
Evolution of Conflicts, Traits, and Practices in Egypt and Tunisia


Added on  2023-03-21

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Executive Summary
Egypt and Tunisia are the two major countries that are known to be inhabited by various
personalities who are known to be coming from different types of backgrounds. Moreover, as a
result of the Inhabitation of these different personalities the two regions have always been
practicing a vast range of cultures that have even gone further to describe the personalities in
terms of their practices that they are capable of implementing due to various reasons(Ali and
Abbas 576). Additionally, the evolution of conflicts, traits together with quite a number of
practices in the cultures of both Egypt and Tunisia is known to have emerged as a result of
various issues taking place within the surrounding environment. Different types of conflicts have
been able to emerge across various individuals in relation to a wide range of factors that have
been taking place within the environment. The conflicts have also been accompanied by a wide
range of negative outcomes that have needed up causing a lot of destruction not only to human
life but also to the entire surrounding environment that is known to constitute of different
physical features. At the same time, different character traits have also been able to emerge due
to particular types of influences that various personalities have been able t encounter in relation
to their daily experiences across these two regions.
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The evolution of conflicts, Traits and practices in the cultures of both Egypt and Tunisia
The evolution of traits has fully depended on the type of environment that the inhabitants
of the regions have been able to encounter together with the practices that are being carried out
within their boundaries. At the same time, there has been a wide range of practices in terms of
culture practice thus enabling people to follow various procedures that they think are the best for
them to attain certain objectives in their lives. Quite a number of experiences have been able to
describe all these three parameters thereby creating a lot of attention across different
organizations and individuals thus making them to develop the urge of knowing more about what
is taking place. Both Egypt and Tunisia totally differ in terms of various aspects with the major
one being their geographical locations where they are situated within the global environment.
More than four decades ago, an individual by the name Nizar Qabbani decided to come up with
Arab generation with plans to eliminate themselves form their leaders who were more corrupt
and at the same time were dictators. From his exile in London, Qabbani fully believed that the
young generation would bring a change to various regions dominated by Arabs by making it to
be a more reliable society where citizens could be allowed to present their opinions. The kind of
vision that he had clearly talked about the ‘catastrophe of Arab defeat’ is a condition that was not
easy to notice until the implementation of different types of technologies that existed in the
advanced age was able to power quite a number of men and women who were digital. By the end
of 2010 and 2011, the use of mobile phones together with several other social media platforms
provided the new generation with one of the best methods that they could implement in order to
organize certain revolutions directed towards different states controlled by the police that were
situated in the northern parts of Africa. Later on, the power that was brought about as a result of
numbers which majorly constituted of hundreds of thousands of hits were experienced across
nearly all the social media sites which resulted to the emergence of massive crowds that were
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able to turn out in large numbers with an idea of carrying out demonstrations. This allowed
several other internet users together with quite a number of citizens in order to overcome the
fears that were able to hold a large number of personalities by making them prisoners of
conformity together with intimidation (Dooly and Melinda 779). Right after the emergence of
protests across different places.
The collaboration of Tunisia and Egypt Youths since 20015
Way back in 2005 different types of young leaders who originated from the two countries both
ruled by dictator’s during those period, decided to collaborate with an intention of preparing for a
large scale nonviolent revolts that was to be carried out across different individuals. When 2010
came to an end, they started to shake the entire Arab nation (Amar and Paul 842). Moreover, as
early as 2005, they had been able to come across quite a number of writings that were written by
an American professor by the name Gene Sharp who in quite a number of books and pamphlets
decided to lay out different types of blueprints for overthrowing dictatorship without the use of
any kind of force (M'charek and Amade95). In 2008, a specific group of Egyptian bloggers who
were in their twenties decided to visit Serbia where there was a youth movement that was
strongly allied with different types of factory workers had decided to implement a nonviolent
revolt that was meant to be against their dictator that made the dictator to be forced out of power.
