
Developing New Skills Through Interactive Play


Added on  2019-09-26

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Summative Assessment 2 Importance of play in child development: Playing is an important part for development of child. Playing enables the children for using theircreativity and develops the power of imagination. Getting involved into play also enables the children toimprove the physical and emotional strength. Play also benefits the children for developing the dexterityand cognitive ability. The play is also important for development of the brain also (Oakley & Barratt-Pugh,2007). The children need to interact and get attached to the world surrounding them. By getting involvedinto the play, the children get scope to know the world. Conquering the fear is an important aspect of thedevelopment of child. By spending time in play, the children can be able to reduce the fear. During play,the children often practice adult roles along with other children. During different development stages, thechildren need to grow new competencies. Getting involved into play provides the children with theopportunity to grow new competencies. Playing also provides the children with the scope to increase theirconfidence level by mastering over different tasks. While playing, the children work without any directionand it helps them to increase the confidence. During play, the children also get the chance to work in thegroups which help them to develop the social skills. In other words, during play, the children startdeveloping the skills for sharing, negotiation, resolving problems and the self-advocacy skills.During the different development phases, the children need to be allowed to practice the decision-makingskill. Every child grows at own pace. In the development phase, the children should be allowed to grow attheir own pace. Allowing the children to work in autonomy can help them to identify the areas of interest.Independent play provides the children with excellent opportunities to take own decisions withoutsupervision and identify the areas of interest. In case of the independent play, the child does not need tofollow the rules set by adults. They can use their own creativity while playing. Playing without adultinterference helps the children to communicate with other children independently. It helps them todevelop the group skills and also the leadership abilities. Additionally, the independent play helps thechildren to have the healthy bodies, passive entertainment and active mind. The obesity is beingconsidered as an epidemic among the worldwide children. Taking part in the active play helps the childrento get rid of the obesity and associated health issues.The role of caregivers is crucial in the children’s play. The optimum benefits from play can be derivedwhen the care-givers observe the children at play. Observing the children when they are playing providesthem with an excellent opportunity to see the world from the child’s perspective. As an effect, thecaregivers become able to understand the personality traits of the children more accurately. Designing an environment for play:The children require being provided by the suitable environment to play so that they receive the optimumbenefits from games. The child care facilities take a key role to design the play environment. The playenvironment needs to be developed on basis of the National Quality Framework, the Early Years LearningFramework in Australia and the National Quality Standard. The Early Years Learning Framework is based on the following principles –
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Developing the secured, respectful and reciprocal relationship with the children (Acecqa.gov.au,2018)The educators should work in partnership with others to provide the children the most learningbenefits The educators also need to set high expectations and maintain the equity The educators should show the respect for diversity while dealing with the children The educators should also focus on implementing the ongoing learningAs per the Early Years Learning Framework, the educators need to implement the following practices –The teachers should adopt the holistic approaches while delivering the education to thechildren(Acecqa.gov.au, 2018)Being responsive to the need of children Using play as a way to foster learningUsing intentional teachingDeveloping the social and physical learning environments for having a positive impact onthe learning of children Considering the social and cultural contexts for children and the families Enabling continuous experiences and enabling the children to make transitionsuccessfullyMonitoring the provision of children and supporting them to achieve the learningoutcomesIn the Early Years Learning Framework, the play is considered as an important part of the education. As evident from the framework, the children should be provided with a responsive environment so that their requirements are met immediately. The early years learning framework gives importance on achieving the following learning outcomes –1.The children should have the strong sense of identity2.The children need to feel connected with their own world. In addition, they should be able to make contributions to the world.3.The children should have the sense of wellbeing in their learning environment4.The children should grow confident and develop themselves as involved learners5.The children need to be able to communicate effectively The desired learning outcomes indicate that the environment for play needs to be created in such way so that the children get enough opportunity to carry out their activities independently with other children.The quality area 3 of National Quality Standard focuses on providing the children with safe and suitable physical environment. According to the quality standard, the play area for children should support wide range of activities. The play are needs to be spacious and it should contain the fixtures, building and
