
Sustainable Tourism Development Strategies


Added on  2020-06-04

19 Pages5341 Words65 Views
Sustainable Tourism Development Strategies_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................11.1 Stakeholders benefits from planning of tourism development.............................................11.2 Advantage and disadvantage of public/ private sector tourism planning partnership...........2TASK 2............................................................................................................................................42.1 Features of tourism development planning at different levels..............................................42.2 Significance of interactive planning system and process in tourism development...............52.3 Different methods available to measure tourist impact.........................................................6TASK 3............................................................................................................................................73.1 Conceptual framework of sustainable tourism development................................................73.2 Factors that may prevent sustainable tourism development.................................................83.3 Different stage in planning for sustainability........................................................................9TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................104.1 Methods of resolving conflicts of interest to ensure the future well-being of developmentof tourism destination................................................................................................................104.2 Implications of balancing supply and demand....................................................................114.3 Moral and ethical issues of enclave tourism in Philippines................................................11TASK 5..........................................................................................................................................125.1 Current issues associated with tourism development..........................................................125.2 Recommendations for future development of tourism business in the country..................13CONCLUSIONS............................................................................................................................15REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................16
Sustainable Tourism Development Strategies_2

INTRODUCTIONTourism is considered as one of the fastest growing industry and has become majorsource of economic growth. Introduction of new policies and legislation support government insustainable tourism development (Chaperon and Bramwell, 2013). Present study is based onPhilippine, Government of the country is continuously trying to enhance travel and tourismactivities in the country. It is expected to become one of the most essential weapon in thePhilippines economic arsenal. Current assignment will discuss benefits that can be taken bystakeholders from planning of tourism developments. Furthermore, it will explain advantage anddisadvantage of public/ private sector tourism planning partnership. In addition, it will explainsignificance of interactive planning system and process in tourism development. Different stagesin planning for sustainability will be analysed in this study. Moral and ethical issues of enclavetourism in Philippine will be evaluated in this report.TASK 11.1 Stakeholders benefits from planning of tourism developmentTravel and tourism sector is considered as one of the major contributor of economicdevelopment of country. Stakeholders are those people those who get directly or indirectlyaffected by business (Font, 2016). There are many stakeholders those who are associated intourism development of nation. Benefits of these stakeholders are as following:Government of PhilippineIt is the main responsibility of government to enhance revenues and economic conditionof nation. For development of the nation these authorities make new rules and legislation throughwhich it can attract more tourists towards Philippine (Moscardo, 2014). Government has madelegislation for easy visa. This helps government in attracting new visitors towards the location.With the help of these laws government as a stakeholder gets benefits of earning high revenues.By this way foreign currency gets increased which makes Philippine financially stronger. It helpsthem in raising employment opportunities and expanding culture of the place across the world(Nara, Mao and Yen, 2014).Local community Tourism industry give opportunities to many local people to work. By this way they getadequate income sources which helps them in improving their living standards. This1
Sustainable Tourism Development Strategies_3

development helps in providing infrastructure facilities for the country. This helps in living ahealthy life because by this way they will have sufficient sources through which they can livetheir life easily (Westerberg, Jacobsen and Lifran, 2013).. TouristThese are major stakeholder of tourism industry, this sector much more depended upontourists. By attracting more tourists towards the nation government can enhance overalleconomic condition of the nation . The major benefit for them in to know about culture ofPhilippine. This helps them in raising their understanding. Apart from this most of the visitorscome to any place for education purpose (Wray, 2013). By this way they can get to know aboutvarious information about the place, its history and other things. 1.2 Advantage and disadvantage of public/ private sector tourism planning partnershipTourism planning and development is helpful in the growth of a nation. Government ofPhilippine is continuously trying to enhance its economic condition by making the tourismbusiness stronger (Timothy and Ron, 2013). Public and private sector partnership is beneficial aswell as impacts negatively on the country. Advantage and disadvantage of this partnership are asfollowing:Public sector tourismAdvantage:Public sectors get funds for thedevelopment from government. Publicauthorities continuously work for thedevelopment of nation (Votsi and et.al,2014). Public firms mainly work for thewelfare of tourists. They develop newinfrastructure facilities in the place sothat tourist can get quality services andfacilities in the location. Many times,Philippine's government givesPrivate sector tourismAdvantage:Private firms provide attractivediscount offers to travellers so that theyfeel happy and plan to come this placefrequently.Private organization supports inincreasing employment opportunities inthe nation so that local people ofPhilippine can get jobs and they cancontribute well in the economicdevelopment of region (Stanford andGuiver, 2015). 2
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