This is where the Egyptians were able to learn how they could organize quite a number of large
scale decentralized campaigns that was characterized by mobility without the use of any
permanent or even depending on any other recognized leader. The revolts that were to be
organized in the North African countries was a process that did not emerge quite fast due to he
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emergence of different events. The youthful leadership were able take their good time in order to
fully develop all their theoretical perceptions for the entire scenario. This really helped them to
avoid any conditions of pitfall that were likely to emerge (Fox and Jonathan 742). The later on
began to learn that they had to have on hand quite a number of things when the demonstrations
began. This majorly included a considerable supply of fresh lemons, onions together with
vinegar that were to be used as antidotes to teargas together with a huge number of bottles milk
that they were to use in their eyes during the revolution (Ayache et al. 37). At the same time,
they had in mind that it was also important to equip themselves with quite a number of medical
personnel whose duties were going to be the treatment of any injured personalities during the
revolution. Moreover, they also decided to prepare specific type of rudimentary body armor that
fully composed of kitchen pots and were majorly meant to offer protection to their heads. There
were also cardboards together with a large number of crushed plastic bottles which were
specifically placed under the clothes of the demonstrators with an intention of protecting them
against body bowls that were likely to originate from armed thugs together with different types
of rock throwing loyalists that could be attached to the regime (Danneman, Nathan, and Emily
885). Anyone who could watch the revolts on the television had to be totally amazed at the high
level of the whole organization together with the entire leadership. Moreover, some of the senior
members who were known to be originating from the outlawed Muslim brotherhood, after
deciding to carry out a boycott of the entire demonstration, joined at a critical movement when
the supporters of pro Mubarak who were well armed attached them right at the liberation square
that was located at the center of Cairo. Later on, the experienced Islamists who were a little bit
older decided to help in the organization of the crowd into quite a number of brigades who were
given a major duty to prepare rocks that could be used to throw the adversaries. Moreover, all the
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demonstrators were apparently divided into different types of task oriented groups who were able
to save the day. Moreover, they had to share the limelight with a large population of large
individuals who originated from different walks of life and were able to risk their lives on a daily
basis by returning back to the square in order to join their fellow protestors. The finance that was
obtained from the supports who existed at the local level played an essential role in the purchase
of various parameters like the blankets and in Egypt, it was used to purchase tents for the
demonstrators who used to stay overnight on protest sites.
The Jasmine revolution in Tunisia
Each and every country had its own history of repression and death that was able to push a huge
number of its population towards the revolution side. In Tunisia that was majorly under the ben
Ali the one party state decided to brook no opposition (Ali, Abbas 23). The minister of interior
during those days decided to rig the national elections while on the other hand, ben Ali decided
to make parliament a rubber stamp that were directed towards the presidential decisions. On the
other hand, the president’s wife seriously milked the country for huge amount of dollars where
they decided to invest all their wealth oversees (Dickson et al. 67). Additionally, the unemployed
youths most so the students who had bachelor’s degrees were able to face quite a number of new
dilemmas in the recent years. In order to scale down quite a number of complaints about students
who were passing the end year exams, Ben Ali decided to approach the university professors
where he forced them to inflate the grades of all the students (Elbanna et al. 56). Over the past,
an approximation of those who were able to sit for the end year exams were able to pass and a
student who received a grade of 6 out of 20 could expect to pursue one of the best courses
oversees. Unfortunately, after the introduction of the inflation, each and every student was now
expected to get a score of 19 out of 20 for them to be subjected to those privileges (Arizpe and
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Lourdes 769). On December 10th 2010 at a place known as Sidi Bouzid that was situated in
Tunisia, a twenty six year old high school, dropout who was named Mohamed Bouazizi who was
majorly known to be a fruit peddler, was approached by a local police officer where all his
produce was confiscated. Unfortunately, the young man decided to set himself on fire right
before the town’s municipality. The next day, a group of lawyers who wore black court robes
matched to the site where different family members demonstrated and demanded redness. The
victim’s cousin who was known as Ali decided to film the entire scene and later on decided to
put it on you tube (Cohen and Raymond 80). The entire scenario galvanized a huge protest
movement. Unfortunately, one of their own counterparts had been slapped on the face by a local
police officer; it was a scene that was carried out right before several other witnesses. The
immolation of Mohamed was a scenario that provided the spark that later on was able to explode
into a general revolt (Ali, Abbas and Abdullah Al-Owaihan 789). On January 4t 2011, his death
was able to trigger a mass demonstration that was carried out at the national level which later on
led to the flight of the country’s president with his wife Leila together with some of the family
members where they moved to Saudi Arabia. Nearly each and every Tunisian had decided to
internalize the plight of the twenty six year old individual and as a result of this, quite a number
of the youths who were found within the country felt assaulted by the political system that was
full of corruption together with favoritism. As a result of this, they decided to make up their
minds in order to die for their freedoms (Mikhail and Susanne 337). The entire transformation
took everyone by surprise and, in relation to the weight of quite a number of determined crowds
that were situated in different parts of the country, men and women who originated from
different backgrounds and ideological classes decided to confront each and every armed police
together with together with the members who were attached to the country’s single party militia.
