflect on?
(IMPORTANCE – It is one of the most essential advocacy skill that must use in human
behaviour. The main importance of assertiveness is describes as according- it is more
beneficial for knowing accurately about saying by another, to let the other understand that a
person want to understand his or her point of view and last is to understanding all the other
people's thinking that he or she has been understood as they say for any topic.
Illustration 1: Importance of Assertiveness
(Source - Assert Yourself, 2014)

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It also helps in understanding other's behaviour and make decision in the positive assert. Its
major aim is to open an honest communication. It is considered as the positive way for
passive and aggressive manner. An individual must use it for solving their conflicts and issues
that may arise in the process of a healthier communication.
Reflect on your current competent regarding this skill. How did you assess your
SELF ASSESSMENT AND FINDINGS – I use this skill in my every conversation and
useful in making better my communication style. So for this reason Now, I am perfect to
understand my problems and makes them easier to resolve it. From my behaviour, I found that
aggressive communication is not good for me, my family and also for my co-worker. It is bad
and anyone cannot trust on me so that I often use assertiveness in my behaviour for
communicating others. It must reduce anxiety, it protects me from certain issues and taken
more benefits from others behaviour. It also providing me to create several decisions in
critical situation.
Can you identify any contradictions from your analysis above? For example, is there a
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match between how you see yourself and how others see you, or not?
CONTRADICTIONS – To being an assertiveness, a person can honest in his or her
workings because it provides the best solution for each problem. It must be congruent for me
and my body language is improved and the significance of the message must deliver by me to
others. It involves the ability to appropriately express all feelings and needs of others so that I
can understand other person's nature. It also indicates ownership and never blame on others
and only focus on human behaviour. In this context, assertiveness technique allows everyone
to feel comfortable by ignoring artful communicative side device.
How might this skill help me in the future?
USEFUL IN FUTURE – It is more useful in my future and my workings become easy to
accomplish several goals and objectives (Nicholas and Steyn, 2017). It will suggest me for
conducting direct and indirect aggression so that I can achieve desired growth and my core
objectives. It concerns with being able to express several wishes, desires, feelings and wants
that may essential for personal and interpersonal improvement. A person can interact with
others whether at work place or home and understand his or her own and other's rights.
What is the core skill to develop?
FOCUS AND ATTENTION – It is demonstrates as the human brain ability that concentrate
its attention on an aim that stimulates for any time frame. There are a lot of factors such as
diet, genetics and it can contribute to attend individual targets. It is a cognitive ability to
attract others (Ross, 2017). In this context, it will consider attention to consist of multiple
elements that contains focus, stamina, prudence, consistency, vigilance and speed. This is also
mastering the attention that emphasized on all facts that is not just the ability to focus on a
particular work without any distraction.
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Why is this core skill important? Why did I select this skill to reflect on?
IMPORTANCE – Every person must have their attention to others and being able to focus
their thoughts for better communication. This skill is more important for an individual
because it has shown as the sustainability for long period and perform better on all sorts of
cognitive problems. It is more essential because it is the gateway to all thoughts for example
memory, perception, reasoning and decision making process. In this context, many persons
have lack of ability to concentrate and they have loss for it. So for this reason their attention is
usually wanders and it is able to fix without any disturbance.
Reflect on your current competent regarding this skill. How did you assess your
SELF ASSESSMENT AND FINDINGS – I am using this skill for attends my all personal
and official objectives and goals. This skill is useful for me in various areas such as
improvement in my memory, able to work more efficiently, conserve & focus my energies,
improve meditation, strengthen my intuition, betterment in my ability to study other's
behaviour and many more. By using this ability, I am under self control of self analysis.
Can you identify any contradictions from your analysis above? For example, is there a
match between how you see yourself and how others see you, or not?
CONTRADICTIONS – By using this skill in my nature, I can get better results and my
potential ability also improved. This skill is more useful in strengthen of attending the
concentration and personal growth for a parson. This skill is also used in different situation
and I must use gestures and my own body language with showing my facial expressions just
like smile etc. I must ensure that my posture is in the interested way and open for listen.
How might this skill help me in the future?
USEFUL IN FUTURE – It is too much profitable for my personal growth and I get positive
results. It is also useful in retaining the memory and remember everything because all
information must have retained if I use this listening process (Sabet., Adams, and Yazdani,
2016). In this skill, there are use different theories and principles that must help to the listener.

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Summary and Action Plan:
By concluding all major core skills in the behaviour of a person, it is found that these
skills are too much important in personal growth and development. I use these four skills in my
three different areas that are communication, active listening and making better relationship with
others. All three areas are needed to be improved because it will support to the individual growth
and it is also useful in achieving success in several areas. All these competitive skills are
important for making betterment in different personality threats so that a person become
successful in his or her desired sector. In this report, it concludes that team working, negotiation,
assertiveness and focus with attention that are utilized in different areas of life. An individual can
learn that how he or she will able to understand self and know about different areas that needed
to be improved. Further, it concludes importance of all four skills and its contradiction so that a
person know the usefulness of all skills in their future or different areas. By developing my three
major skills that are assertiveness, time management and resilience, I will able to experience
myself. These core skills provide me understanding capability and self with other understanding
that are made as anthropology, psychology, evolutionary biology, neuroscience and psychiatry.
In this context, my major strengths is to know about beliefs and values that being stand me
against others. I am also capable to find out solution in different critical situations. In this
context, personal development also helpful for self awareness and assess my core strengths that
are needed for me. Time management provide me to more able to scheduling my own working
and manage my job as well as personal life. Same as assertiveness makes me to regulates my
communication and also social needs. I get point across without disturbing anyone. Further,
resilience is the best skill that use in my life as build up trust on my friends, co partners and other
persons who are working for me. It is also useful for me for making a plan that consists some
steps such as look at my personal goals, perform routine self reflection, practice for meditation
and other mindfulness habits, take several psychometric and personal test and ask for feedback at
work. I found the best way for my workings and I use it for solving several issues. It is useful for
me because the assertiveness increases my self-esteem, helps in achieving goals, it also
minimises alienating & hurting other person. I am using all these skills in my daily work with my
team members and people says my present work is better than compared to my previous work.
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This will derive my further growth, self-development and useful for my career as well as entire
Toolkit for self assessment:
Feedback from others My opinion
Things know by other
In this context, it describes those
things that understand by other
persons for me and they give
comment for it.
I know about other person's
behavior and I have answered
for this purpose.
Things that don't know
by other people
This category shows that people are
not know about me but still they give
me feedback about my behavior.
In this context, I just provide
better reply to those persons
and show them my talent.
Reference List
Books and Journals
Akgün and, 2014. The mediator role of learning capability and business innovativeness
between total quality management and financial performance. International Journal of
Production Research, 52(3), pp.888-901.
Chang, J.F., 2016. Business process management systems: strategy and implementation.
Auerbach Publications.
Goetsch, D.L. and Davis, S.B., 2014. Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: pearson.
Herzallah, A.M., Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez, L. and Munoz Rosas, J.F., 2014. Total quality
management practices, competitive strategies and financial performance: the case of the
Palestinian industrial SMEs. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 25(5-6),
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