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fittings which are suitable for the purpose. It also needs to be ensured that everything in the area is accessible for the children.References:Acecqa.gov.au. (2018). Quality Area 3 – Physical environment. Retrieved from https://www.acecqa.gov.au/nqf/national-quality-standard/quality-area-3-physical-environmentAcecqa.gov.au. (2018). Approved learning frameworks. Retrieved from https://www.acecqa.gov.au/nqf/national-law-regulations/approved-learning-frameworksOakley, G., & Barratt-Pugh, C. (2007). The Identification of Assessment Resources to Support Children Learning to Read in the Early Years of School.Sum assessment 1Physical activity helps the children to maintain healthy weight. The type of physical activity that suits the need of a child depends on the age. For instance, the children within the age 0-1 year , need to take part inthe floor-based play in the safe and supervised environment (Haines et al., 2013). The children within 1-3 years of age and the preschoolers within 3-5 years of age require taking part in the physical activities for minimum three hours in a day (Haines et al., 2013). The children above five years require taking part in physical activity of moderate to vigorous intensity for at least one hour. In addition, the children also need to be encouraged to reduce their time with electronic gadgets and increase participation in outdoor games. Reference:Haines, J., McDonald, J., O’brien, A., Sherry, B., Bottino, C. J., Schmidt, M. E., & Taveras, E. M. (2013). Healthy habits, happy homes: randomized trial to improve household routines for obesity prevention among preschool-aged children.JAMA pediatrics,167(11), 1072-1079.The pedagogy principles that shape the activities of a teacher are – motivation, exposition , direction of activity, criticism and imitation (Van Manen, 2016).The motivation helps the teachers to inspire students to learn. As per exposition, the teacher can use conventional board and chalk methods and enhance exposure of the student to new knowledge. The teachers can encourage the students to learn by taking part in different activities (Van Manen, 2016). The young students can learn through play. The progress of students needs to be criticized to identify the areas of improvement. The criticism can be done through evaluation, taking a corrective measures and target setting . Finally the teachers can encourage the students to identify the role models and imitate to foster learning.Reference:Van Manen, M. (2016).Researching lived experience: Human science for an action sensitive pedagogy. Routledge.
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The National Quality Framework of Australia focuses on addressing the health and safety issues in the childcare facilities. The National Quality Framework focuses on incorporating the following factors --1.The service provider and the other individuals associated with the childcare facility have the responsibility to support the protection, health, safety and wellbeing of the children (Cummins et al., 2003)2.The foreseeable risks related to injury , harm and infection need to be managed3.The physical environment should reduce the risk of unintentional harm and injury 4.The environment should be clean to enhance safety of children5.The children need to be supervised all the time during their stay in the childcare facility6.Food safety is one of the crucial aspects of overall wellbeing of the children. The childcare service provider needs to ensure that the children are being provided with quality food.7.The children should not be exposed to intense light or sound. The childcare facility should have the comfortable environment of the children.8.The shelves of the facility should be at the accessible height for the children. Keeping things at the accessible range reduces the risk of slip or fall.9.The area where children are kept should be free from the narrow passages and the hallways. Presence of narrow passages increases the risk of running away. 10. Conducting Infrastructure audit is an effective technique to identify the risks in the childcare facility. The service provider needs to conduct the audit for identifying and management of the risk.Reference:Cummins, R. A., Eckersley, R., Pallant, J., Van Vugt, J., & Misajon, R. (2003). Developing a national index of subjective wellbeing: The Australian Unity Wellbeing Index.Social indicators research,64(2), 159-190.The manipulative play can be described as the activity which allows the children to move, screw, turn ororder the items to fit. The children in the manipulative play take the control of the play environment. Thechildren also gain the master over the objects of play (Van Hoorn et al., 2014). The manipulative play isoften solitary. However, when sufficient resources are provided, the play can be considered as acooperative activity. The children should be exposed to the indoor and outdoor environment. Adequateexposure to both types of environment can help the children to be engaged to play. The children can alsobe provided with manipulative toys. Offering the manipulative toys can help the children to show theircreativity while playing. Reference:Van Hoorn, J. L., Monighan-Nourot, P., Scales, B., & Alward, K. R. (2014). Play at the center of thecurriculum. Pearson.The information on National Quality Framework can be found in the ACEQCA site. The detailed information on the NQF can be found on the following link—
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