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It is as a result of this event that decided to put the small country on the global map (Kumar et al.
The Egyptian revolution
In the early days, Egypt was known to be having one of the largest together with the most
important popular uprising (Gready, Paul, and Simon 673). On January 15th the anniversary that
was attached to the police revolt in 1952 within the town of Ismailiya situated near the Suez
Canal that had led to the overthrow of ruling king by that time together with the creation of
military government that was secretly led by an individual by the name Gamal Abd-al Nasser,
another popular explosion deiced to break out (Lotan et al. 67). Quite a number of young
opponents who were associated with the entire regime that was known to be led by the youth
from the April sixth movement through the use of cell phones together with the use of quite a
number of social media sites decided to call one of their periodic demonstrations that was meant
to be against the regime of Hosni Mubarak (Calza et al 78). Surprised by the huge turnout in the
total number of protestors amounting to tens of thousands and were fully inspired by the kind of
revolution that was experienced in Tunisia earlier on. Quite a number of young activists who had
taken much of their time to prepare for this movement for quite a number of years were able to
find themselves right at the head of the entire revolutionary movement (Minkov et al. 775).
Interestingly, the entire crowd decided to take over the entire liberation square located in Cairo
where the revolt spread at a faster rate to several other Egyptian cities (Berman and Sheri 89).
After eighteen consecutive days of mass protests in the entire country, many of them marked by
violence that were fully provoked by all the supporters of pro Mubarak, all the ranks attached to
the revolutionaries decided to swell in all the Egyptian boundaries. This is when different types
of workers decided to demand pay hikes together with several other forms of improved benefits
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(David and Gary 79). The worst is that they decided to go on strike for specifically for economist
reasons, an act that later on paralyzed the economy of the entire country (Yousef and Tarik 442).
In most cases, the army stayed neutral where they publicly stated that they would not fire any
bullets to the protesting crowds (Castles et al. 56). Unfortunately, over three hundred and sixty
five individuals were able to lose their lives leaving behind more than five thousand wounded
citizens who took part in the revolution process (Kumar et al. 559). Later on, the United States
waffled where it called for publicity with an intention of making Mubarak to continue staying in
power, the next calling was then associated with his retirement form the entire political scene and
then finally, they reversed themselves under pressure from different types of allied states
including Israel and Jordan. As far as the rulers of these states were concerned, all of them
wanted Mubarak to continue staying in power (Hoover and Judith 885). Later on, on February
11th 2011, the entire high military council decided to organize a coup which was fully supported
by the power of the demonstrators thus sending Mubarak together with his wife to the southern
resort town (Van et al. 663). Moreover, the recurring mass demonstrations that took place in the
liberation square was able to keep pressure on the entire transitional military supreme council for
them to appropriately prepare for the elections that was to be used to come up with a new
parliament together with a new president. This made Suleiman who was the former head of
military intelligence in Egypt to be forced out. On the other hand, in Tunisia, quite a number of
protestors at the Kasbah decided to go before the office of the prime minister where they staged
multiple events with an intention of removing different officials who were known to be left over
from the Ben Ali’s regime. This included the prime minister himself. All their continued actions
decided to force the new military backed regime to appoint an individual by the name Beji Caid
Essebsi who was 84 years by then and was also a former interior and foreign minister from the
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