
Sustainable Tourism Development Assignment Sample


Added on  2020-12-24

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Professional DevelopmentEnvironmental Science
Sustainable Tourism Development Assignment Sample_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1 – LEAFLET.......................................................................................................................1TASK 2 - REPORT.........................................................................................................................5P 2.1 Features of tourism development planning at different levels of Qatar........................5P 2.2 The significance of interactive planning system and processes in Qatar......................6P 2.3 Different methods available to measure tourist impacts...............................................7TASK 3 – COVERED IN PRESENTATION.................................................................................8TASK 4 – DRAFT MAGAZINE ARTICLE...................................................................................8TASK 5 – REPORT ......................................................................................................................10P 5.1 Current issues associated with tourism development in developing countries...........10P 5.2 Recommendations for the future developments in these chosen destinations............11CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................12REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................14
Sustainable Tourism Development Assignment Sample_2

INTRODUCTIONIn today's time, sustainability is seen as one of major issues surrounding the environmentand its maintenance. The below report explores the importance of sustainable tourismdevelopment of Qatar. Sustainable tourism development is important in order to develop suchtourism activities which are environment friendly and takes care the needs of future. In referenceto the country Qatar the report discusses how stakeholders benefit from planning ofdevelopments in tourism along with showcasing the advantages and disadvantages topublic/private sector tourism planning partnership of Qatar. The report also analyses the featuresof the planning of tourism development at different levels in reference to Qatar. The reportlargely sums up the tourism developments and their facts and figures in context of Qatar andQTA. Along with it, the report explores various issues surrounding sustainable tourismdevelopment and its growth across the globe. (Chen, 2015).TASK 1 –Understand the rational for planning in the travel and Tourism industryWays in which stakeholders canbenefit from planning of tourismdevelopments in QatarRecently, due to the increasedarrival of tourism in Qatar orbecause of upcoming globalevents (Sharpley, 2015). It canbe seen as the seen growth inarrival of tourism the countryis working on huge projectssuch as the National Museumof Qatar, sustainabledevelopment projects to addhotels, retails, housings,museums in major areas toserve these tourists.Stakeholders involved in theseAdvantages and disadvantages ofpublic/private sector partnershipson tourism developmentWhen it comes to sustainabletourism development projects,there are a number of goalsassociated in which a numberof parties need to maintaintheir interests. This is wherepublic/private partnerships asseen to be essential in order tohave a great tourism strategy.It is important for Qatar tomaintain strong relationshipsbetween both of them to havea clear understanding ofobjective which are divergentDisadvantagesThe disadvantages associatedwith public/private partnershipin tourism developmentincludes that the partnershipcan result in increasegovernment costs as thegovernment has to observe theprojected developments fromtime to time. It is important forboth of these sectors to havecompetitiveness withinthemselves in order to sustainthemselves completely. Thepartnership of public andprivate sector in tourismdevelopment can limit the1
Sustainable Tourism Development Assignment Sample_3

tourism developments includenational and localgovernments, tourismestablishments, tourismenterprises, institution engagedin financing tourism projects,tourism education and trainingcentres, trade unions etc.Below explained are the typesstakeholders and the ways theyare benefiting from planning oftourism developments inQatar: National Governments: Thenational government of Qatarplays an essential role indeveloping tourism and relatedactivities. The nationalgovernment of the country willexplore new ways to deal withdifferent countries and theirgovernments to welcome theirvisitors. It will help the overallnational government and itsstakeholders to make strongbonds with the governments ofother countries and earn largebenefits in trade and business. yet symbiotic. Belowmentioned are the advantagesand disadvantages ofpublic/private partnerships intourism sector: AdvantagesThe public/private partnershipshelps Qatar to develop planson a large scale. This makesthe country to grow with thehelp of both of thepublic/private companies,organisations, establishmentsor institutions altogether.Partnership of both Private andPublic sector will providebetter services to the overalltourists and tourismdevelopment. The partnershipof these organisations workingtogether can help grow Qatar.(Saufi, O'Brien and Wilkins,2014). The partnership canhelp one in gaining the mostout of these partnerships asthey will make the country towork on a single goal andobjective effectively andefficiently. In tourismdevelopment the partnershipsof both public and private willcompetitiveness which isneeded for cost-effectivepartnering between both of thesectors in Qatar. Along with it,the profitability of the projectsmight vary as depending uponthe assumed risk. Theassociated risks impacting theprofitability includes level ofcompetition and the scope andcomplexity of the project(Qatar seeks to grow cruisesector with new partnerships,2018). Most importantlythere's a chance wheregovernment will be impactedat large in case if the expertisein the partnership is heavilybased on the private side. Thiscan make the government to bein a situation where it islacking its initiative andopportunities. For example, It can be seen asQatar tourism association QTA2
Sustainable Tourism Development Assignment Sample_4

Local Governments: The localgovernment and its councilsare being seen promoting localtourism attractions, providinginfrastructure and otherservices to support thedevelopment of tourism. Thelocal government tend tounderstand the specialcharacteristics of the place inwhich they are serving in. Thiswill help them to create bettertourist experience bypromoting the growth of theseplaces. New markets will bringprofitability and will make thelocal stakeholders earn more.Tourism establishments andenterprises: The major benefitsthat stakeholders of Qatar willgain are from growth oftourism establishment andenterprises. Theseestablishments are going toallow Qatar to find betterinfrastructure solutions ratherthan an initiative which isentirely public or entirelyprivate. Along with it, it canprovide rapid completions ofthe project and reduced delayson the infrastructure projects.The risks can be completelyappraised before whiledetermining the projectfeasibility. It has been alsoseen that rate of investmentafter these partnerships will begreater than projects withtraditional, all-government orall-private fulfilment. when joined hands withinterational hospitality brandssuch as Marriott and Starwoodin order to increase the tourismactivities. sThe government of the Qatarhad to invest large sums ofmoney in bringing up both ofthe QTA and these hotelschains cooperation. Thisrequired the country additionalsum of investments and thegovernment to add extra costsin its tourism developments. 3
Sustainable Tourism Development Assignment Sample_5

observe new consumer marketsand arrival of new guests andtourists in their hotels, resorts,airlines etc. The increasedmovement of people is goingto bring large sums of profitsto these establishments andstakeholder as well. Thestakeholders such as labours,employees, managers, leaderswill earn more salaries fromthe observed growth in tourismdevelopment(Torres-Delgadoand Saarinen, 2014). Employees and Professionals:Theemployees and professionals ofthe overall tourism industry aregoing to observe largeadditions in their salaries andoverall employee benefits. Theincrease in tourism is allowingthem to serve more customersfrom across the world.4
Sustainable Tourism Development Assignment Sample_6

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