
Sustainable Tourism Development in Qatar: A Comprehensive Analysis


Added on  2024-05-30

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Sustainable Tourism Development
Sustainable Tourism Development in Qatar: A Comprehensive Analysis_1

Table of Contents
Task 1.........................................................................................................................................4
Task 2.........................................................................................................................................7
Task 3.......................................................................................................................................10
Task 4.......................................................................................................................................12
Task 5.......................................................................................................................................15
Reference List..........................................................................................................................20
Sustainable Tourism Development in Qatar: A Comprehensive Analysis_2

Tourism development is one of the main concerns of every country. The country wants to
have a competitive advantage, so grow and benefit in the long run. As the tourism industry is
facing a lot of challenges, so it has to maintain the quality standard. The objective is to have a
sustainable development the tourism sector in Qatar. The report discusses the need of
interactive planning and its significance. It even includes the methods to know the impact of
tourism on the country. The importance and benefits of the stakeholders is highlighted and
the factors which may hamper the growth of the tourism sector.
Sustainable Tourism Development in Qatar: A Comprehensive Analysis_3

Task 1
P1.1 Discuss how stakeholders can benefit from planning of tourism developments with
reference to Qatar.
Stakeholders are defined as a person, institution, group or company which has interest or
stake in an organisation. It is affected by any decision taken by the organisation. Stakeholders
are tourists, employees, investors, local public, financial institutions and government. The
benefit of the following stakeholders can be found to be:
Tourists- The tourists visiting any destination have high expectations from their holidays. . So
to provide the satisfaction, it is important as well as beneficial for the nation as a whole
(Xiang et al., 2015). As for Qatar it will benefit in attracting more visitors which in turn will
increase the profitability of the sector.
Employees- In order to maintain a sustainable development in the tourism sector it is
important that the planning is feasible for execution. The employees working in the
hospitality sector benefit as they get to earn more when there are more visitors in the country.
For Qatar when more visitors get to visit then it will create more opportunities of work. The
salary structure will even increase.
Investors- With the proper planning in the tourism, it will increase growth of return in the
investment. There are different investors of the sector which will lead to development in the
economy. For Qatar the investors play a major role as they have invested in them. So with
proper planning the interest and confidence in the nation will increase which will lead in
making growth and profitability possible in future.
Local public- With the development in the planning of tourism it will benefit the local public
with the more tourists being in the country. For Qatar, this is a developing country which has
a lot of tourist’s attraction. So with the development the public will benefit as the demand and
supply of goods will increase.
Financial Institutions- the financial institution is a major stakeholder in the tourism sector.
The World Development Bank and other financial institutes play a role for the improvement
of the sector. For Qatar the financial institutes provides loan for the development of the
tourism sector.
Sustainable Tourism Development in Qatar: A Comprehensive Analysis_4

Government- The government is the major stakeholder as they want the long term
sustainability and profitability in the sector. For Qatar when the government which has the
power to increase and decrease the tax structure which in turns lead to make a strong relation
with other nations. For the sustainable development in the planning of tourism a stable and
coordinated is much needed. It will benefit when the taxes and payment is high in the
P1.2 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of public/private sector tourism
planning partnerships drawing examples Qatar.
Public and private tourism planning is defined as the collaboration of the two sectors that is
the private and public sector. The collaboration has taken place to provide long-term benefits
and sustainability to the tourism sector (Mariani and Kylänen, 2014). For Qatar the
collaboration is effective as it will provide creation of more jobs and profit in the economy.
The advantages of the partnership are:
With the collaboration of the local authorities with the private owned business makes
a good combination of power and capital. There is economic growth and integration
of the sector to make an effective execution.
It enhances the scope of more employment in the sector with a better control on the
sustainability of the work. It grows in the economy with a good management and
maintenance of risk.
With the usage of the resources at its maximum will enhance the capabilities to
conquer a bigger share in the market (Petrova and Hristov, 2016). The control and
marketing in the partnership will help in making a more planned step toward s
The merger of the public and private will be effective only when they are able to
capture more market in the economy. In Qatar with the partnership of the private and
public tourism it will lead to a sustainable growth with a better chance of capturing
the huge market. The advantage of the partnership is that they will have a good
combination of motivation and authority.
The disadvantages of the partnership are:
Sustainable Tourism Development in Qatar: A Comprehensive Analysis_5

It is often seen that with the division of the role and responsibilities impact the
growth. The decision making becomes difficult because of the working style followed
by them.
The public sector might not be as ambitious and profit making as the private sector. The
competitive attitude may lack in them, which would result in institutional conflict.
Sustainable Tourism Development in Qatar: A Comprehensive Analysis_6

Task 2
P2.1 Analyze features of tourism development planning at different levels with
reference to the Qatar.
For the development to happen in the economy it has to start with local government, with the
regional government and there is a need of collaboration of the public and private sector. In
order to have a successful plan of development there is a need of clear scope and objectives
to be attained by it. The different levels in tourism planning are:
International- The international organisation has to promote policies which in turn will lead
to the development of the social and economic growth of the public as a whole around the
globe. For Qatar, the tourists from other nations were around 1.2 billion in the year 2017. It
has the assumption that by 2030 it will increase to 1.8 billion.
National – National organizations that are in charge of the development are the government
authorities and volunteers (Sharpley and Telfer, 2015). So for aim of promoting the inbound
tourism in Qatar it needs to have an efficient advertising technique. The authority of Qatar
will help in conducting the business in a successful manner to increase the profitability.
Regional- The objectives and roles of the regional is more defined and specific as it has the
involvement of the local authorities (Nunkoo, 2015). The Qatar local government consists of
provinces, municipalities and communities. The work done by the authorities is more
systematic in its operation. It even contributes in creating awareness about the development.
Sub-Regional- The sub regional works in close relation with the national and regional level.
They have to rely on the international body for the plan to protect the place of attraction. The
plan includes the sanitation, services and accommodations to be provided. For Qatar, to
increase the tourists it has to take care of the sanitation and safety of the place.
Sustainable Tourism Development in Qatar: A Comprehensive Analysis_7

P2.2 Evaluate the significance of interactive planning systems and processes in tourism
development with reference to Qatar.
The interactive planning is defined as a course in the promotion and participation in
developing a better desirable future of a sector. Planning ensures that there is development to
be achieved in the due course. The significance of interactive planning systems are:
The visitors in the country have an impact on the community’s services and support
the market’s growth. The interactive planning system makes the process to be more
informative and developmental.
The effectiveness of the work is multiplied and makes its contribution in the
development. With the more sophisticated way of planning and marketing, it will help
in taking the responsibility in the system and procedure (Veal, 2017). It will make the
interaction between the concerned team to solve the problem.
The interactive planning helps in increasing the level of communication between the
shareholders and provides more opportunity for development in an efficient manner.
As for Qatar, it is planning to have more hotels in the country to cope up with the
increasing demand of visitors coming into the nation. It has been done by taking into
view the demand of the sector and having an optimum communication with the same.
So in order to have an interactive planning process it needs to have an effective
communication channel.
Qatar has rich culture; it has to maintain it in the long run. It has to maintain the
natural resources available to it. It even has the focus on the safety of the tourists
visiting the country. It needs the plan which will have a resource optimization for
attaining the long term goals and objective.
Hence with the interactive planning system Qatar will be able to have a desirable future.
Sustainable Tourism Development in Qatar: A Comprehensive Analysis_8

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