Sustainable Leadership in the Healthcare Industry: Developing Talent
Added on 2019-09-23
16 Pages3730 Words214 Views
SUSTAINABLE LEADERSHIP2TABLE OF CONTENTS:ABSTRACT....................................................................................................3INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................4LEADERSHIP THEORIES4CONTINGENCY THEORY........................................................................4TRANSACTIONAL LEADERSHIP THEORY.................................................5TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP THEORY...........................................5NHS LEADERSHIP MODEL..............................................................................5SUSTAINABLE LEADERSHIP AND ORGANIZATIONS..........................................8CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................12REFERENCES:.............................................................................................................................14
SUSTAINABLE LEADERSHIP3ABSTRACTThis report makes an attempt to illustrate the various aspects of leadership with specialreference to the healthcare industry. The report highlights the various traits and situations whichhelps in bringing out the best in leaders. Healthcare is an industry which is closely associatedwith people and every day the various stakeholders in the industry come across variedchallenging situations which require a dynamic leader to come out of flying colors in suchsituations. This report tries to elucidate some principles which can act as a guiding principle toattain leadership qualities particularly in the healthcare industries. The report tries to explainsustainable leadership through several theoretical frameworks and popular principles establishedin the existing literature. There are several views regarding leadership which have been collatedin this report and which is best applicable for the healthcare industry have been provided. Thetraits and attitudes that should be followed to attain success in leadership have been explained inthis article. Some of them are acquired while others can be developed through practice whichhave been illustrated in the report. At last it is justified to mention that this article tries to developa framework for a sustainable leadership model which can be applied to the healthcare industry,however the structure used in this report can be used in similar other academic purpose foranalysis in other industries.
SUSTAINABLE LEADERSHIP4INTRODUCTION:Healthcare industry is involved in the delivery of critical service and numerous patientsfrom various backgrounds come every day for availing healthcare services. They are beingserved by several people with varied qualifications or attributes and have to be well coordinatedamong themselves so that they are able to establish a successful process for the delivery of theservice. In order to have a high performing environment there needs to be a leader who can bringabout the best from every individual. This is all more important for the healthcare industry sinceit is necessary for every individual to be at his best to deliver lifesaving services. There needs tocertain attributes and characteristics that should be present within the leader of such an institutionfor its success. There are several leadership models which specify the benchmark practices in thehealthcare industry which have been explained in the ensuing discussion and have been tried tocome up with a sustainable leadership model for the healthcare industry. This report elaborates indetail the various principles and elements of a sustainable leadership model and makes anattempt to present them in a clear and concise manner so that there can be standard operatingprocedure for every leadership role in this industry (Hess, 2012).LEADERSHIP THEORIES:Researchers from all over the world have put in hard work to identify the characteristictraits of global leaders and collate them in their work. These results from varied investigationshave shaped leadership in various industries and domains of which healthcare is of concern inthis report. Some of the theory which are relevant for the healthcare industry have been listedbelow:
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